Coexpression PCA detail

PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10
1 SRP043645 Elucidation of stress memory inheritance through epigenome alterations in Brassica rapa plants [RNA-seq]
loading run annotation attributes
0.7164 SRR1485205 source_name Pollen | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
0.5656 SRR1485206 source_name Pollen | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
0.5121 SRR1485214 source_name Embryo | treatment 22°C | tissue collection Embryos dissected from fully-developed green seeds
-0.7949 SRR1485202 source_name Inflorescence meristem | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 32
-0.9666 SRR1485208 source_name Unfertilized ovules | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
-1.0472 SRR1485207 source_name Unfertilized ovules | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
2 SRP021896 Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis Transcriptome
loading run annotation attributes
0.7673 SRR837557
0.721 SRR837630
0.6577 SRR837577
-0.703 SRR837653
-0.7055 SRR837594
-0.8483 SRR837651
3 SRP134088 Decipherment of transcriptional aneuploidy response patterns of monosomic alien addition lines (MAALs) in a restituted Brassica rapa
loading run annotation attributes
0.4211 SRR6813798 genotype adding a C9 chromosome
0.3499 SRR6813790 genotype adding a C6 chromosome
0.2961 SRR6813785 genotype adding a C4 chromosome
-0.422 SRR6813799 genotype adding a C9 chromosome
-0.4918 SRR6813777 genotype adding a C2 chromosome
-0.7005 SRR6813788 genotype adding a C5 chromosome
4 SRP262130 Transcriptome profiling of Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis treated with immunity elicitors
loading run annotation attributes
0.537 SRR11806458 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 1
0.4644 SRR11806461 treatment chitin (100µg/mL) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 1
0.4549 SRR11806463 treatment chitin (100µg/mL) | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 1
-0.3929 SRR11806466 treatment water | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 2
-0.4728 SRR11806459 treatment water | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 1
-0.5693 SRR11806464 treatment water | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 2
5 SRP218714 BrphyB is critical for rapid recovery to darkness in mature Brassica rapa leaves
loading run annotation attributes
0.4101 SRR9994597 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | condition dark | replicate 3
0.4069 SRR9994596 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | condition dark | replicate 3
0.3979 SRR9994594 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | condition dark | replicate 3
-0.4586 SRR9994583 source_name wild type_24hr_leaf tissue | condition 24hr | replicate 5
-0.5034 SRR9994584 source_name wild type_24hr_leaf tissue | condition 24hr | replicate 5
-0.5107 SRR9994582 source_name wild type_24hr_leaf tissue | condition 24hr | replicate 5
6 SRP094509 Network analysis identifies temporal regulation of transcriptomic and physiological responses to early drought perception in Brassica rapa.
loading run annotation attributes
0.5146 SRR9833792 time point ZT21 - 3h before lights on | age 19 DAS
0.4465 SRR9833791 time point ZT21 - 3h before lights on | age 19 DAS
0.4081 SRR9833780 time point ZT21 - 3h before lights on | age 18 DAS
-0.4159 SRR9833775 time point ZT13 - 1h before lights off | age 18 DAS
-0.4509 SRR9833773 time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 18 DAS
-0.4685 SRR9833776 time point ZT13 - 1h before lights off | age 18 DAS
7 SRP361579 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.5013 SRR18150641 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 3
0.278 SRR18150636 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 1
0.2254 SRR18150630 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.1955 SRR18150639 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.3674 SRR18150638 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.4083 SRR18150640 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 1
8 SRP302087 Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.5508 SRR13492857 cultivar DH199S | age 20 day | dev_stage 0 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
0.5226 SRR13492860 cultivar DH199S | age 20 day | dev_stage 0 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
0.3309 SRR13492859 cultivar DH199S | age 20 day | dev_stage 0 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.2876 SRR13492847 cultivar DH40R | age 22 day | dev_stage 2 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.2976 SRR13492839 cultivar DH40R | age 22 day | dev_stage 2 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.3746 SRR13492840 cultivar DH40R | age 22 day | dev_stage 2 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
9 SRP328003 A premature stop codon in BrFLC2 transcript results in early flowering in oilseed-type Brassica rapa plants
loading run annotation attributes
0.5045 SRR15108490 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
0.2979 SRR15108489 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
0.2828 SRR15108464 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment non-cold treated
-0.2687 SRR15108479 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment non-cold treated
-0.3315 SRR15108483 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 20 days cold treated
-0.3328 SRR15108475 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
10 SRP218278 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.4836 SRR9963840 cultivar green turnip | age harvest stage of fleshy root | treatment green turnip harvest stage of fleshy root replicate 1
0.3769 SRR9963860 cultivar purple turnip | age harvest stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip harvest stage of fleshy root replicate 3
0.2204 SRR9963857 cultivar green turnip | age early stage of fleshy root expension | treatment green turnip early stage of fleshy root expension replicate 3
-0.2024 SRR9963851 cultivar green turnip | age early stage of fleshy root expension | treatment green turnip early stage of fleshy root expension replicate 1
-0.274 SRR9963856 cultivar green turnip | age early stage of fleshy root expension | treatment green turnip early stage of fleshy root expension replicate 2
-0.2977 SRR9963848 cultivar purple turnip | age early stage of fleshy root expension | treatment purple turnip early stage of fleshy root expensio replicate 1
1 SRP021896 Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis Transcriptome
loading run annotation attributes
0.8659 SRR837601
0.8598 SRR837611
0.7907 SRR837662
-0.6348 SRR837638
-0.6411 SRR837564
-0.6468 SRR837622
2 SRP134088 Decipherment of transcriptional aneuploidy response patterns of monosomic alien addition lines (MAALs) in a restituted Brassica rapa
loading run annotation attributes
0.5157 SRR6813796 genotype adding a C8 chromosome
0.3686 SRR6813795 genotype adding a C8 chromosome
0.368 SRR6813773 genotype normal
-0.2845 SRR6813784 genotype adding a C4 chromosome
-0.2927 SRR6813794 genotype adding a C7 chromosome
-0.3073 SRR6813776 genotype adding a C1 chromosome
3 SRP218714 BrphyB is critical for rapid recovery to darkness in mature Brassica rapa leaves
loading run annotation attributes
0.4575 SRR9994548 source_name wild type_pre_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition pre
0.4552 SRR9994549 source_name wild type_pre_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition pre
0.4296 SRR9994546 source_name wild type_pre_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition pre
-0.2796 SRR9994665 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition recovery
-0.2927 SRR9994664 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition recovery
-0.3032 SRR9994666 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition recovery
4 SRP361579 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.4288 SRR18150630 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 1
0.3916 SRR18150641 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 3
0.2615 SRR18150639 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.2778 SRR18150637 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.3341 SRR18150644 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.3543 SRR18150631 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 3
5 SRP302087 Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.4243 SRR13492843 cultivar DH199S | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
0.4052 SRR13492842 cultivar DH199S | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
0.2694 SRR13492841 cultivar DH199S | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.1599 SRR13492865 cultivar DH40R | age 33 day | dev_stage 13 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.2046 SRR13492832 cultivar DH40R | age 28 day | dev_stage 8 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.2467 SRR13492864 cultivar DH40R | age 33 day | dev_stage 13 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
6 SRP262130 Transcriptome profiling of Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis treated with immunity elicitors
loading run annotation attributes
0.3441 SRR11806478 treatment water | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 3
0.3402 SRR11806476 treatment water | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 3
0.2899 SRR11806470 treatment water | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 2
-0.2257 SRR11806473 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 3
-0.3191 SRR11806471 treatment chitin (100µg/mL) | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 2
-0.3202 SRR11806467 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 2
7 SRP328003 A premature stop codon in BrFLC2 transcript results in early flowering in oilseed-type Brassica rapa plants
loading run annotation attributes
0.326 SRR15108477 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment non-cold treated
0.3113 SRR15108478 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment non-cold treated
0.3068 SRR15108486 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 40 days cold treated
-0.3841 SRR15108474 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
-0.3943 SRR15108476 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
-0.496 SRR15108475 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
8 SRP043645 Elucidation of stress memory inheritance through epigenome alterations in Brassica rapa plants [RNA-seq]
loading run annotation attributes
0.3114 SRR1485199 source_name Leaves | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 32
0.1967 SRR1485200 source_name Leaves | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 32
0.1681 SRR1485221 source_name Leaves | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 14
-0.2715 SRR1485210 source_name Fertilized ovules | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
-0.5053 SRR1485208 source_name Unfertilized ovules | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
-0.5497 SRR1485207 source_name Unfertilized ovules | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
9 SRP218278 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.2868 SRR9963857 cultivar green turnip | age early stage of fleshy root expension | treatment green turnip early stage of fleshy root expension replicate 3
0.2141 SRR9963860 cultivar purple turnip | age harvest stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip harvest stage of fleshy root replicate 3
0.1992 SRR9963840 cultivar green turnip | age harvest stage of fleshy root | treatment green turnip harvest stage of fleshy root replicate 1
-0.1731 SRR9963844 cultivar purple turnip | age seedling stage | treatment purple turnip seedling stage replicate 2
-0.2525 SRR9963850 cultivar green turnip | age seedling stage | treatment green turnip seedling stage replicate 3
-0.2648 SRR9963852 cultivar green turnip | age seedling stage | treatment green turnip seedling stage replicate 1
10 SRP094509 Network analysis identifies temporal regulation of transcriptomic and physiological responses to early drought perception in Brassica rapa.
loading run annotation attributes
0.2438 SRR9833774 treatment Drought | time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 18 DAS
0.2387 SRR9833748 treatment Well watered | time point ZT5 - 5h after lights on | age 18 DAS
0.226 SRR9833771 treatment Drought | time point ZT5 - 5h after lights on | age 18 DAS
-0.2361 SRR9833765 treatment Well watered | time point ZT17 - 3h after lights off | age 19 DAS
-0.2372 SRR9833764 treatment Well watered | time point ZT13 - 1h before lights off | age 19 DAS
-0.3475 SRR9833763 treatment Well watered | time point ZT13 - 1h before lights off | age 19 DAS
1 SRP021896 Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis Transcriptome
loading run annotation attributes
0.7874 SRR837634
0.7282 SRR837563
0.6799 SRR837582
-0.5625 SRR837607
-0.5955 SRR837597
-0.6525 SRR837590
2 SRP043645 Elucidation of stress memory inheritance through epigenome alterations in Brassica rapa plants [RNA-seq]
loading run annotation attributes
0.5833 SRR1485198 source_name Leaves | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 32
0.5748 SRR1485222 source_name Leaves | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 14
0.5601 SRR1485200 source_name Leaves | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 32
-0.5141 SRR1485216 source_name Embryo | treatment 42°C | tissue collection Embryos dissected from fully-developed green seeds
-0.5348 SRR1485214 source_name Embryo | treatment 22°C | tissue collection Embryos dissected from fully-developed green seeds
-0.5416 SRR1485213 source_name Embryo | treatment 22°C | tissue collection Embryos dissected from fully-developed green seeds
3 SRP218714 BrphyB is critical for rapid recovery to darkness in mature Brassica rapa leaves
loading run annotation attributes
0.4454 SRR9994584 source_name wild type_24hr_leaf tissue | condition 24hr | replicate 5
0.4304 SRR9994582 source_name wild type_24hr_leaf tissue | condition 24hr | replicate 5
0.4132 SRR9994583 source_name wild type_24hr_leaf tissue | condition 24hr | replicate 5
-0.4088 SRR9994594 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | condition dark | replicate 3
-0.416 SRR9994596 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | condition dark | replicate 3
-0.4166 SRR9994597 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | condition dark | replicate 3
4 SRP361579 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.338 SRR18150640 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 1
0.3155 SRR18150638 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 3
0.208 SRR18150639 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.1522 SRR18150637 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.2061 SRR18150643 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.3066 SRR18150636 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 1
5 SRP328003 A premature stop codon in BrFLC2 transcript results in early flowering in oilseed-type Brassica rapa plants
loading run annotation attributes
0.318 SRR15108475 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
0.2041 SRR15108470 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 20 days cold treated
0.1901 SRR15108476 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
-0.2123 SRR15108481 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 1 day cold treated
-0.2149 SRR15108480 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 1 day cold treated
-0.2764 SRR15108487 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 40 days cold treated
6 SRP262130 Transcriptome profiling of Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis treated with immunity elicitors
loading run annotation attributes
0.2781 SRR11806464 treatment water | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 2
0.2631 SRR11806468 treatment water | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 2
0.2612 SRR11806457 treatment water | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 1
-0.1942 SRR11806460 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 1
-0.2139 SRR11806465 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 2
-0.307 SRR11806463 treatment chitin (100µg/mL) | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 1
7 SRP094509 Network analysis identifies temporal regulation of transcriptomic and physiological responses to early drought perception in Brassica rapa.
