KEGG 04626 Plant-pathogen interaction

280  ppo genes in this database.

List of genes in ppo

Shaded genes do not have coexpression data.
For search Locus* Target* Alias Function*
7453833 O, P LOC7453833 cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 1
7454011 O, N LOC7454011 calmodulin
7454025 O, P LOC7454025 probable cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 20, chloroplastic
7455395 O, C LOC7455395 pto-interacting protein 1
7455608 O, Y LOC7455608 calcium-dependent protein kinase 26
7455716 O, P LOC7455716 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 4
7455885 O, N LOC7455885 calmodulin-7
7455993 M, M LOC7455993 heat shock protein 90-6, mitochondrial
7456089 O, M LOC7456089 probable calcium-binding protein CML11
7456351 S, C LOC7456351 cysteine protease RD19A
7456670 O, N LOC7456670 respiratory burst oxidase homolog protein C
7457356 O, Y LOC7457356 mitogen-activated protein kinase homolog MMK2
7457359 O, N LOC7457359 WRKY transcription factor 22
7457394 O, P LOC7457394 putative cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 13
7457666 O, Y LOC7457666 probable calcium-binding protein CML21
7457800 C, N LOC7457800 probable calcium-binding protein CML25
7457990 C, M LOC7457990 elongation factor Tu, mitochondrial
7458208 C, M LOC7458208 calcium-dependent protein kinase 1
7458615 S, S LOC7458615 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 19
7458723 O, P LOC7458723 probable cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 14
7458875 O, N LOC7458875 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
7459007 O, P LOC7459007 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 11
7459952 O, Y LOC7459952 mitogen-activated protein kinase homolog MMK1
7460061 C, N LOC7460061 probable calcium-binding protein CML48
7460408 C, N LOC7460408 probable WRKY transcription factor 33
7460494 O, Y LOC7460494 pto-interacting protein 1
7460572 O, N LOC7460572 serine/threonine-protein kinase PBS1
7460695 S, C LOC7460695 probable calcium-binding protein CML30
7460849 O, P LOC7460849 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
7460855 O, N LOC7460855 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
7460930 C, N LOC7460930 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1
7460949 O, M LOC7460949 polcalcin Syr v 3
7461223 O, P LOC7461223 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 4
7461242 S, C LOC7461242 cysteine protease RD19A
7461611 O, P LOC7461611 cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 17
7462361 O, Y LOC7462361 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
7462489 O, N LOC7462489 probable calcium-binding protein CML27
7462523 O, Y LOC7462523 calcium-dependent protein kinase 30
7462536 O, N LOC7462536 protein EDS1L
7462676 C, N LOC7462676 probable calcium-binding protein CML25
7463042 C, C LOC7463042 probable calcium-binding protein CML45
7463117 O, N LOC7463117 calcium-binding protein CML37
7463181 C, N LOC7463181 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1
7463461 S, S LOC7463461 probable cysteine protease RD19D
7463634 O, N LOC7463634 heat shock cognate protein 80
7464027 O, P LOC7464027 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 4
7464117 C, N LOC7464117 probable calcium-binding protein CML36
7464719 C, N LOC7464719 probable WRKY transcription factor 25
7464740 O, N LOC7464740 pathogenesis-related genes transcriptional activator PTI6
7465144 O, Y LOC7465144 calcium-dependent protein kinase 7
7465650 O, N LOC7465650 WRKY transcription factor WRKY24
7465803 O, Y LOC7465803 probable calcium-binding protein CML13
7465884 O, N LOC7465884 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
7465886 O, N LOC7465886 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
7465891 O, Y LOC7465891 calcium-dependent protein kinase SK5
7465922 O, N LOC7465922 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
7466075 O, Y LOC7466075 calcium-dependent protein kinase 13
7466880 O, P LOC7466880 respiratory burst oxidase homolog protein D
7467514 O, Y LOC7467514 calmodulin-like protein 11
7467517 O, P LOC7467517 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 11
7467855 O, N LOC7467855 probable calcium-binding protein CML44
7468058 O, Y LOC7468058 calcium-dependent protein kinase 13
7468107 O, N LOC7468107 calmodulin
7468358 O, Y LOC7468358 protein SGT1 homolog
7468973 O, Y LOC7468973 calcium-dependent protein kinase 32
7469180 O, N LOC7469180 probable calcium-binding protein CML44
7469484 C, C LOC7469484 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 5
7469509 C, C LOC7469509 calcium-dependent protein kinase 1
7469597 C, C LOC7469597 calcium-dependent protein kinase 24
7469660 S, C LOC7469660 pathogenesis-related protein 1B
