KEGG 00970 Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis

101  ppo genes in this database.

List of genes in ppo

Shaded genes do not have coexpression data.
For search Locus* Target* Alias Function*
4929630 , trnK tRNA-Lys
4929632 , Poptr_cpR003 tRNA-Gln
4929635 , Poptr_cpR004 tRNA-Ser
4929636 , Poptr_cpR005 tRNA-Gly
4929637 , Poptr_cpR006 tRNA-Arg
4929646 , Poptr_cpR007 tRNA-Cys
4929649 , Poptr_cpR008 tRNA-Asp
4929650 , Poptr_cpR009 tRNA-Tyr
4929651 , Poptr_cpR010 tRNA-Glu
4929652 , Poptr_cpR011 tRNA-Thr
4929656 , Poptr_cpR012 tRNA-Ser
4929659 , Poptr_cpR013 tRNA-Gly
4929660 , Poptr_cpR014 tRNA-Met
4929665 , Poptr_cpR015 tRNA-Ser
4929667 , Poptr_cpR016 tRNA-Thr
4929668 , Poptr_cpR017 tRNA-Leu
4929669 , Poptr_cpR018 tRNA-Phe
4929673 , Poptr_cpR019 tRNA-Val
4929674 , Poptr_cpR020 tRNA-Met
4929690 , Poptr_cpR021 tRNA-Trp
4929691 , Poptr_cpR022 tRNA-Pro
4929697 , Poptr_cpR001 tRNA-His
4929716 , trnI-CAU tRNA-Ile
4929719 , Poptr_cpR024 tRNA-Leu
4929725 , Poptr_cpR025 tRNA-Val
4929727 , Poptr_cpR027 tRNA-Ile
4929729 , trnA tRNA-Ala
4929734 , Poptr_cpR032 tRNA-Arg
4929735 , Poptr_cpR033 tRNA-Asn
4929738 , Poptr_cpR034 tRNA-Leu
4929749 , Poptr_cpR035 tRNA-Asn
4929750 , Poptr_cpR036 tRNA-Arg
4929755 , trnA tRNA-Ala
4929756 , Poptr_cpR041 tRNA-Ile
4929759 , Poptr_cpR043 tRNA-Val
4929765 , Poptr_cpR044 tRNA-Leu
4929769 , trnI-CAU tRNA-Ile
7454925 O, N LOC7454925 aspartate--tRNA ligase 2, cytoplasmic
7455249 O, C LOC7455249 histidine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
7455977 C, C LOC7455977 threonine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial 2
7456375 O, Y LOC7456375 phenylalanine--tRNA ligase alpha subunit, cytoplasmic
7458385 M, C LOC7458385 cysteine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
7459512 O, N LOC7459512 asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic 2
7460441 O, Y LOC7460441 arginine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
7461791 C, C LOC7461791 serine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
7463354 C, C LOC7463354 glutamate--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
7464757 O, N LOC7464757 glutamate--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
7465570 O, Y LOC7465570 valine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial 1
7469583 C, C LOC7469583 asparagine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
7469599 O, Y LOC7469599 isoleucine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
7469656 M, C LOC7469656 aspartate--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
7469990 O, Y LOC7469990 phenylalanine--tRNA ligase alpha subunit, cytoplasmic
7470766 M, C LOC7470766 aspartate--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
7471476 M, C LOC7471476 threonine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial 1
7472090 M, C LOC7472090 alanine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
7475579 O, N LOC7475579 cysteine--tRNA ligase 2, cytoplasmic
7477145 O, Y LOC7477145 valine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial 1
7478581 O, K LOC7478581 tryptophan--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
7480895 M, C LOC7480895 glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit B, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
7481445 O, Y LOC7481445 proline--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
7482395 O, Y LOC7482395 phenylalanine--tRNA ligase beta subunit, cytoplasmic
7482845 O, Y LOC7482845 glutamine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
7484534 C, C LOC7484534 leucine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
7484683 C, Y LOC7484683 asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic 1
7486389 C, M LOC7486389 alanine--tRNA ligase
7486390 O, Y LOC7486390 serine--tRNA ligase
7486786 C, C LOC7486786 glycine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial 2
7486842 O, Y LOC7486842 proline--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
7488956 O, Y LOC7488956 lysine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
7489580 C, C LOC7489580 methionine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
7491435 O, Y LOC7491435 glycine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial 1
7491576 C, Y LOC7491576 tyrosine--tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic
7495848 O, Y LOC7495848 probable methionine--tRNA ligase
7496527 C, C LOC7496527 glycine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial 1
7497563 C, C LOC7497563 tryptophan--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
7497952 C, P LOC7497952 isoleucine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
18097228 C, C LOC18097228 lysine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
18098342 O, Y LOC18098342 leucine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
18098472 C, N LOC18098472 glutamate--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
18099392 C, C LOC18099392 valine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial 2
18099405 M, C LOC18099405 methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase
18100157 C, C LOC18100157 histidine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
18100479 O, Y LOC18100479 lysine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
18101274 C, N LOC18101274 tyrosine--tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic
18102530 M, C LOC18102530 threonine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial 1
18102565 O, Y LOC18102565 glutamine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
18104387 C, C LOC18104387 phenylalanine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
18105304 C, C LOC18105304 tyrosine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
18106518 C, M LOC18106518 proline--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
18106906 C, C LOC18106906 asparagine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
18106949 O, Y LOC18106949 isoleucine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
18107083 O, Y LOC18107083 probable methionine--tRNA ligase
18107597 M, M LOC18107597 glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit C, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
18107657 O, Y LOC18107657 phenylalanine--tRNA ligase beta subunit, cytoplasmic
18107659 O, C LOC18107659 asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic 1
18107748 C, C LOC18107748 glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit A, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
18107759 O, Y LOC18107759 lysine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
18111133 O, Y LOC18111133 leucine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
112324124 C, C LOC112324124 glycine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial 2-like
112325554 O, K LOC112325554 leucine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial-like
112325937 M, C LOC112325937 aspartate--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial-like

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