loading run annotation attributes
0.2741 SRR9833767 treatment Well watered | time point ZT21 - 3h before lights on | age 19 DAS
0.2166 SRR9833755 treatment Well watered | time point ZT21 - 3h before lights on | age 18 DAS
0.1994 SRR9833756 treatment Well watered | time point ZT21 - 3h before lights on | age 18 DAS
-0.2169 SRR9833749 treatment Well watered | time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 18 DAS
-0.2619 SRR9833786 treatment Drought | time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 19 DAS
-0.4125 SRR9833774 treatment Drought | time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 18 DAS
8 SRP134088 Decipherment of transcriptional aneuploidy response patterns of monosomic alien addition lines (MAALs) in a restituted Brassica rapa
loading run annotation attributes
0.2524 SRR6813788 genotype adding a C5 chromosome
0.2273 SRR6813792 genotype adding a C7 chromosome
0.221 SRR6813780 genotype adding a C3 chromosome
-0.2412 SRR6813795 genotype adding a C8 chromosome
-0.242 SRR6813800 genotype adding a C9 chromosome
-0.2679 SRR6813796 genotype adding a C8 chromosome
9 SRP218278 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.2133 SRR9963867 cultivar purple turnip | age maturity stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip maturity stage of fleshy root replicate 3
0.1583 SRR9963862 cultivar purple turnip | age full expansion stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip full expansion stage of fleshy root replicate 3
0.1296 SRR9963848 cultivar purple turnip | age early stage of fleshy root expension | treatment purple turnip early stage of fleshy root expensio replicate 1
-0.1602 SRR9963849 cultivar purple turnip | age early stage of fleshy root expension | treatment purple turnip early stage of fleshy root expensio replicate 2
-0.1805 SRR9963851 cultivar green turnip | age early stage of fleshy root expension | treatment green turnip early stage of fleshy root expension replicate 1
-0.3898 SRR9963857 cultivar green turnip | age early stage of fleshy root expension | treatment green turnip early stage of fleshy root expension replicate 3
10 SRP302087 Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.1358 SRR13492832 cultivar DH40R | age 28 day | dev_stage 8 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
0.1223 SRR13492861 cultivar DH40R | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
0.0876 SRR13492835 cultivar DH40R | age 28 day | dev_stage 8 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.122 SRR13492853 cultivar DH199S | age 25 day | dev_stage 5 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.141 SRR13492837 cultivar DH40R | age 25 day | dev_stage 5 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.1629 SRR13492851 cultivar DH199S | age 25 day | dev_stage 5 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
1 SRP021896 Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis Transcriptome
loading run annotation attributes
0.5583 SRR837613
0.4536 SRR837664
0.4478 SRR837598
-0.6364 SRR837550
-0.7161 SRR837560
-0.7168 SRR837570
2 SRP043645 Elucidation of stress memory inheritance through epigenome alterations in Brassica rapa plants [RNA-seq]
loading run annotation attributes
0.444 SRR1485223 source_name Leaves | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 14
0.4378 SRR1485224 source_name Leaves | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 14
0.4295 SRR1485222 source_name Leaves | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 14
-0.2892 SRR1485215 source_name Embryo | treatment 42°C | tissue collection Embryos dissected from fully-developed green seeds
-0.2948 SRR1485212 source_name Fertilized ovules | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
-0.2953 SRR1485216 source_name Embryo | treatment 42°C | tissue collection Embryos dissected from fully-developed green seeds
3 SRP361579 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.4042 SRR18150637 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 3
0.3482 SRR18150631 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 3
0.2823 SRR18150636 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.3952 SRR18150638 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.4086 SRR18150639 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.4121 SRR18150640 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 1
4 SRP262130 Transcriptome profiling of Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis treated with immunity elicitors
loading run annotation attributes
0.2945 SRR11806461 treatment chitin (100µg/mL) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 1
0.2814 SRR11806458 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 1
0.2359 SRR11806465 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 2
-0.1869 SRR11806478 treatment water | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 3
-0.1926 SRR11806468 treatment water | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 2
-0.2302 SRR11806464 treatment water | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 2
5 SRP218278 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.2942 SRR9963852 cultivar green turnip | age seedling stage | treatment green turnip seedling stage replicate 1
0.2789 SRR9963850 cultivar green turnip | age seedling stage | treatment green turnip seedling stage replicate 3
0.2665 SRR9963853 cultivar green turnip | age seedling stage | treatment green turnip seedling stage replicate 2
-0.1793 SRR9963862 cultivar purple turnip | age full expansion stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip full expansion stage of fleshy root replicate 3
-0.191 SRR9963864 cultivar purple turnip | age full expansion stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip full expansion stage of fleshy root replicate 1
-0.1976 SRR9963861 cultivar purple turnip | age harvest stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip harvest stage of fleshy root replicate 2
6 SRP094509 Network analysis identifies temporal regulation of transcriptomic and physiological responses to early drought perception in Brassica rapa.
loading run annotation attributes
0.2609 SRR9833779 treatment Drought | time point ZT21 - 3h before lights on | age 18 DAS
0.2506 SRR9833780 treatment Drought | time point ZT21 - 3h before lights on | age 18 DAS
0.156 SRR9833756 treatment Well watered | time point ZT21 - 3h before lights on | age 18 DAS
-0.1255 SRR9833752 treatment Well watered | time point ZT13 - 1h before lights off | age 18 DAS
-0.156 SRR9833787 treatment Drought | time point ZT13 - 1h before lights off | age 19 DAS
-0.1615 SRR9833788 treatment Drought | time point ZT13 - 1h before lights off | age 19 DAS
7 SRP328003 A premature stop codon in BrFLC2 transcript results in early flowering in oilseed-type Brassica rapa plants
loading run annotation attributes
0.2199 SRR15108477 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment non-cold treated
0.2101 SRR15108490 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
0.2093 SRR15108489 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
-0.2171 SRR15108471 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated
-0.2749 SRR15108465 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 1 day cold treated
-0.2751 SRR15108466 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 1 day cold treated
8 SRP302087 Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.1866 SRR13492857 cultivar DH199S | age 20 day | dev_stage 0 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
0.1768 SRR13492860 cultivar DH199S | age 20 day | dev_stage 0 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
0.1704 SRR13492836 cultivar DH40R | age 25 day | dev_stage 5 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.2852 SRR13492841 cultivar DH199S | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.3328 SRR13492842 cultivar DH199S | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.3485 SRR13492843 cultivar DH199S | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
9 SRP218714 BrphyB is critical for rapid recovery to darkness in mature Brassica rapa leaves
loading run annotation attributes
0.1725 SRR9994624 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_24hr_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition 24hr | replicate 5
0.1631 SRR9994626 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_24hr_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition 24hr | replicate 5
0.1589 SRR9994625 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_24hr_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition 24hr | replicate 5
-0.0963 SRR9994594 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition dark | replicate 3
-0.0977 SRR9994597 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition dark | replicate 3
-0.1159 SRR9994656 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition recovery | replicate 3
10 SRP134088 Decipherment of transcriptional aneuploidy response patterns of monosomic alien addition lines (MAALs) in a restituted Brassica rapa
loading run annotation attributes
0.1696 SRR6813780 genotype adding a C3 chromosome
0.1447 SRR6813785 genotype adding a C4 chromosome
0.0961 SRR6813787 genotype adding a C5 chromosome
-0.1057 SRR6813800 genotype adding a C9 chromosome
-0.1305 SRR6813775 genotype adding a C1 chromosome
-0.1819 SRR6813777 genotype adding a C2 chromosome
1 SRP021896 Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis Transcriptome
loading run annotation attributes
0.6598 SRR837653
0.5482 SRR837606
0.5137 SRR837645
-0.4994 SRR837561
-0.5544 SRR837555
-0.586 SRR837624
2 SRP134088 Decipherment of transcriptional aneuploidy response patterns of monosomic alien addition lines (MAALs) in a restituted Brassica rapa
loading run annotation attributes
0.4253 SRR6813776 genotype adding a C1 chromosome
0.3596 SRR6813774 genotype adding a C1 chromosome
0.3211 SRR6813797 genotype adding a C8 chromosome
-0.2887 SRR6813800 genotype adding a C9 chromosome
-0.3616 SRR6813795 genotype adding a C8 chromosome
-0.4229 SRR6813796 genotype adding a C8 chromosome
3 SRP328003 A premature stop codon in BrFLC2 transcript results in early flowering in oilseed-type Brassica rapa plants
loading run annotation attributes
0.5435 SRR15108490 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
0.4861 SRR15108489 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
0.4809 SRR15108491 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
-0.3747 SRR15108463 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment non-cold treated
-0.4126 SRR15108462 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment non-cold treated
-0.4146 SRR15108468 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 20 days cold treated
4 SRP218714 BrphyB is critical for rapid recovery to darkness in mature Brassica rapa leaves
loading run annotation attributes
0.3555 SRR9994594 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | condition dark | replicate 3
0.3527 SRR9994596 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | condition dark | replicate 3
0.3522 SRR9994597 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | condition dark | replicate 3
-0.3228 SRR9994549 source_name wild type_pre_leaf tissue | condition pre | replicate 4
-0.3228 SRR9994548 source_name wild type_pre_leaf tissue | condition pre | replicate 4
-0.3249 SRR9994546 source_name wild type_pre_leaf tissue | condition pre | replicate 4
5 SRP043645 Elucidation of stress memory inheritance through epigenome alterations in Brassica rapa plants [RNA-seq]
loading run annotation attributes
0.2113 SRR1485198 source_name Leaves | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 32
0.2035 SRR1485218 source_name Endosperm | treatment 22°C | tissue collection Endosperm dissected from fully-developed green seeds
0.199 SRR1485217 source_name Endosperm | treatment 22°C | tissue collection Endosperm dissected from fully-developed green seeds
-0.2159 SRR1485203 source_name Inflorescence meristem | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 32
-0.2337 SRR1485202 source_name Inflorescence meristem | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 32
-0.2941 SRR1485204 source_name Inflorescence meristem | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 32
6 SRP094509 Network analysis identifies temporal regulation of transcriptomic and physiological responses to early drought perception in Brassica rapa.
loading run annotation attributes
0.2021 SRR9833787 treatment Drought | time point ZT13 - 1h before lights off | age 19 DAS
0.1805 SRR9833791 treatment Drought | time point ZT21 - 3h before lights on | age 19 DAS
0.1482 SRR9833789 treatment Drought | time point ZT17 - 3h after lights off | age 19 DAS
-0.2061 SRR9833750 treatment Well watered | time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 18 DAS
-0.211 SRR9833752 treatment Well watered | time point ZT13 - 1h before lights off | age 18 DAS
-0.2565 SRR9833774 treatment Drought | time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 18 DAS
7 SRP361579 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.3206 SRR18150640 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 1
0.3127 SRR18150638 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 3
0.2257 SRR18150630 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.1801 SRR18150637 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.2391 SRR18150643 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.2494 SRR18150636 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 1
8 SRP218278 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.2839 SRR9963860 cultivar purple turnip | age harvest stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip harvest stage of fleshy root replicate 3
0.2325 SRR9963866 cultivar purple turnip | age harvest stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip harvest stage of fleshy root replicate 1
0.2159 SRR9963868 cultivar purple turnip | age maturity stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip maturity stage of fleshy root replicate 2
-0.1627 SRR9963853 cultivar green turnip | age seedling stage | treatment green turnip seedling stage replicate 2
-0.1835 SRR9963854 cultivar green turnip | age full expansion stage of fleshy root | treatment green turnip full expansion stage of fleshy root replicate 1
-0.2241 SRR9963851 cultivar green turnip | age early stage of fleshy root expension | treatment green turnip early stage of fleshy root expension replicate 1
9 SRP302087 Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.2516 SRR13492860 cultivar DH199S | age 20 day | dev_stage 0 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
0.2433 SRR13492857 cultivar DH199S | age 20 day | dev_stage 0 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
0.2057 SRR13492833 cultivar DH40R | age 20 day | dev_stage 0 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.1954 SRR13492843 cultivar DH199S | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.2001 SRR13492849 cultivar DH199S | age 28 day | dev_stage 8 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.2016 SRR13492842 cultivar DH199S | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
10 SRP262130 Transcriptome profiling of Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis treated with immunity elicitors
loading run annotation attributes
0.2066 SRR11806467 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 2
0.202 SRR11806475 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 3
0.1785 SRR11806460 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 1
-0.1494 SRR11806465 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 2
-0.1736 SRR11806477 treatment chitin (100µg/mL) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 3
-0.1902 SRR11806469 treatment chitin (100µg/mL) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 2
1 SRP328003 A premature stop codon in BrFLC2 transcript results in early flowering in oilseed-type Brassica rapa plants
loading run annotation attributes
0.4042 SRR15108472 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated
0.3978 SRR15108468 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 20 days cold treated
0.3631 SRR15108473 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated
-0.303 SRR15108479 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment non-cold treated
-0.3359 SRR15108478 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment non-cold treated
-0.3595 SRR15108477 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment non-cold treated
2 SRP218278 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.3946 SRR9963861 cultivar purple turnip | age harvest stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip harvest stage of fleshy root replicate 2
0.3807 SRR9963868 cultivar purple turnip | age maturity stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip maturity stage of fleshy root replicate 2
0.3091 SRR9963862 cultivar purple turnip | age full expansion stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip full expansion stage of fleshy root replicate 3
-0.5004 SRR9963850 cultivar green turnip | age seedling stage | treatment green turnip seedling stage replicate 3
-0.5129 SRR9963853 cultivar green turnip | age seedling stage | treatment green turnip seedling stage replicate 2
-0.537 SRR9963852 cultivar green turnip | age seedling stage | treatment green turnip seedling stage replicate 1
3 SRP094509 Network analysis identifies temporal regulation of transcriptomic and physiological responses to early drought perception in Brassica rapa.