7469661 S, C LOC7469661 pathogenesis-related protein 1
7469924 C, Y LOC7469924 calcium-dependent protein kinase 20
7469926 C, Y LOC7469926 calcium-dependent protein kinase 26
7470182 S, V LOC7470182 LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase FLS2
7470238 O, N LOC7470238 pathogenesis-related genes transcriptional activator PTI5
7471101 M, N LOC7471101 calmodulin
7471157 O, N LOC7471157 RPM1-interacting protein 4
7471569 O, P LOC7471569 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 11
7471691 S, Y LOC7471691 heat shock cognate protein 80
7471719 O, N LOC7471719 probable WRKY transcription factor 2
7472292 S, P LOC7472292 probable LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At3g47570
7472498 C, M LOC7472498 probable calcium-binding protein CML43
7472530 O, Y LOC7472530 mitogen-activated protein kinase homolog NTF4
7473005 S, C LOC7473005 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 7
7473581 C, C LOC7473581 probable calcium-binding protein CML36
7473631 O, Y LOC7473631 calcium-dependent protein kinase 32
7474533 C, C LOC7474533 calcium-binding protein CML37
7475029 O, Y LOC7475029 calcium-dependent protein kinase 34
7475044 O, K LOC7475044 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3
7475802 C, Y LOC7475802 calcium-dependent protein kinase 11
7476227 S, N LOC7476227 disease resistance protein RPM1
7476380 M, Y LOC7476380 caltractin
7476770 O, M LOC7476770 cysteine and histidine-rich domain-containing protein RAR1
7476875 S, C LOC7476875 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 20
7477196 O, Y LOC7477196 pto-interacting protein 1
7478001 C, N LOC7478001 probable calcium-binding protein CML41
7478071 C, C LOC7478071 elongation factor Tu, chloroplastic
7478140 S, P LOC7478140 BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated receptor kinase 1
7478680 O, C LOC7478680 pathogenesis-related protein 1
7478686 S, Y LOC7478686 heat shock protein 81-1
7478763 S, C LOC7478763 pathogenesis-related leaf protein 6
7478795 O, P LOC7478795 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 1
7478938 S, C LOC7478938 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 7
7479055 O, Y LOC7479055 calcium-dependent protein kinase
7479123 C, C LOC7479123 probable calcium-binding protein CML31
7479258 C, C LOC7479258 elongation factor Tu, chloroplastic
7479284 C, C LOC7479284 calcium-dependent protein kinase 1
7479492 O, C LOC7479492 calcium-dependent protein kinase 20
7479706 S, S LOC7479706 probable cysteine protease RD19C
7480100 O, K LOC7480100 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3
7480116 C, Y LOC7480116 calcium-dependent protein kinase 17
7480668 O, Y LOC7480668 calmodulin-2/4
7481198 O, N LOC7481198 serine/threonine-protein kinase PBS1
7481461 C, C LOC7481461 elongation factor Tu, mitochondrial
7481468 O, Y LOC7481468 disease resistance protein RPM1
7481684 O, N LOC7481684 calcium-dependent protein kinase 26
7481845 O, P LOC7481845 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 6
7482236 C, C LOC7482236 heat shock protein 90-5, chloroplastic
7482325 O, Y LOC7482325 calcium-dependent protein kinase 8
7482481 C, C LOC7482481 probable calcium-binding protein CML45
7483121 C, C LOC7483121 calmodulin-like protein 1
7483770 O, Y LOC7483770 calcium-binding protein CML37
7483910 C, C LOC7483910 heat shock protein 90-5, chloroplastic
7483967 O, P LOC7483967 probable calcium-binding protein CML50
7484084 O, N LOC7484084 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
7484354 O, P LOC7484354 respiratory burst oxidase homolog protein C
7484556 M, P LOC7484556 cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 2
7484759 O, E LOC7484759 calcium-dependent protein kinase 10
7484771 O, Y LOC7484771 protein EDS1L
7484925 S, V LOC7484925 endoplasmin homolog
7485414 O, N LOC7485414 RPM1-interacting protein 4
7485729 S, C LOC7485729 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 12
7486031 O, P LOC7486031 PTI1-like tyrosine-protein kinase 3
7486733 O, C LOC7486733 probable calcium-binding protein CML27
7486843 C, C LOC7486843 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 5
7487378 O, N LOC7487378 calcium-binding protein CML24
7487379 O, M LOC7487379 polcalcin Syr v 3
7488356 O, P LOC7488356 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 6
7488613 O, Y LOC7488613 calmodulin-like protein 3
7489279 S, C LOC7489279 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 12
7489303 O, N LOC7489303 calmodulin-7
7489345 O, P LOC7489345 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 6
7489386 O, N LOC7489386 probable calcium-binding protein CML16
7489824 O, P LOC7489824 cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 1