loading run annotation attributes
0.3792 SRR9833750 treatment Well watered | time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 18 DAS
0.3726 SRR9833749 treatment Well watered | time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 18 DAS
0.3617 SRR9833761 treatment Well watered | time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 19 DAS
-0.4483 SRR9833769 treatment Drought | time point ZT1-1h after lights on | age 18 DAS
-0.4491 SRR9833770 treatment Drought | time point ZT1-1h after lights on | age 18 DAS
-0.4552 SRR9833757 treatment Well watered | time point ZT1-1h after lights on | age 19 DAS
4 SRP262130 Transcriptome profiling of Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis treated with immunity elicitors
loading run annotation attributes
0.3768 SRR11806462 treatment water | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 1
0.3575 SRR11806475 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 3
0.2986 SRR11806466 treatment water | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 2
-0.3071 SRR11806458 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 1
-0.387 SRR11806477 treatment chitin (100µg/mL) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 3
-0.4415 SRR11806469 treatment chitin (100µg/mL) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 2
5 SRP021896 Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis Transcriptome
loading run annotation attributes
0.3654 SRR837606
0.3055 SRR837634
0.2876 SRR837605
-0.3659 SRR837614
-0.3893 SRR837551
-0.4212 SRR837647
6 SRP302087 Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.2828 SRR13492842 age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
0.2756 SRR13492843 age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
0.2714 SRR13492841 age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.2279 SRR13492848 age 28 day | dev_stage 8 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.2428 SRR13492849 age 28 day | dev_stage 8 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.2442 SRR13492850 age 28 day | dev_stage 8 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
7 SRP361579 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.2488 SRR18150636 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 1
0.2033 SRR18150633 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 1
0.1706 SRR18150634 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.1344 SRR18150637 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.1713 SRR18150644 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.1777 SRR18150643 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 2
8 SRP043645 Elucidation of stress memory inheritance through epigenome alterations in Brassica rapa plants [RNA-seq]
loading run annotation attributes
0.2342 SRR1485217 source_name Endosperm | treatment 22°C | tissue collection Endosperm dissected from fully-developed green seeds
0.2302 SRR1485218 source_name Endosperm | treatment 22°C | tissue collection Endosperm dissected from fully-developed green seeds
0.1638 SRR1485214 source_name Embryo | treatment 22°C | tissue collection Embryos dissected from fully-developed green seeds
-0.2221 SRR1485207 source_name Unfertilized ovules | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
-0.3057 SRR1485206 source_name Pollen | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
-0.3291 SRR1485205 source_name Pollen | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
9 SRP134088 Decipherment of transcriptional aneuploidy response patterns of monosomic alien addition lines (MAALs) in a restituted Brassica rapa
loading run annotation attributes
0.1718 SRR6813792 genotype adding a C7 chromosome
0.1652 SRR6813790 genotype adding a C6 chromosome
0.1564 SRR6813797 genotype adding a C8 chromosome
-0.1477 SRR6813799 genotype adding a C9 chromosome
-0.1522 SRR6813796 genotype adding a C8 chromosome
-0.1688 SRR6813783 genotype adding a C4 chromosome
10 SRP218714 BrphyB is critical for rapid recovery to darkness in mature Brassica rapa leaves
loading run annotation attributes
0.1607 SRR9994594 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition dark | replicate 3
0.1563 SRR9994596 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition dark | replicate 3
0.1549 SRR9994597 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition dark | replicate 3
-0.1374 SRR9994665 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition recovery | replicate 4
-0.1413 SRR9994667 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition recovery | replicate 4
-0.2818 SRR9994689 source_name wild type_recovery_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition recovery | replicate 4
1 SRP094509 Network analysis identifies temporal regulation of transcriptomic and physiological responses to early drought perception in Brassica rapa.
loading run annotation attributes
0.4818 SRR9833755 treatment Well watered | time point ZT21 - 3h before lights on | age 18 DAS
0.4408 SRR9833778 treatment Drought | time point ZT17 - 3h after lights off | age 18 DAS
0.4278 SRR9833777 treatment Drought | time point ZT17 - 3h after lights off | age 18 DAS
-0.4274 SRR9833783 treatment Drought | time point ZT5 - 5h after lights on | age 19 DAS
-0.4307 SRR9833763 treatment Well watered | time point ZT13 - 1h before lights off | age 19 DAS
-0.4635 SRR9833784 treatment Drought | time point ZT5 - 5h after lights on | age 19 DAS
2 SRP328003 A premature stop codon in BrFLC2 transcript results in early flowering in oilseed-type Brassica rapa plants
loading run annotation attributes
0.3475 SRR15108475 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
0.3236 SRR15108476 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
0.3013 SRR15108491 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
-0.3692 SRR15108480 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 1 day cold treated
-0.3843 SRR15108482 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 1 day cold treated
-0.4036 SRR15108481 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 1 day cold treated
3 SRP021896 Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis Transcriptome
loading run annotation attributes
0.362 SRR837565
0.327 SRR837559
0.2611 SRR837588
-0.2329 SRR837641
-0.2955 SRR837637
-0.3059 SRR837552
4 SRP262130 Transcriptome profiling of Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis treated with immunity elicitors
loading run annotation attributes
0.3088 SRR11806470 treatment water | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 2
0.2513 SRR11806457 treatment water | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 1
0.2429 SRR11806478 treatment water | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 3
-0.1911 SRR11806458 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 1
-0.2548 SRR11806473 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 3
-0.2974 SRR11806465 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 2
5 SRP302087 Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.2266 SRR13492856 cultivar DH199S | age 22 day | dev_stage 2 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
0.2201 SRR13492854 cultivar DH199S | age 22 day | dev_stage 2 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
0.2156 SRR13492855 cultivar DH199S | age 22 day | dev_stage 2 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.1811 SRR13492861 cultivar DH40R | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.2057 SRR13492862 cultivar DH40R | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.2099 SRR13492863 cultivar DH40R | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
6 SRP134088 Decipherment of transcriptional aneuploidy response patterns of monosomic alien addition lines (MAALs) in a restituted Brassica rapa
loading run annotation attributes
0.1818 SRR6813796 genotype adding a C8 chromosome
0.1738 SRR6813772 genotype normal
0.1512 SRR6813771 genotype normal
-0.1479 SRR6813784 genotype adding a C4 chromosome
-0.1585 SRR6813775 genotype adding a C1 chromosome
-0.1866 SRR6813781 genotype adding a C3 chromosome
7 SRP218278 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.1512 SRR9963860 cultivar purple turnip | age harvest stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip harvest stage of fleshy root replicate 3
0.1434 SRR9963864 cultivar purple turnip | age full expansion stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip full expansion stage of fleshy root replicate 1
0.1429 SRR9963863 cultivar purple turnip | age full expansion stage of fleshy root | treatment purple tuinip full expansion stage of fleshy root replicate 2
-0.1455 SRR9963850 cultivar green turnip | age seedling stage | treatment green turnip seedling stage replicate 3
-0.1522 SRR9963867 cultivar purple turnip | age maturity stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip maturity stage of fleshy root replicate 3
-0.1659 SRR9963845 cultivar purple turnip | age seedling stage | treatment purple turnip seedling stage replicate 3
8 SRP218714 BrphyB is critical for rapid recovery to darkness in mature Brassica rapa leaves
loading run annotation attributes
0.309 SRR9994597 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition dark | replicate 3
0.3064 SRR9994594 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition dark | replicate 3
0.3035 SRR9994596 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition dark | replicate 3
-0.1506 SRR9994625 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_24hr_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition 24hr | replicate 5
-0.1527 SRR9994627 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_24hr_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition 24hr | replicate 5
-0.1558 SRR9994624 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_24hr_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition 24hr | replicate 5
9 SRP043645 Elucidation of stress memory inheritance through epigenome alterations in Brassica rapa plants [RNA-seq]
loading run annotation attributes
0.1237 SRR1485203 source_name Inflorescence meristem | treatment 42°C
0.1175 SRR1485201 source_name Inflorescence meristem | treatment 22°C
0.1091 SRR1485204 source_name Inflorescence meristem | treatment 42°C
-0.0999 SRR1485198 source_name Leaves | treatment 22°C
-0.1283 SRR1485199 source_name Leaves | treatment 42°C
-0.1302 SRR1485197 source_name Leaves | treatment 22°C
10 SRP361579 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.1205 SRR18150640 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 1
0.1164 SRR18150638 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 3
0.103 SRR18150630 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.1116 SRR18150632 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.1272 SRR18150637 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.13 SRR18150643 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 2
1 SRP021896 Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis Transcriptome
loading run annotation attributes
0.425 SRR837664
0.4047 SRR837660
0.3886 SRR837640
-0.3891 SRR837586
-0.3939 SRR837555
-0.4226 SRR837561
2 SRP328003 A premature stop codon in BrFLC2 transcript results in early flowering in oilseed-type Brassica rapa plants
loading run annotation attributes
0.326 SRR15108474 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
0.2821 SRR15108476 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
0.2729 SRR15108475 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
-0.1872 SRR15108477 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment non-cold treated
-0.2313 SRR15108482 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 1 day cold treated
-0.2704 SRR15108479 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment non-cold treated
3 SRP094509 Network analysis identifies temporal regulation of transcriptomic and physiological responses to early drought perception in Brassica rapa.
loading run annotation attributes
0.2874 SRR9833786 treatment Drought | time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 19 DAS
0.2245 SRR9833784 treatment Drought | time point ZT5 - 5h after lights on | age 19 DAS
0.2048 SRR9833785 treatment Drought | time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 19 DAS
-0.1684 SRR9833746 treatment Well watered | time point ZT1-1h after lights on | age 18 DAS
-0.1924 SRR9833755 treatment Well watered | time point ZT21 - 3h before lights on | age 18 DAS
-0.2446 SRR9833768 treatment Well watered | time point ZT21 - 3h before lights on | age 19 DAS
4 SRP361579 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.1815 SRR18150636 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 1
0.1776 SRR18150643 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 2
0.1359 SRR18150633 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.1572 SRR18150639 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.1594 SRR18150640 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.1783 SRR18150638 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 3
5 SRP262130 Transcriptome profiling of Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis treated with immunity elicitors
loading run annotation attributes
0.1806 SRR11806463 treatment chitin (100µg/mL) | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 1
0.1389 SRR11806467 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 2
0.1252 SRR11806460 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 1
-0.1498 SRR11806468 treatment water | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 2
-0.1685 SRR11806477 treatment chitin (100µg/mL) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 3
-0.1961 SRR11806476 treatment water | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 3
6 SRP302087 Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.1806 SRR13492845 cultivar DH199S | age 33 day | dev_stage 13 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
0.163 SRR13492844 cultivar DH199S | age 33 day | dev_stage 13 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
0.1523 SRR13492849 cultivar DH199S | age 28 day | dev_stage 8 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.2029 SRR13492834 cultivar DH40R | age 20 day | dev_stage 0 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.2364 SRR13492858 cultivar DH40R | age 20 day | dev_stage 0 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.2661 SRR13492833 cultivar DH40R | age 20 day | dev_stage 0 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
7 SRP043645 Elucidation of stress memory inheritance through epigenome alterations in Brassica rapa plants [RNA-seq]
loading run annotation attributes
0.1762 SRR1485197 source_name Leaves | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 32
0.1572 SRR1485205 source_name Pollen | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
0.1298 SRR1485198 source_name Leaves | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 32
-0.0986 SRR1485216 source_name Embryo | treatment 42°C | tissue collection Embryos dissected from fully-developed green seeds
-0.1159 SRR1485217 source_name Endosperm | treatment 22°C | tissue collection Endosperm dissected from fully-developed green seeds
-0.1163 SRR1485218 source_name Endosperm | treatment 22°C | tissue collection Endosperm dissected from fully-developed green seeds
8 SRP218714 BrphyB is critical for rapid recovery to darkness in mature Brassica rapa leaves
loading run annotation attributes
0.1637 SRR9994594 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition dark | replicate 3
0.1592 SRR9994597 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition dark | replicate 3
0.1579 SRR9994596 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition dark | replicate 3
-0.2531 SRR9994667 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition recovery | replicate 4
-0.254 SRR9994664 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition recovery | replicate 4
-0.2561 SRR9994665 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition recovery | replicate 4
9 SRP218278 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.1464 SRR9963865 cultivar purple turnip | age early stage of fleshy root expension | treatment purple turnip early stage of fleshy root expensio replicate 3
0.0979 SRR9963869 cultivar purple turnip | age maturity stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip maturity stage of fleshy root replicate 1
0.0894 SRR9963849 cultivar purple turnip | age early stage of fleshy root expension | treatment purple turnip early stage of fleshy root expensio replicate 2
-0.073 SRR9963854 cultivar green turnip | age full expansion stage of fleshy root | treatment green turnip full expansion stage of fleshy root replicate 1
-0.0905 SRR9963850 cultivar green turnip | age seedling stage | treatment green turnip seedling stage replicate 3
-0.1138 SRR9963858 cultivar green turnip | age full expansion stage of fleshy root | treatment green turnip full expansion stage of fleshy root replicate 3
10 SRP134088 Decipherment of transcriptional aneuploidy response patterns of monosomic alien addition lines (MAALs) in a restituted Brassica rapa
loading run annotation attributes
0.1285 SRR6813781 genotype adding a C3 chromosome
0.1047 SRR6813794 genotype adding a C7 chromosome
0.1013 SRR6813793 genotype adding a C7 chromosome
-0.1795 SRR6813789 genotype adding a C6 chromosome
-0.1801 SRR6813780 genotype adding a C3 chromosome
-0.2356 SRR6813788 genotype adding a C5 chromosome
1 SRP021896 Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis Transcriptome
loading run annotation attributes
0.4486 SRR837571
0.4209 SRR837576
0.3713 SRR837562
-0.3186 SRR837579
-0.3747 SRR837559
-0.4065 SRR837565
2 SRP094509 Network analysis identifies temporal regulation of transcriptomic and physiological responses to early drought perception in Brassica rapa.