7490033 M, C LOC7490033 calmodulin-like protein 1
7490877 C, C LOC7490877 calcium-dependent protein kinase 1
7491149 O, P LOC7491149 protein CNGC15b
7491758 S, C LOC7491758 calmodulin-like protein 3
7491974 O, P LOC7491974 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 10
7492012 C, C LOC7492012 probable calcium-binding protein CML22
7492774 O, P LOC7492774 cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 1
7493233 O, P LOC7493233 putative cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 7
7493390 O, P LOC7493390 probable cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 5
7493938 S, S LOC7493938 cysteine proteinase 15A
7493997 C, C LOC7493997 calcium-dependent protein kinase 29
7494105 O, Y LOC7494105 mitogen-activated protein kinase homolog MMK2
7494528 O, Y LOC7494528 heat shock protein 83
7494656 O, N LOC7494656 pathogenesis-related genes transcriptional activator PTI6
7495660 O, N LOC7495660 calmodulin-7
7496513 O, P LOC7496513 respiratory burst oxidase homolog protein D
7496995 O, N LOC7496995 WRKY transcription factor 22
7498051 O, Y LOC7498051 calmodulin-like protein 8
7498148 O, N LOC7498148 WRKY transcription factor WRKY24
18094012 C, C LOC18094012 NO-associated protein 1, chloroplastic/mitochondrial
18094100 S, C LOC18094100 disease resistance protein RPM1
18094130 O, N_P LOC18094130 probable calcium-binding protein CML11
18094254 O, P LOC18094254 putative cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 7
18094267 O, Y LOC18094267 disease resistance protein RPM1
18094269 O, C LOC18094269 disease resistance protein RPM1
18094401 O, Y LOC18094401 probable calcium-binding protein CML13
18094445 O, N LOC18094445 probable WRKY transcription factor 29
18094446 O, Y LOC18094446 respiratory burst oxidase homolog protein A
18094894 S, P LOC18094894 BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated receptor kinase 1
18094942 O, N LOC18094942 calmodulin
18095154 S, S LOC18095154 pathogenesis-related protein 1
18095155 O, N LOC18095155 pathogenesis-related protein 1
18095629 O, N LOC18095629 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18095633 O, Y LOC18095633 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18095644 O, N LOC18095644 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18095658 O, P LOC18095658 cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 4
18095893 S, N LOC18095893 disease resistance protein At4g27190
18096084 O, C LOC18096084 calcium-dependent protein kinase 29
18096692 O, Y LOC18096692 glycerol kinase
18097047 O, Y LOC18097047 respiratory burst oxidase homolog protein A
18097289 O, N LOC18097289 RPM1-interacting protein 4
18098113 S, N LOC18098113 probable calcium-binding protein CML48
18098161 M, Y LOC18098161 calcium-dependent protein kinase 26
18098519 S, Y LOC18098519 disease resistance protein RPM1
18098536 S, Y LOC18098536 disease resistance protein RPM1
18098678 O, Y LOC18098678 respiratory burst oxidase homolog protein B
18098799 S, C LOC18098799 disease resistance protein RPM1
18098801 S, C LOC18098801 disease resistance protein RPM1
18099190 C, C LOC18099190 calcium-dependent protein kinase 28
18099375 O, Y LOC18099375 calcium-binding protein CML24
18099655 O, Y LOC18099655 calmodulin-like protein 11
18099831 M, P LOC18099831 probable calcium-binding protein CML49
18099963 O, P LOC18099963 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 15
18100011 C, N LOC18100011 WRKY transcription factor WRKY24
18100033 M, M LOC18100033 calcium-binding protein CML42
18100289 O, C LOC18100289 respiratory burst oxidase homolog protein E
18100365 S, C LOC18100365 disease resistance protein RPS2
18101083 C, Y LOC18101083 calcium-dependent protein kinase 28
18102076 S, C LOC18102076 basic form of pathogenesis-related protein 1
18102077 S, S LOC18102077 pathogenesis-related protein 1
18102267 O, M LOC18102267 probable 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 21
18102495 O, P LOC18102495 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 20
18102498 O, P LOC18102498 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 11
18102502 O, P LOC18102502 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 11
18102505 O, P LOC18102505 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 11
18102794 O, Y LOC18102794 calcium and calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine/threonine-protein kinase
18103101 O, N LOC18103101 pathogenesis-related genes transcriptional activator PTI5
18103380 O, N LOC18103380 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18103538 S, N LOC18103538 disease resistance protein RPM1
18103574 O, N LOC18103574 probable WRKY transcription factor 2
18104412 M, P LOC18104412 cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 18