loading run annotation attributes
0.4088 SRR9833782 treatment Drought | time point ZT1-1h after lights on | age 19 DAS
0.3983 SRR9833781 treatment Drought | time point ZT1-1h after lights on | age 19 DAS
0.3735 SRR9833769 treatment Drought | time point ZT1-1h after lights on | age 18 DAS
-0.2334 SRR9833762 treatment Well watered | time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 19 DAS
-0.2349 SRR9833749 treatment Well watered | time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 18 DAS
-0.2545 SRR9833773 treatment Drought | time point ZT9 - 9h after lights on | age 18 DAS
3 SRP361579 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.319 SRR18150636 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 1
0.2568 SRR18150633 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 1
0.1842 SRR18150634 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.1853 SRR18150640 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.2101 SRR18150639 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.2205 SRR18150638 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 3
4 SRP302087 Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.3072 SRR13492843 cultivar DH199S | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
0.3 SRR13492841 cultivar DH199S | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
0.2992 SRR13492842 cultivar DH199S | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.2444 SRR13492857 cultivar DH199S | age 20 day | dev_stage 0 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.2665 SRR13492833 cultivar DH40R | age 20 day | dev_stage 0 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.2714 SRR13492858 cultivar DH40R | age 20 day | dev_stage 0 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
5 SRP134088 Decipherment of transcriptional aneuploidy response patterns of monosomic alien addition lines (MAALs) in a restituted Brassica rapa
loading run annotation attributes
0.2559 SRR6813775 genotype adding a C1 chromosome
0.1524 SRR6813784 genotype adding a C4 chromosome
0.1431 SRR6813774 genotype adding a C1 chromosome
-0.1314 SRR6813794 genotype adding a C7 chromosome
-0.138 SRR6813772 genotype normal
-0.2203 SRR6813780 genotype adding a C3 chromosome
6 SRP262130 Transcriptome profiling of Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis treated with immunity elicitors
loading run annotation attributes
0.2037 SRR11806472 treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 3
0.1676 SRR11806476 treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 3
0.1361 SRR11806468 treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 2
-0.1048 SRR11806459 treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 1
-0.1214 SRR11806470 treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 2
-0.1673 SRR11806474 treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 3
7 SRP218278 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.1895 SRR9963843 age maturity stage of fleshy root | treatment green turnip maturity stage of fleshy root replicate 3
0.1889 SRR9963858 age full expansion stage of fleshy root | treatment green turnip full expansion stage of fleshy root replicate 3
0.1795 SRR9963842 age maturity stage of fleshy root | treatment green turnip maturity stage of fleshy root replicate 2
-0.2433 SRR9963850 age seedling stage | treatment green turnip seedling stage replicate 3
-0.2549 SRR9963852 age seedling stage | treatment green turnip seedling stage replicate 1
-0.2683 SRR9963853 age seedling stage | treatment green turnip seedling stage replicate 2
8 SRP218714 BrphyB is critical for rapid recovery to darkness in mature Brassica rapa leaves
loading run annotation attributes
0.1753 SRR9994667 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition recovery | replicate 4
0.1725 SRR9994665 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition recovery | replicate 4
0.1715 SRR9994664 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | genotype BrphyB_3 mutant | condition recovery | replicate 4
-0.125 SRR9994596 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition dark | replicate 3
-0.1291 SRR9994594 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition dark | replicate 3
-0.1353 SRR9994597 source_name wild type_dark_leaf tissue | genotype wild type | condition dark | replicate 3
9 SRP328003 A premature stop codon in BrFLC2 transcript results in early flowering in oilseed-type Brassica rapa plants
loading run annotation attributes
0.1344 SRR15108466 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 1 day cold treated
0.1295 SRR15108481 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 1 day cold treated
0.1289 SRR15108467 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 1 day cold treated
-0.1344 SRR15108476 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
-0.1465 SRR15108475 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
-0.15 SRR15108474 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 40 days cold treated, then followed by 10 days warm temperature
10 SRP043645 Elucidation of stress memory inheritance through epigenome alterations in Brassica rapa plants [RNA-seq]
loading run annotation attributes
0.1072 SRR1485202 source_name Inflorescence meristem | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 32
0.1057 SRR1485203 source_name Inflorescence meristem | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 32
0.0862 SRR1485200 source_name Leaves | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 32
-0.1143 SRR1485221 source_name Leaves | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 14
-0.1475 SRR1485224 source_name Leaves | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 14
-0.1536 SRR1485223 source_name Leaves | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 14
1 SRP328003 A premature stop codon in BrFLC2 transcript results in early flowering in oilseed-type Brassica rapa plants
loading run annotation attributes
0.5474 SRR15108487 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 40 days cold treated
0.4768 SRR15108485 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 20 days cold treated
0.4526 SRR15108484 cultivar LP08 | flowering early | treatment 20 days cold treated
-0.3779 SRR15108467 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 1 day cold treated
-0.4116 SRR15108465 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 1 day cold treated
-0.4621 SRR15108466 cultivar Chiifu | flowering late | treatment 1 day cold treated
2 SRP262130 Transcriptome profiling of Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis treated with immunity elicitors
loading run annotation attributes
0.2261 SRR11806463 treatment chitin (100µg/mL) | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 1
0.1762 SRR11806479 treatment chitin (100µg/mL) | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 3
0.1733 SRR11806458 treatment flg22 (100nM) | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 1
-0.2277 SRR11806457 treatment water | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 1
-0.2372 SRR11806478 treatment water | treatment time 180 min | biological replicate 3
-0.2528 SRR11806468 treatment water | treatment time 30 min | biological replicate 2
3 SRP021896 Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis Transcriptome
loading run annotation attributes
0.2784 SRR837576
0.2584 SRR837571
0.2482 SRR837630
-0.2122 SRR837596
-0.2164 SRR837554
-0.2171 SRR837603
4 SRP043645 Elucidation of stress memory inheritance through epigenome alterations in Brassica rapa plants [RNA-seq]
loading run annotation attributes
0.2035 SRR1485212 source_name Fertilized ovules | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
0.2018 SRR1485210 source_name Fertilized ovules | treatment 22°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
0.1983 SRR1485208 source_name Unfertilized ovules | treatment 42°C | days post germination when tissue was collected 45-49
-0.1946 SRR1485215 source_name Embryo | treatment 42°C | tissue collection Embryos dissected from fully-developed green seeds
-0.2 SRR1485219 source_name Endosperm | treatment 42°C | tissue collection Endosperm dissected from fully-developed green seeds
-0.2039 SRR1485220 source_name Endosperm | treatment 42°C | tissue collection Endosperm dissected from fully-developed green seeds
5 SRP094509 Network analysis identifies temporal regulation of transcriptomic and physiological responses to early drought perception in Brassica rapa.
loading run annotation attributes
0.2035 SRR9833753 treatment Well watered | time point ZT17 - 3h after lights off
0.174 SRR9833777 treatment Drought | time point ZT17 - 3h after lights off
0.1728 SRR9833779 treatment Drought | time point ZT21 - 3h before lights on
-0.186 SRR9833771 treatment Drought | time point ZT5 - 5h after lights on
-0.1993 SRR9833769 treatment Drought | time point ZT1-1h after lights on
-0.2024 SRR9833770 treatment Drought | time point ZT1-1h after lights on
6 SRP218278 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.2852 SRR9963859 cultivar green turnip | age maturity stage of fleshy root | treatment green turnip maturity stage of fleshy root replicate 1
0.2617 SRR9963843 cultivar green turnip | age maturity stage of fleshy root | treatment green turnip maturity stage of fleshy root replicate 3
0.2247 SRR9963841 cultivar green turnip | age harvest stage of fleshy root | treatment green turnip harvest stage of fleshy root replicate 2
-0.1503 SRR9963863 cultivar purple turnip | age full expansion stage of fleshy root | treatment purple tuinip full expansion stage of fleshy root replicate 2
-0.1511 SRR9963844 cultivar purple turnip | age seedling stage | treatment purple turnip seedling stage replicate 2
-0.1868 SRR9963864 cultivar purple turnip | age full expansion stage of fleshy root | treatment purple turnip full expansion stage of fleshy root replicate 1
7 SRP218714 BrphyB is critical for rapid recovery to darkness in mature Brassica rapa leaves
loading run annotation attributes
0.1998 SRR9994625 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_24hr_leaf tissue | condition 24hr | replicate 5
0.1972 SRR9994626 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_24hr_leaf tissue | condition 24hr | replicate 5
0.1915 SRR9994627 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_24hr_leaf tissue | condition 24hr | replicate 5
-0.1778 SRR9994667 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | condition recovery | replicate 4
-0.18 SRR9994665 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | condition recovery | replicate 4
-0.1818 SRR9994666 source_name BrphyB_3 mutant_recovery_leaf tissue | condition recovery | replicate 4
8 SRP134088 Decipherment of transcriptional aneuploidy response patterns of monosomic alien addition lines (MAALs) in a restituted Brassica rapa
loading run annotation attributes
0.1493 SRR6813787 genotype adding a C5 chromosome
0.1338 SRR6813773 genotype normal
0.0947 SRR6813780 genotype adding a C3 chromosome
-0.1427 SRR6813784 genotype adding a C4 chromosome
-0.1449 SRR6813781 genotype adding a C3 chromosome
-0.1558 SRR6813775 genotype adding a C1 chromosome
9 SRP361579 Brassica rapa Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.1223 SRR18150639 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 2
0.1024 SRR18150635 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 2
0.0748 SRR18150642 age 44-day-old | treatment inoculated with Pb4 | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.0831 SRR18150633 age 29-day-old | treatment inoculated with PbE | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.0915 SRR18150643 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.1521 SRR18150644 age 21-day-old | treatment control | replicate biological replicate 1
10 SRP302087 Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis Transcriptome or Gene expression
loading run annotation attributes
0.1986 SRR13492841 cultivar DH199S | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
0.1585 SRR13492843 cultivar DH199S | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
0.1518 SRR13492861 cultivar DH40R | age 42 day | dev_stage 22 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
-0.1153 SRR13492855 cultivar DH199S | age 22 day | dev_stage 2 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 2
-0.1409 SRR13492856 cultivar DH199S | age 22 day | dev_stage 2 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 1
-0.1452 SRR13492854 cultivar DH199S | age 22 day | dev_stage 2 dai(days after inoculation) | replicate biological replicate 3
Upper 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103828691 probable purine permease 18 103828691 26.97
LOC103835569 putative F-box protein At4g38870 103835569 25.22
LOC103858772 probable cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 12 103858772 22.82
LOC103852415 uncharacterized LOC103852415 103852415 22.49
LOC103865537 F-box/kelch-repeat protein At3g13680 103865537 22.45
LOC103861148 F-box protein At5g25290 103861148 21.97
LOC103854597 nardilysin-like 103854597 21.65
LOC103853356 uncharacterized LOC103853356 103853356 20.97
LOC103843339 transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein p24delta3-like 103843339 20.92
LOC103844133 cysteine-rich and transmembrane domain-containing protein WIH1 103844133 20.71
LOC103849383 uncharacterized LOC103849383 103849383 20.69
LOC103863770 uncharacterized acetyltransferase At3g50280 103863770 19.99
LOC103861370 cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 10 103861370 19.87
LOC103862908 beta-glucosidase 27-like 103862908 19.86
LOC103847588 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein 87F 103847588 19.82
LOC103832644 GDSL esterase/lipase 3 103832644 19.70
LOC103865532 F-box/kelch-repeat protein At3g13680 103865532 19.67
LOC103844264 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase homolog 6 103844264 19.55
LOC117131691 uncharacterized LOC117131691 117131691 19.52
LOC103862904 uncharacterized LOC103862904 103862904 19.50
LOC103857053 uncharacterized LOC103857053 103857053 19.48
LOC103865641 uncharacterized LOC103865641 103865641 19.46
LOC103837077 uncharacterized LOC103837077 103837077 19.42
LOC103832645 GDSL esterase/lipase 3 103832645 19.10
LOC103862214 uncharacterized LOC103862214 103862214 19.03
LOC103832361 uncharacterized LOC103832361 103832361 18.49
LOC103863386 histone H2B.8 103863386 18.35
LOC108869748 uncharacterized LOC108869748 108869748 18.35
LOC103872996 probable calcium-binding protein CML44 103872996 18.25
LOC103847643 uncharacterized LOC103847643 103847643 18.24
LOC103840806 heavy metal-associated isoprenylated plant protein 22 103840806 17.96
LOC103841665 protein enabled homolog 103841665 17.82
LOC103874955 glutamate receptor 1.2 103874955 17.72
WRKY8 probable WRKY transcription factor 8 103839615 17.69
LOC117132097 uncharacterized LOC117132097 117132097 17.60
LOC103843754 transmembrane protein 214 103843754 17.50
LOC103865536 ABC transporter E family member 2 103865536 17.47
LOC103867198 zinc finger protein ZAT11 103867198 17.42
LOC103868260 L-lactate dehydrogenase B 103868260 17.29
LOC103874789 uncharacterized LOC103874789 103874789 17.27
LOC103858236 short-chain dehydrogenase reductase 3a 103858236 17.22
LOC103871930 receptor-like protein 48 103871930 17.18
LOC103839784 uncharacterized LOC103839784 103839784 17.16
LOC103844266 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase homolog 6 103844266 17.12
LOC103843755 uncharacterized LOC103843755 103843755 17.08
LOC103828660 uncharacterized LOC103828660 103828660 17.07
LOC103838397 disease resistance protein TAO1 103838397 17.01
LOC103875316 cytochrome P450 71B17 103875316 16.99
LOC103856445 flavonol synthase/flavanone 3-hydroxylase 103856445 16.94
LOC103846646 uncharacterized LOC103846646 103846646 16.87
LOC103830671 pathogenesis-related protein 5 103830671 16.74
LOC103838665 UPF0057 membrane protein At1g57550 103838665 16.72
LOC103855626 abscisic acid receptor PYL5 103855626 16.71
LOC103850957 putative transmembrane protein At3g54730 103850957 16.69
LOC103849877 uncharacterized LOC103849877 103849877 16.68
LOC103873743 senescence-associated protein DIN1 103873743 16.66
LOC103869169 protein DMP1-like 103869169 16.61
LOC103829984 probable aldo-keto reductase 6 103829984 16.59
LOC117133618 ABC transporter E family member 2-like 117133618 16.57
LOC103851995 uncharacterized LOC103851995 103851995 16.55
LOC103836102 uncharacterized LOC103836102 103836102 16.42
LOC103835632 tetratricopeptide repeat protein 38 103835632 16.42
LOC103847014 probable L-type lectin-domain containing receptor kinase S.5 103847014 16.40
LOC117127392 uncharacterized LOC117127392 117127392 16.36
LOC103841433 exocyst complex component EXO70H1 103841433 16.35
LOC103873608 probable L-type lectin-domain containing receptor kinase I.6 103873608 16.33
LOC103841954 O-glucosyltransferase rumi homolog 103841954 16.27
LOC103848870 uncharacterized protein ECU03_1610 103848870 16.26
LOC103834950 uncharacterized LOC103834950 103834950 16.20
LOC117130391 uncharacterized LOC117130391 117130391 16.16
LOC103866582 uncharacterized LOC103866582 103866582 16.14
LOC103857380 uncharacterized LOC103857380 103857380 16.13
LOC103828663 uncharacterized LOC103828663 103828663 16.12
LOC103847143 serine carboxypeptidase-like 35 103847143 16.09
LOC103842694 transcription factor MYB51 103842694 16.08
LOC103863560 probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 23 103863560 16.05
LOC103865689 protein ELC-like 103865689 16.01
LOC117128546 uncharacterized LOC117128546 117128546 15.99
LOC117128104 zinc finger BED domain-containing protein DAYSLEEPER-like 117128104 15.92
LOC103833940 uncharacterized LOC103833940 103833940 15.92
LOC103871208 26.5 kDa heat shock protein, mitochondrial 103871208 15.91
LOC103833939 uncharacterized LOC103833939 103833939 15.83
LOC103831277 probable carboxylesterase 6 103831277 15.82
LOC117128003 uncharacterized LOC117128003 117128003 15.76
LOC103829353 uncharacterized LOC103829353 103829353 15.64
LOC103857045 uncharacterized LOC103857045 103857045 15.58
LOC103860884 protein SUPPRESSOR OF npr1-1, CONSTITUTIVE 1 103860884 15.50
LOC103862620 uncharacterized LOC103862620 103862620 15.46
LOC103849005 receptor-like protein 31 103849005 15.38
LOC103865042 trans-cinnamate 4-monooxygenase 103865042 15.37
LOC103837554 probable WRKY transcription factor 51 103837554 15.35
LOC117133619 ABC transporter E family member 1-like 117133619 15.30
LOC103874753 probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 11 103874753 15.26
LOC103841629 glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase, acidic isoform 103841629 15.25
LOC103852537 cinnamoyl-CoA reductase 1 103852537 15.23
LOC103866780 uncharacterized LOC103866780 103866780 15.19
LOC103835857 probable flavin-containing monooxygenase 1 103835857 15.19
LOC103844087 probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ARI12 103844087 15.14
LOC103847506 UPF0098 protein CT_736 103847506 15.11
LOC103846604 probable WRKY transcription factor 75 103846604 15.10
Upper 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103848198 14 kDa proline-rich protein DC2.15 103848198 31.01
LOC103863484 30S ribosomal protein 2, chloroplastic 103863484 27.60
LOC103830785 germin-like protein 1 103830785 25.78
LOC103862936 defensin-like protein 193 103862936 25.76
LOC108870708 glycine-rich cell wall structural protein 108870708 25.52
LOC103838648 alkane hydroxylase MAH1-like 103838648 23.98
LOC103837653 36.4 kDa proline-rich protein 103837653 23.88
LOC103862877 UPF0481 protein At3g47200 103862877 23.88
LOC103872277 non-specific lipid-transfer protein 5 103872277 23.76
LOC103874012 probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 6 103874012 23.47
LOC103873303 actin-12-like 103873303 23.30
LOC103872987 uncharacterized LOC103872987 103872987 23.29
LOC103840092 photosynthetic NDH subunit of subcomplex B 3, chloroplastic 103840092 22.65
LOC103852802 uncharacterized LOC103852802 103852802 22.39
LOC103874812 cyclin-dependent kinase 11B 103874812 22.26
LOC103844887 chlorophyll a-b binding protein 3, chloroplastic 103844887 21.95
LOC103835863 photosystem I chlorophyll a/b-binding protein 6, chloroplastic 103835863 21.91
LOC117133069 uncharacterized LOC117133069 117133069 21.77
LOC103852917 gibberellin-regulated protein 6 103852917 21.75
LOC103838982 UPF0426 protein At1g28150, chloroplastic 103838982 21.50
LOC103850363 putative F-box/kelch-repeat protein At1g61540 103850363 21.38
LOC117133689 ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase small chain, chloroplastic 117133689 21.36
LOC103843221 glycine-rich protein 5 103843221 21.36
LOC103829445 subtilisin-like protease SBT5.1 103829445 21.35
LOC103844023 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase homolog 2 103844023 21.22
LOC103835222 jacalin-related lectin 36 103835222 21.16
LOC103861149 shematrin-like protein 2 103861149 21.07
LOC103872378 chlorophyll a-b binding protein CP24, chloroplastic 103872378 20.92
LOC103852640 uncharacterized LOC103852640 103852640 20.83
LOC103830008 ABC transporter G family member 18 103830008 20.75
LOC103875194 chlorophyll a-b binding protein 2.4, chloroplastic 103875194 20.74
LOC103854119 GDSL esterase/lipase At4g28780 103854119 20.70
LOC103862332 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 16 103862332 20.61
LOC103837002 chlorophyll a-b binding protein 2.4, chloroplastic 103837002 20.51
LOC103864160 ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase small chain F1, chloroplastic 103864160 20.45
LOC103856454 germin-like protein subfamily 3 member 3 103856454 20.40
LOC103863779 ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase small chain F1, chloroplastic 103863779 20.33
LOC103851359 germin-like protein 1 103851359 20.33
LOC103874338 uncharacterized LOC103874338 103874338 20.31
LOC117126539 indole glucosinolate O-methyltransferase 4-like 117126539 20.22
LOC117126547 uncharacterized LOC117126547 117126547 20.17
LOC103850064 beta carbonic anhydrase 1, chloroplastic 103850064 20.01
LOC103829046 uncharacterized LOC103829046 103829046 19.90
LOC103846363 myelin transcription factor 1 103846363 19.89
LOC103833637 probable methyltransferase PMT18 103833637 19.84
LOC103838503 polygalacturonase At1g48100 103838503 19.73
LOC103841427 ABC transporter G family member 18 103841427 19.71
LOC103840451 chlorophyll a-b binding protein 1, chloroplastic 103840451 19.59
LOC103873087 peroxidase 34-like 103873087 19.45
LOC103850112 ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase small chain F1, chloroplastic 103850112 19.41
LOC103860327 chlorophyll a-b binding protein 2.1, chloroplastic 103860327 19.35
LOC103834887 acyl carrier protein 4, chloroplastic 103834887 19.31
LOC103838647 alkane hydroxylase MAH1-like 103838647 19.28
LOC103856371 uncharacterized LOC103856371 103856371 19.27
LOC103858501 thylakoid lumenal 29 kDa protein, chloroplastic 103858501 19.15
LOC103832805 photosystem I reaction center subunit VI, chloroplastic-like 103832805 18.99
LOC103833966 ankyrin repeat-containing protein BDA1 103833966 18.87
LOC103868204 putative lipid-binding protein At4g00165 103868204 18.85
LOC103831289 piriformospora indica-insensitive protein 2 103831289 18.85
LOC103848365 uncharacterized LOC103848365 103848365 18.83
LOC103856461 pectinesterase inhibitor 3 103856461 18.81
LOC103835251 chlorophyll a-b binding protein 1, chloroplastic 103835251 18.80
LOC103856253 uncharacterized LOC103856253 103856253 18.80
LOC103852964 uncharacterized LOC103852964 103852964 18.72
LOC103848057 uncharacterized LOC103848057 103848057 18.71
LOC103873738 probable pectate lyase 22 103873738 18.65
LOC103844785 putative aminoacrylate hydrolase RutD 103844785 18.63
LOC103860321 uncharacterized LOC103860321 103860321 18.47
LOC103830562 indole glucosinolate O-methyltransferase 4 103830562 18.39
LOC103866309 protein CURVATURE THYLAKOID 1B, chloroplastic 103866309 18.38
LOC103873575 protein BUNDLE SHEATH DEFECTIVE 2, chloroplastic 103873575 18.35
LOC103855501 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UPL4 103855501 18.28
LOC103869841 photosynthetic NDH subunit of subcomplex B 3, chloroplastic 103869841 18.15
LOC103841762 putative ribonuclease H protein At1g65750 103841762 18.13
LOC103841392 chlorophyll a-b binding protein 6, chloroplastic 103841392 18.12
LOC103828782 photosystem I reaction center subunit III, chloroplastic 103828782 18.10
LOC117126536 uncharacterized LOC117126536 117126536 18.08
LOC103856656 non-specific lipid-transfer protein 3 103856656 18.06