18104454 C, Y LOC18104454 calcium-dependent protein kinase 11
18104524 S, C LOC18104524 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 19
18104526 S, C LOC18104526 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 19
18104529 O, Y LOC18104529 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 19
18105251 O, P LOC18105251 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 1
18105351 O, N LOC18105351 WRKY transcription factor 1
18105573 O, P LOC18105573 probable cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 20, chloroplastic
18105574 O, P LOC18105574 probable cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 20, chloroplastic
18105586 O, N LOC18105586 calmodulin
18105649 S, P LOC18105649 receptor-like protein EIX1
18105689 O, Y LOC18105689 probable calcium-binding protein CML15
18105997 O, N LOC18105997 heat shock cognate protein 80
18106438 O, Y LOC18106438 protein SGT1 homolog
18106465 O, Y LOC18106465 heat shock protein 83
18106917 S, C LOC18106917 calmodulin-like protein 3
18106972 O, C LOC18106972 PTI1-like tyrosine-protein kinase 3
18107248 O, Y LOC18107248 probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL7
18107259 M, P LOC18107259 probable cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 16
18107312 O, P LOC18107312 cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 2
18107455 O, Y LOC18107455 disease resistance protein RPM1
18107672 S, Y LOC18107672 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6
18107922 O, N LOC18107922 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18107931 O, Y LOC18107931 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18108003 O, Y LOC18108003 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18108031 O, Y LOC18108031 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18108043 O, N LOC18108043 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18108050 O, Y LOC18108050 putative disease resistance protein At4g10780
18108055 O, N LOC18108055 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18108056 O, N LOC18108056 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18108180 O, N LOC18108180 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18109099 O, N LOC18109099 disease resistance protein RPM1
18109426 O, P LOC18109426 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 11
18109646 S, C LOC18109646 pathogenesis-related protein 1
18109924 C, M LOC18109924 probable calcium-binding protein CML41
18109961 S, C LOC18109961 disease resistance protein RPM1
18109962 S, C LOC18109962 disease resistance protein RPM1
18110038 S, N LOC18110038 disease resistance protein RPM1
18110119 O, N LOC18110119 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18110362 M, N LOC18110362 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18110364 O, N LOC18110364 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18110687 M, N LOC18110687 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18110932 O, Y LOC18110932 disease resistance protein RFL1
18110956 O, N LOC18110956 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
18111251 O, C LOC18111251 calcium-dependent protein kinase
112323276 O, N LOC112323276 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
112323374 O, C LOC112323374 calcium-binding protein CML38
112324349 O, N LOC112324349 disease resistance protein RPM1-like
112324383 S, S LOC112324383 receptor-like protein EIX1
112324384 S, S LOC112324384 receptor-like protein EIX2
112324929 M, C LOC112324929 putative disease resistance protein At4g10780
112325460 O, N LOC112325460 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
112325497 O, N LOC112325497 disease resistance protein SUMM2-like
112325498 O, C LOC112325498 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
112325506 O, C LOC112325506 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
112325576 O, N LOC112325576 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
112325580 C, C LOC112325580 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
112325600 O, N LOC112325600 probable disease resistance protein At4g27220
112325860 O, C LOC112325860 calcium-binding protein CML38-like
112325914 S, C LOC112325914 calmodulin-like protein 3
112325939 S, S LOC112325939 pathogenesis-related protein 1-like
112325953 S, N LOC112325953 disease resistance protein RPM1-like
112327244 O, Y LOC112327244 protein SGT1 homolog
112327525 O, N LOC112327525 disease resistance protein RPM1-like
112328828 O, P LOC112328828 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 11-like
112328963 O, P LOC112328963 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 20-like

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