LOC103851020 uncharacterized LOC103851020 103851020 18.02
LOC103861038 uncharacterized LOC103861038 103861038 18.00
LOC103835354 uncharacterized LOC103835354 103835354 17.95
LOC103846825 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein DOT3 103846825 17.85
LOC103839575 transcription factor MYC1 103839575 17.83
LOC103828340 uncharacterized LOC103828340 103828340 17.75
LOC103828916 chlorophyll a-b binding protein 1, chloroplastic 103828916 17.75
LOC103871320 uncharacterized LOC103871320 103871320 17.60
LOC103863093 psbP domain-containing protein 6, chloroplastic 103863093 17.57
LOC103874801 alpha-humulene/(-)-(E)-beta-caryophyllene synthase 103874801 17.55
LOC103837827 protein MID1-COMPLEMENTING ACTIVITY 2 103837827 17.54
LOC103874592 sec-independent protein translocase protein TATA, chloroplastic 103874592 17.52
LOC103873241 chlorophyll a-b binding protein 4, chloroplastic 103873241 17.52
LOC103827958 uncharacterized LOC103827958 103827958 17.50
LOC103861805 heat stress transcription factor C-1 103861805 17.49
LOC103863677 uncharacterized LOC103863677 103863677 17.48
LOC103871970 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase A, chloroplastic 103871970 17.47
LOC103873514 long chain base biosynthesis protein 2b-like 103873514 17.45
LOC103833512 psbP domain-containing protein 1, chloroplastic 103833512 17.45
LOC103828920 chlorophyll a-b binding protein 1, chloroplastic-like 103828920 17.43
LOC103829937 protein SODIUM POTASSIUM ROOT DEFECTIVE 3 103829937 17.38
LOC103850328 EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR-like protein 1 103850328 17.35
Upper 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103872731 pathogenesis-related protein 5 103872731 37.90
LOC103837755 subtilisin-like protease SBT1.7 103837755 36.89
LOC103837750 subtilisin-like protease SBT1.7 103837750 36.34
LOC103868155 putative cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 39 103868155 34.89
LOC103860401 pathogenesis-related protein 1 103860401 34.21
LOC103863089 sigma factor binding protein 1, chloroplastic 103863089 33.63
LOC103844264 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase homolog 6 103844264 33.53
LOC103875309 cytochrome P450 71B3 103875309 32.81
LOC103838749 GDSL esterase/lipase At5g03610 103838749 32.77
LOC103830671 pathogenesis-related protein 5 103830671 32.67
LOC103867633 beta-amylase 6 103867633 32.63
LOC103863054 glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase-like 103863054 32.59
LOC103875205 zingipain-2 103875205 32.53
LOC103870985 beta carbonic anhydrase 1, chloroplastic 103870985 32.51
LOC103844102 UDP-glycosyltransferase 74E2 103844102 32.32
LOC103831734 kunitz trypsin inhibitor 2 103831734 32.22
LOC103865218 receptor-like protein 42 103865218 31.95
LOC103830390 lipoxygenase 2, chloroplastic 103830390 31.87
LOC103838834 NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase subunit T, chloroplastic 103838834 31.66
LOC103860873 probable glucomannan 4-beta-mannosyltransferase 1 103860873 31.25
LOC103856141 ankyrin repeat-containing protein BDA1 103856141 31.20
LOC103844266 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase homolog 6 103844266 31.15
LOC103859939 phospholipase D gamma 1 103859939 30.95
LOC103863104 probable WRKY transcription factor 70 103863104 30.92
LOC103859945 uncharacterized LOC103859945 103859945 30.79
LOC117128200 uncharacterized LOC117128200 117128200 30.48
LOC103850064 beta carbonic anhydrase 1, chloroplastic 103850064 30.40
LOC103830357 calvin cycle protein CP12-2, chloroplastic 103830357 30.27
LOC103830237 putative histone-lysine N-methyltransferase ASHH4 103830237 30.23
LOC103873608 probable L-type lectin-domain containing receptor kinase I.6 103873608 30.17
LOC103858236 short-chain dehydrogenase reductase 3a 103858236 30.06
LOC103839086 putative cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 19 103839086 30.00
LOC103837956 threonine synthase 1, chloroplastic 103837956 29.89
LOC103850112 ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase small chain F1, chloroplastic 103850112 29.88
LOC103840686 uncharacterized LOC103840686 103840686 29.84
LOC103843355 galactinol synthase 3 103843355 29.79
LOC103834484 peroxidase 47 103834484 29.61
LOC103831040 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase GDPDL3 103831040 29.51
LOC103860886 putative cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 20 103860886 29.50
LOC103859446 probable inactive chitinase-like protein LaCIC 103859446 29.36
LOC117128907 aspartyl protease family protein At5g10770 117128907 29.29
LOC103860272 cytochrome P450 82G1 103860272 29.24
LOC103857469 uncharacterized LOC103857469 103857469 29.19
LOC103836896 uncharacterized LOC103836896 103836896 29.09
LOC103861374 cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 15 103861374 28.91
LOC103846439 cytochrome P450 71B4 103846439 28.85
LOC103874859 protein NRT1/ PTR FAMILY 4.7 103874859 28.78
LOC103867238 UDP-glycosyltransferase 86A1 103867238 28.76
LOC103837554 probable WRKY transcription factor 51 103837554 28.54
LOC103860762 thaumatin-like protein 1 103860762 28.40
LOC103835152 fructose-bisphosphate aldolase 2, chloroplastic 103835152 28.40
LOC103868164 ATP synthase gamma chain 1, chloroplastic 103868164 28.38
LOC103835863 photosystem I chlorophyll a/b-binding protein 6, chloroplastic 103835863 28.34
LOC103847223 malate dehydrogenase 2, glyoxysomal 103847223 28.32
LOC103870129 chaperonin 60 subunit beta 2, chloroplastic 103870129 28.30
LOC103863782 ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase small chain, chloroplastic 103863782 28.29
LOC103831616 phosphomannomutase/phosphoglucomutase 103831616 28.29
LOC103874012 probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 6 103874012 28.25
LOC108869616 L-type lectin-domain containing receptor kinase IV.4 108869616 28.25
LOC103864160 ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase small chain F1, chloroplastic 103864160 28.23
LOC103850948 beta carbonic anhydrase 1, chloroplastic 103850948 28.20
LOC103829665 ervatamin-B 103829665 28.16
LOC103861350 uncharacterized LOC103861350 103861350 27.93
LOC103865220 receptor-like protein 41 103865220 27.86
LOC103841629 glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase, acidic isoform 103841629 27.83
LOC103865547 ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF024 103865547 27.83
LOC103871652 nicotianamine synthase 3 103871652 27.78
LOC103840194 phosphoribulokinase, chloroplastic 103840194 27.77
LOC103869459 probable LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At3g47570 103869459 27.77
LOC103845309 dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase 2 103845309 27.77
LOC103834233 probable F-box protein At4g22060 103834233 27.74
LOC103863546 squalene monooxygenase 1,1-like 103863546 27.69
LOC117125684 photosynthetic NDH subunit of subcomplex B 4, chloroplastic 117125684 27.63
LOC103858079 endochitinase At2g43580 103858079 27.60
LOC103838397 disease resistance protein TAO1 103838397 27.58
LOC117132884 uncharacterized LOC117132884 117132884 27.57
LOC103834757 cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 10 103834757 27.56
LOC103864267 fructose-bisphosphate aldolase 1, chloroplastic 103864267 27.50
LOC103872728 pathogenesis-related protein 5 103872728 27.50
LOC103848198 14 kDa proline-rich protein DC2.15 103848198 27.47
LOC103833678 phosphoribulokinase, chloroplastic 103833678 27.45
LOC103830785 germin-like protein 1 103830785 27.38
LOC103830991 glycerate dehydrogenase HPR, peroxisomal 103830991 27.37
LOC103863055 glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase 103863055 27.32
LOC103859944 uncharacterized LOC103859944 103859944 27.27
LOC103869841 photosynthetic NDH subunit of subcomplex B 3, chloroplastic 103869841 27.26
RCA ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activase, chloroplastic 103865740 27.25
LOC103865860 uncharacterized LOC103865860 103865860 27.24
LOC103870027 (S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase GLO1-like 103870027 27.19
LOC103829276 glutamate--glyoxylate aminotransferase 1 103829276 27.18
LOC103856616 receptor-like protein kinase At5g59670 103856616 27.18
LOC103859574 (S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase GLO2 103859574 27.18
LOC103845349 uncharacterized LOC103845349 103845349 27.10
LOC103837002 chlorophyll a-b binding protein 2.4, chloroplastic 103837002 27.07
LOC103863779 ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase small chain F1, chloroplastic 103863779 27.06
LOC103859869 potassium channel AKT2/3 103859869 27.00
LOC103863816 putative receptor-like protein kinase At5g39000 103863816 27.00
Upper 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103852768 probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 17 103852768 32.60
LOC103844592 chitinase 10 103844592 31.14
LOC103854060 MLP-like protein 328 103854060 28.30
LOC103862474 uncharacterized LOC103862474 103862474 28.12
LOC103833883 peroxidase 39 103833883 27.83
LOC103837409 uncharacterized LOC103837409 103837409 27.57
LOC103833162 uncharacterized LOC103833162 103833162 26.09
LOC103852780 probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 18 103852780 25.94
LOC103867852 uncharacterized LOC103867852 103867852 25.51
LOC103870048 GDSL esterase/lipase 4 103870048 25.45
LOC103853525 probable cysteine protease RDL4 103853525 25.24
LOC103859661 aquaporin TIP2-1 103859661 25.15
LOC103835759 indole glucosinolate O-methyltransferase 4 103835759 25.11
LOC103855044 cytochrome P450 94B1 103855044 25.05
LOC103865496 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase PUB23 103865496 24.82
LOC103837612 LOB domain-containing protein 37 103837612 24.73
LOC103874063 uncharacterized LOC103874063 103874063 24.63
LOC103859306 beta-glucosidase 23 103859306 24.30
LOC103860335 glycine-rich protein 3 short isoform 103860335 24.29
LOC103863463 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase PUB22 103863463 24.23
LOC103859788 uncharacterized LOC103859788 103859788 24.01
LOC103867313 glycine-rich protein DOT1 103867313 23.81
LOC103858788 probable glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3 103858788 23.69
LOC103860721 cytochrome P450 81F1-like 103860721 23.63
LOC103839475 protein LURP-one-related 13 103839475 23.56
LOC103866235 BON1-associated protein 2 103866235 23.41
LOC103830514 EP1-like glycoprotein 3 103830514 23.09
LOC108870730 heavy metal-associated isoprenylated plant protein 13-like 108870730 23.08
LOC103855033 BTB/POZ and TAZ domain-containing protein 1 103855033 23.04
LOC103859668 PYK10-binding protein 2 103859668 23.03
LOC103831532 uncharacterized LOC103831532 103831532 23.00
LOC103872309 ABC transporter G family member 35 103872309 22.99
LOC103835009 cold-regulated 413 plasma membrane protein 4 103835009 22.89
LOC103867758 uncharacterized LOC103867758 103867758 22.79
LOC103861442 uncharacterized LOC103861442 103861442 22.74
LOC103830869 MLP-like protein 31 103830869 22.73
LOC103855599 nicotianamine synthase 1 103855599 22.70
LOC103844306 fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein 9 103844306 22.59
LOC103854631 protein FAM9A 103854631 22.55
LOC103871872 uncharacterized LOC103871872 103871872 22.55
WRKY40 probable WRKY transcription factor 40 103853211 22.54
LOC103858989 U-box domain-containing protein 21 103858989 22.50
LOC103859207 RPM1-interacting protein 4 103859207 22.48
LOC103852393 probable methyltransferase At1g27930 103852393 22.46
LOC103868647 uncharacterized LOC103868647 103868647 22.29
LOC103853629 abscisic acid 8'-hydroxylase 3 103853629 22.24
LOC103839192 uncharacterized LOC103839192 103839192 22.24
LOC103829003 OPA3-like protein 103829003 22.22
LOC103852082 heavy metal-associated isoprenylated plant protein 13 103852082 22.18
LOC103848211 beta-glucosidase 23 103848211 22.10
LOC103861987 protein DMP3 103861987 21.94
LOC103860191 probable cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 20, chloroplastic 103860191 21.80
LOC103858604 putative cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 31 103858604 21.79
LOC103870049 GDSL esterase/lipase ESM1 103870049 21.78
LOC103829288 MLP-like protein 34 103829288 21.77
LOC103835106 uncharacterized LOC103835106 103835106 21.75
LOC103865815 precursor of CEP15 103865815 21.73
LOC103845773 uncharacterized LOC103845773 103845773 21.53
LOC103868704 putative purine permease 20 103868704 21.52
LOC103858859 FT-interacting protein 7 103858859 21.44
LOC103867327 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase PUB23 103867327 21.40
LOC117132136 heavy metal-associated isoprenylated plant protein 13-like 117132136 21.32
LOC103858351 calcium-binding protein CML42 103858351 21.29
LOC103872501 VQ motif-containing protein 1 103872501 21.28
LOC103831562 metalloendoproteinase 2-MMP 103831562 21.24
LOC103835970 VQ motif-containing protein 1 103835970 21.15
LOC103854751 uncharacterized LOC103854751 103854751 21.13
LOC117131913 uncharacterized LOC117131913 117131913 21.11
LOC103837015 probable galacturonosyltransferase-like 10 103837015 21.07
LOC103861903 cytochrome P450 CYP82D47 103861903 21.07
LOC103875351 transcription factor HHO1 103875351 21.05
LOC103858635 lipid transfer protein EARLI 1-like 103858635 21.04
LOC103859055 pathogenesis-related protein PR-4 103859055 20.81
LOC103837555 uncharacterized LOC103837555 103837555 20.76
LOC103856244 uncharacterized LOC103856244 103856244 20.75
LOC103859917 beta-taxilin 103859917 20.72
LOC103838742 calcium-binding protein CML37 103838742 20.70
LOC103829389 indole glucosinolate O-methyltransferase 2 103829389 20.68
LOC103840846 lectin-like protein LEC 103840846 20.66
LOC103854109 F-box protein At2g02240 103854109 20.63
LOC103858636 lipid transfer protein EARLI 1-like 103858636 20.52
LOC103852549 putative F-box/LRR-repeat protein 19 103852549 20.44
LOC103841238 UDP-glycosyltransferase 73D1 103841238 20.42
LOC103840010 PYK10-binding protein 1 103840010 20.42
LOC103831807 kunitz trypsin inhibitor 4 103831807 20.37
LOC103872706 uncharacterized LOC103872706 103872706 20.34
LOC103853369 venom phosphodiesterase 2-like 103853369 20.31
LOC103857380 uncharacterized LOC103857380 103857380 20.31
LOC103846998 probable carboxylesterase 15 103846998 20.29
LOC103855067 amino acid permease 4 103855067 20.28
LOC103835860 probable carboxylesterase 1 103835860 20.26
LOC103844588 gibberellin 2-beta-dioxygenase 6 103844588 20.23
LOC103850834 DNA damage-repair/toleration protein DRT100 103850834 20.20
LOC103832641 ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF025 103832641 20.00
LOC103865802 inactive leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g24100 103865802 19.99
LOC103834272 cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 11 103834272 19.98
LOC103854371 uncharacterized LOC103854371 103854371 19.97
LOC103858885 probable calcium-binding protein CML40 103858885 19.82
LOC103874711 uncharacterized LOC103874711 103874711 19.81
LOC103860610 ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF104 103860610 19.81
Upper 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103850463 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UPL4 103850463 36.73
LOC103853278 metallothiol transferase FosB 103853278 36.33
LOC103845310 uncharacterized LOC103845310 103845310 35.63
LOC103848078 uncharacterized LOC103848078 103848078 34.75
LOC103842190 lysine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial-like 103842190 33.36
LOC103845446 uncharacterized LOC103845446 103845446 31.92
LOC103855501 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UPL4 103855501 31.90
LOC103854522 nitrile-specifier protein 5 103854522 31.78
LOC103867895 uncharacterized LOC103867895 103867895 31.56
LOC103838158 F-box protein At1g11270 103838158 31.52
LOC117125680 probable helicase CHR10 117125680 30.74
LOC103835180 uncharacterized LOC103835180 103835180 30.73
LOC103871007 uncharacterized LOC103871007 103871007 30.69
LOC103846263 uncharacterized LOC103846263 103846263 30.66
LOC103848365 uncharacterized LOC103848365 103848365 30.51
LOC103830633 uncharacterized LOC103830633 103830633 30.16
LOC103829035 probable helicase CHR10 103829035 29.90
PDS 15-cis-phytoene desaturase, chloroplastic/chromoplastic 103863556 29.61
LOC103838771 F-box protein At1g11270-like 103838771 29.46
LOC103862465 acyl-coenzyme A oxidase 4, peroxisomal-like 103862465 29.39
LOC117129253 uncharacterized LOC117129253 117129253 29.34
LOC103873135 uncharacterized LOC103873135 103873135 29.34
LOC103832780 uncharacterized LOC103832780 103832780 29.26
LOC103860955 RING-H2 finger protein ATL29-like 103860955 29.24
LOC103853481 uncharacterized LOC103853481 103853481 29.13
LOC117133347 uncharacterized LOC117133347 117133347 29.04
LOC103829046 uncharacterized LOC103829046 103829046 28.97
LOC103848204 uncharacterized mitochondrial protein AtMg00810 103848204 28.92
LOC117128966 glutathione S-transferase T3-like 117128966 28.88
LOC117127256 uncharacterized LOC117127256 117127256 28.81
LOC103869112 uncharacterized LOC103869112 103869112 28.79
LOC103838832 RING-H2 finger protein ATL39 103838832 28.74
LOC117132468 uncharacterized LOC117132468 117132468 28.60
LOC108869601 uncharacterized LOC108869601 108869601 28.48
LOC103864022 uncharacterized LOC103864022 103864022 28.44
LOC103847628 protein PHLOEM PROTEIN 2-LIKE A5 103847628 28.35
LOC103866651 uncharacterized LOC103866651 103866651 28.30
LOC103871828 uncharacterized LOC103871828 103871828 27.99
LOC103873359 auxin response factor 2-like 103873359 27.89
LOC103830632 uncharacterized LOC103830632 103830632 27.86
LOC117125826 uncharacterized LOC117125826 117125826 27.51
LOC117133595 uncharacterized LOC117133595 117133595 27.50
LOC103847809 uncharacterized LOC103847809 103847809 27.41
LOC103828044 uncharacterized LOC103828044 103828044 27.35
LOC103828171 uncharacterized LOC103828171 103828171 27.34
LOC103849396 uncharacterized LOC103849396 103849396 27.27
LOC103865657 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate synthase subunit PDX1.1 103865657 27.26
LOC103827958 uncharacterized LOC103827958 103827958 27.21
LOC103829314 uncharacterized LOC103829314 103829314 27.18
LOC103845491 uncharacterized LOC103845491 103845491 26.95
LOC117131741 putative nuclease HARBI1 117131741 26.95
LOC108871915 uncharacterized LOC108871915 108871915 26.77
LOC117131129 uncharacterized LOC117131129 117131129 26.63
LOC103829365 uncharacterized LOC103829365 103829365 26.61
LOC103853963 uncharacterized LOC103853963 103853963 26.57
LOC103855968 uncharacterized LOC103855968 103855968 26.55
LOC117126906 uncharacterized LOC117126906 117126906 26.39
LOC103834296 uncharacterized LOC103834296 103834296 26.39
LOC103844042 probable alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase [UDP-forming] 7 103844042 26.39
LOC103861572 uncharacterized LOC103861572 103861572 26.36
LOC103836824 uncharacterized LOC103836824 103836824 26.33
LOC108869269 uncharacterized LOC108869269 108869269 26.31
LOC103838592 uncharacterized LOC103838592 103838592 26.25
LOC108868762 F-box protein At2g35280-like 108868762 26.19
LOC103830098 uncharacterized LOC103830098 103830098 26.16
LOC103852677 putative nuclease HARBI1 103852677 26.10
LOC103849633 helicase-like transcription factor CHR28 103849633 26.00
LOC103862501 uncharacterized LOC103862501 103862501 25.98
LOC117128525 putative F-box/LRR-repeat/kelch-repeat protein At1g11620 117128525 25.98
LOC103833474 endoglucanase 9 103833474 25.97
LOC103839640 protein DELAY OF GERMINATION 1-like 103839640 25.96
LOC103849257 DNA repair protein recA homolog 3, mitochondrial 103849257 25.92
LOC103871713 pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g09410, mitochondrial 103871713 25.91
LOC103835764 uncharacterized LOC103835764 103835764 25.72
LOC103863652 uncharacterized LOC103863652 103863652 25.71
LOC103833055 uncharacterized LOC103833055 103833055 25.65
LOC108869708 uncharacterized LOC108869708 108869708 25.62
LOC108869258 protein JINGUBANG-like 108869258 25.59
LOC103847281 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 19 103847281 25.59
LOC117126557 uncharacterized LOC117126557 117126557 25.58
LOC103840286 thionin-like protein 2 103840286 25.56
LOC103873610 uncharacterized LOC103873610 103873610 25.54
LOC103867921 uncharacterized LOC103867921 103867921 25.53
LOC103859529 uncharacterized LOC103859529 103859529 25.45
LOC103870878 UDP-glycosyltransferase 84A1 103870878 25.38
LOC103873619 uncharacterized LOC103873619 103873619 25.37
LOC103829893 plectin 103829893 25.31
LOC103841530 uncharacterized LOC103841530 103841530 25.29
LOC103839933 uncharacterized protein At4g04980 103839933 25.29
LOC117128040 uncharacterized LOC117128040 117128040 25.24
LOC103849170 uncharacterized LOC103849170 103849170 25.18
LOC117129225 NAC domain-containing protein 78-like 117129225 25.13
LOC103828215 uncharacterized LOC103828215 103828215 25.11
LOC117126426 uncharacterized LOC117126426 117126426 25.00
LOC103842155 uncharacterized LOC103842155 103842155 24.94
LOC103861038 uncharacterized LOC103861038 103861038 24.79
LOC103852946 bifunctional nuclease 1 103852946 24.79
LOC103859326 kinetochore protein SPC24 homolog 103859326 24.75
LOC103862665 uncharacterized LOC103862665 103862665 24.73
LOC117133565 uncharacterized LOC117133565 117133565 24.71
Upper 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103871419 RING-H2 finger protein ATL78 103871419 28.75
LOC103828008 cold-regulated protein 27 103828008 27.84
LOC103860517 chaperone protein dnaJ C76, chloroplastic 103860517 26.26
JMJ30 lysine-specific demethylase JMJ30 103869271 25.05
LOC103861597 protein CHLOROPLAST IMPORT APPARATUS 2 103861597 24.72
LOC103856740 CBL-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 21 103856740 23.61
LOC103835284 probable WRKY transcription factor 65 103835284 23.35
LOC103853727 aluminum-activated malate transporter 13 103853727 22.39
LOC103843239 thioredoxin-like protein CXXS1 103843239 22.12
LOC103839269 cold-regulated protein 27 103839269 22.09
LOC103828354 adagio protein 2 103828354 22.07
LOC103837378 two-component response regulator-like APRR1 103837378 21.39
LOC103860437 CCG-binding protein 1 103860437 20.92
LOC103847045 ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF106 103847045 20.73
LOC103857901 protein EARLY FLOWERING 4 103857901 20.54
LOC103842877 cold-regulated protein 28 103842877 20.49
DRM1 dormancy-associated protein 1 103838964 20.45
LOC103836459 zinc finger protein CONSTANS-LIKE 7 103836459 20.14
LOC103864290 glycine-rich RNA-binding protein GRP2A 103864290 19.97
LOC103834447 cold-regulated protein 28 103834447 19.93
LOC103835148 B-box zinc finger protein 20 103835148 19.90
LOC103837200 NAC domain-containing protein 59 103837200 19.82
LOC103860589 two-component response regulator-like APRR1 103860589 19.76
LOC103862784 universal stress protein A-like protein 103862784 19.73
LOC103873783 transcription factor LUX 103873783 19.68
LOC103869869 uncharacterized LOC103869869 103869869 19.62
LOC103857833 O-acyltransferase WSD1 103857833 19.51
LOC103842502 glycine-rich RNA-binding protein GRP1A 103842502 19.44
LOC103851057 uncharacterized LOC103851057 103851057 19.30
LOC103837410 21 kDa protein 103837410 18.90
LOC103837386 ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF107 103837386 18.86
LOC103839776 uncharacterized LOC103839776 103839776 18.72
LOC103857100 abscisic acid receptor PYL8 103857100 18.39
LOC103828814 auxilin-related protein 1 103828814 18.31
LOC103873153 BTB/POZ and TAZ domain-containing protein 2 103873153 18.28
LOC103845802 sugar transporter ERD6-like 16 103845802 18.24
LOC103874318 two-component response regulator-like APRR5 103874318 18.12
LOC103831261 uncharacterized LOC103831261 103831261 18.08
LOC103863737 protein CHLOROPLAST IMPORT APPARATUS 2 103863737 18.04
LOC103861670 fatty acid desaturase 4-like 2, chloroplastic 103861670 17.83
LOC103845660 germin-like protein 1 103845660 17.61
LOC103839410 uncharacterized LOC103839410 103839410 17.30
LOC103858021 protein COLD-REGULATED 15B, chloroplastic 103858021 17.29
LOC103846370 stress-induced protein KIN2 103846370 17.26
LOC103869054 UDP-glycosyltransferase 85A2 103869054 17.24
LOC103852002 protein yippee-like At5g53940 103852002 17.22
LOC103830747 uncharacterized LOC103830747 103830747 17.22
LOC103858921 hypersensitive-induced response protein 3 103858921 17.20
LOC103861627 probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RHA4A 103861627 17.09
LOC103865795 amino acid transporter AVT6D 103865795 17.03
LOC103862758 glutaredoxin-C14 103862758 16.99
LOC103871275 metal tolerance protein C4 103871275 16.98
LOC103843988 protein CHLOROPLAST IMPORT APPARATUS 2 103843988 16.97
LOC103871400 ABSCISIC ACID-INSENSITIVE 5-like protein 4 103871400 16.95
LOC103862850 cytochrome P450 76C4 103862850 16.80
LOC103871884 uncharacterized LOC103871884 103871884 16.79
LOC103841271 29 kDa ribonucleoprotein, chloroplastic 103841271 16.66
LOC103853738 uncharacterized LOC103853738 103853738 16.54
LOC103872148 beta-galactosidase 2 103872148 16.49
LOC103864989 glutamate receptor 2.7-like 103864989 16.41
LOC103865790 dehydration-responsive element-binding protein 2C 103865790 16.32
LOC103849376 glutamate receptor 2.7 103849376 16.32
LOC103869989 probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At3g14840 103869989 16.30
LOC103870953 cytochrome P450 708A2 103870953 16.13
LOC103866999 uncharacterized protein At2g39920 103866999 15.95
LOC103852946 bifunctional nuclease 1 103852946 15.76
LOC103874378 cytochrome P450 71B11 103874378 15.75
LOC103842221 carotenoid 9,10(9',10')-cleavage dioxygenase 1 103842221 15.72
LOC103874939 zinc finger protein CONSTANS-LIKE 10 103874939 15.72
LOC103859237 zinc finger protein CONSTANS-LIKE 9 103859237 15.68
LOC103849175 zinc finger protein CONSTANS-LIKE 9 103849175 15.65
LOC103833544 uncharacterized LOC103833544 103833544 15.65
LOC103858386 tricyclene synthase, chloroplastic 103858386 15.59
LOC103842985 uncharacterized LOC103842985 103842985 15.58
LOC103837391 putative glycine-rich cell wall structural protein 1 103837391 15.56
LOC103852533 UPF0057 membrane protein At4g30650 103852533 15.52
LOC103858040 putative cytochrome P450 71A28 103858040 15.52
LOC103831981 protein FAM50A 103831981 15.41
LOC103846595 NAC domain-containing protein 83 103846595 15.34
LOC103842062 universal stress protein A-like protein 103842062 15.24
LOC103841142 uncharacterized LOC103841142 103841142 15.21
LOC103862483 probable polyol transporter 6 103862483 15.19
LOC103854859 two-component response regulator-like APRR5 103854859 15.13
LOC103831818 transcription factor MYB13-like 103831818 15.12
LOC103854621 basic leucine zipper 63 103854621 15.08
LOC103872097 phosphate transporter PHO1 homolog 3 103872097 15.06
LOC103853207 chaperone protein dnaJ 8, chloroplastic 103853207 15.03
LOC103854528 zinc finger protein CONSTANS-LIKE 10 103854528 15.00
LOC103847007 thioredoxin-like 3-1, chloroplastic 103847007 14.99
LOC103832487 F-box/kelch-repeat protein At1g80440 103832487 14.95
LOC103852488 uncharacterized LOC103852488 103852488 14.90
LOC103832845 protein PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 21 103832845 14.90
LOC103838655 alkane hydroxylase MAH1-like 103838655 14.88
LOC103841737 multiple organellar RNA editing factor 8, chloroplastic/mitochondrial 103841737 14.81
LOC103831630 chaperone protein DnaJ 103831630 14.79
LOC103853724 uncharacterized LOC103853724 103853724 14.78
LOC103842381 DNA-directed RNA polymerase 3, chloroplastic 103842381 14.74
LOC117127545 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MPSR1-like 117127545 14.59
LOC103870373 RING-H2 finger protein ATL66 103870373 14.57
LOC103847652 dnaJ homolog subfamily B member 8 103847652 14.54
Upper 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103840759 stem-specific protein TSJT1 103840759 30.10
LOC103874626 beta-D-xylosidase 1 103874626 28.52
LOC103851406 SNF1-related protein kinase regulatory subunit beta-1 103851406 28.05
LOC103835009 cold-regulated 413 plasma membrane protein 4 103835009 27.76
LOC103862549 uncharacterized LOC103862549 103862549 26.44
LOC103858015 basic leucine zipper 34 103858015 24.92
LOC103871169 stem-specific protein TSJT1 103871169 24.87
LOC103837208 UPF0301 protein Plut_0637 103837208 23.68
LOC103833791 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 15 103833791 23.10
LOC103834809 stem-specific protein TSJT1 103834809 22.37
LOC103865430 probable vacuolar amino acid transporter YPQ3 103865430 22.30
LOC117127545 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MPSR1-like 117127545 22.05
LOC103830140 basic leucine zipper 61 103830140 21.74
LOC103869919 stem-specific protein TSJT1 103869919 21.60
LOC103862454 transcription factor bHLH11 103862454 21.58
LOC103869842 aquaporin TIP2-1 103869842 21.51
LOC103856789 beta-galactosidase 4 103856789 21.23
LOC103854451 uncharacterized LOC103854451 103854451 21.07
LOC103829405 AT-hook motif nuclear-localized protein 27 103829405 21.02
LOC103852332 uncharacterized LOC103852332 103852332 20.98
LOC103854621 basic leucine zipper 63 103854621 20.94
LOC103844567 probable beta-D-xylosidase 2 103844567 20.80
LOC103859661 aquaporin TIP2-1 103859661 20.70
LOC103845780 probable aspartic proteinase GIP2 103845780 20.68
LOC103858660 BTB/POZ and TAZ domain-containing protein 5 103858660 20.47
LOC103874621 basic leucine zipper 1 103874621 20.40
LOC103854592 beta-D-xylosidase 1 103854592 20.35
LOC103862555 BTB/POZ and TAZ domain-containing protein 5 103862555 20.12
LOC103840846 lectin-like protein LEC 103840846 20.10
LOC103837831 chaperone protein dnaJ 11, chloroplastic 103837831 20.07
LOC103837285 basic leucine zipper 1 103837285 19.88
LOC103837984 inositol oxygenase 2 103837984 19.87
LOC103831859 transcription factor BEE 3 103831859 19.82
LOC103872757 uncharacterized LOC103872757 103872757 19.77
LOC103846929 UDP-glycosyltransferase 76C1 103846929 19.51
EXPA8 expansin 103857939 19.48
LOC103828697 F-box/kelch-repeat protein At3g23880 103828697 19.43
LOC103851020 uncharacterized LOC103851020 103851020 19.36
LOC103850004 late embryogenesis abundant protein At3g53040 103850004 19.35
LOC103829408 RNA-binding protein 24 103829408 19.17
LOC103834855 pathogenesis-related protein PR-1 103834855 19.06
LOC103849851 inositol oxygenase 4 103849851 18.94
LOC103835496 uncharacterized LOC103835496 103835496 18.79
LOC103846521 NAC domain-containing protein 83 103846521 18.75
LOC103861442 uncharacterized LOC103861442 103861442 18.72
LOC103870099 beta-galactosidase 1 103870099 18.54
LOC103850456 probable protein phosphatase 2C 67 103850456 18.50
LOC103860035 heavy metal-associated isoprenylated plant protein 8 103860035 18.47
LOC103872329 uncharacterized LOC103872329 103872329 18.29
LOC103857325 root phototropism protein 2 103857325 18.21
LOC103835117 alkane hydroxylase MAH1 103835117 18.20
LOC103835632 tetratricopeptide repeat protein 38 103835632 18.14
LOC103842587 uncharacterized LOC103842587 103842587 18.12
LOC103874664 uncharacterized LOC103874664 103874664 18.10
LOC103843258 lipase 103843258 18.06
LOC103852641 probable alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase [UDP-forming] 8 103852641 17.98
LOC103873743 senescence-associated protein DIN1 103873743 17.97
LOC103860440 uncharacterized LOC103860440 103860440 17.83
ESM GDSL esterase/lipase ESM1 103870050 17.77
LOC103850323 classical arabinogalactan protein 4 103850323 17.55
LOC103851007 transcription factor TGA3 103851007 17.55
LOC103841393 uncharacterized LOC103841393 103841393 17.34
LOC103840966 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2 103840966 17.31
LOC103856812 uncharacterized LOC103856812 103856812 17.27
LOC103860630 protein PHLOEM PROTEIN 2-LIKE A10 103860630 17.16
LOC103866511 expansin-A8 103866511 17.07
LOC103874593 basic leucine zipper 63 103874593 16.87
LOC103850455 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase SGR9, amyloplastic 103850455 16.82
AVP1-2 pyrophosphate-energized vacuolar membrane proton pump 1-like 103832483 16.78
LOC103842701 uncharacterized LOC103842701 103842701 16.76
LOC103871415 uncharacterized LOC103871415 103871415 16.74
LOC103859649 nuclear transcription factor Y subunit B-3 103859649 16.69
LOC103870677 uncharacterized LOC103870677 103870677 16.67
LOC103867951 root phototropism protein 2 103867951 16.62
LOC103860274 vacuolar iron transporter homolog 2.1 103860274 16.59
LOC103858029 transcription factor PAR1-like 103858029 16.39
LOC103842737 PRA1 family protein F1 103842737 16.36
LOC103856536 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RZFP34 103856536 16.33
LOC103828713 probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 16 103828713 16.24
LOC103853491 uncharacterized LOC103853491 103853491 16.23
LOC103868065 uncharacterized LOC103868065 103868065 16.18
LOC103851817 uncharacterized LOC103851817 103851817 16.12
LOC103846481 probable glucuronokinase 2 103846481 16.11
LOC103835106 uncharacterized LOC103835106 103835106 16.10
LOC103875316 cytochrome P450 71B17 103875316 16.08
LOC103828756 beta carbonic anhydrase 6, mitochondrial 103828756 16.04
LOC103849297 bifunctional UDP-glucose 4-epimerase and UDP-xylose 4-epimerase 3 103849297 15.91
LOC103865822 expansin-A8 103865822 15.87
LOC103844306 fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein 9 103844306 15.83
LOC103836970 serine/threonine-protein kinase CDG1 103836970 15.73
LOC103845558 NAC domain-containing protein 89 103845558 15.72
LOC103837284 beta-D-xylosidase 1 103837284 15.68
LOC103839193 zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 61 103839193 15.60
LOC103862975 calcium-binding protein CML19 103862975 15.55
LOC103842430 protein BIG GRAIN 1-like A 103842430 15.46
LOC103832445 chaperone protein dnaJ 8, chloroplastic 103832445 15.46
LOC117133000 uncharacterized LOC117133000 117133000 15.45
LOC103858452 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1A 103858452 15.45
LOC103859741 uncharacterized GPI-anchored protein At4g28100 103859741 15.33
Upper 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103831158 uncharacterized LOC103831158 103831158 26.43
LOC103846934 cytochrome P450 71A1 103846934 22.75
LOC103854874 squalene epoxidase 5 103854874 21.09
LOC103862758 glutaredoxin-C14 103862758 20.63
LOC103850580 peroxidase P7 103850580 20.41
LOC103862850 cytochrome P450 76C4 103862850 20.30
LOC103861948 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 24 103861948 20.29
LOC103861111 protein SPIRAL1-like 5 103861111 20.20
LOC103828707 selenium-binding protein 3 103828707 20.09
LOC103867386 protein RADIALIS-like 3 103867386 20.02
STM homeobox protein SHOOT MERISTEMLESS 103838400 19.98
LOC103866866 probable pectinesterase/pectinesterase inhibitor 17 103866866 19.97
LOC103866831 probable WRKY transcription factor 12 103866831 19.93
LOC103858468 homeobox protein knotted-1-like 1 103858468 19.81
LOC103843566 ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF094 103843566 19.71
LOC103862851 cytochrome P450 76C4-like 103862851 19.67
LOC103851641 peroxidase 67 103851641 19.26
LOC103837225 WAT1-related protein At3g30340 103837225 19.19
LOC103862784 universal stress protein A-like protein 103862784 19.17
LOC103838707 cyclase-like protein 3 103838707 19.16
LOC103835835 jasmonate O-methyltransferase 103835835 18.82
LOC103837136 transcription factor MYB86 103837136 18.80
LOC103837139 uncharacterized LOC103837139 103837139 18.76
LOC103856058 protein LAZY 1 103856058 18.72
LOC103834679 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 24 103834679 18.52
LOC103837410 21 kDa protein 103837410 18.51
LOC103861729 phytolongin Phyl2.1 103861729 18.43
LOC103866304 NAC domain-containing protein 43 103866304 18.04
LOC103831621 MLP-like protein 31 103831621 18.02
LOC103872849 catalase-3 103872849 17.92
LOC103830571 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase 5 103830571 17.87
LOC103868121 branched-chain-amino-acid aminotransferase 2, chloroplastic 103868121 17.85
LOC103855740 transcription factor MYB29 103855740 17.83
LOC103850724 protein EXORDIUM-like 4 103850724 17.71
LOC103833878 ethylene receptor 2 103833878 17.67
LOC103842815 protein SRG1 103842815 17.62
LOC103834602 auxin-induced protein 15A 103834602 17.53
LOC103850303 aspartyl protease family protein At5g10770 103850303 17.32
LOC103872765 jasmonate O-methyltransferase 103872765 17.28
LOC103865364 uncharacterized LOC103865364 103865364 17.15
LOC103860720 macrophage migration inhibitory factor homolog 103860720 17.06
LOC103828946 GDSL esterase/lipase At1g29670 103828946 17.04
LOC103842737 PRA1 family protein F1 103842737 17.04
LOC103864146 protein TPX2 103864146 16.94
LOC103857181 non-specific lipid-transfer protein 3 103857181 16.87
LOC103850581 laccase-12 103850581 16.86
LOC103842652 pathogenesis-related protein 5 103842652 16.85
LOC103855864 protein DETOXIFICATION 28 103855864 16.74
LOC103859682 ethylene-responsive transcription factor RAP2-3 103859682 16.66
LOC103852103 low-temperature-induced 65 kDa protein 103852103 16.63
LOC103842062 universal stress protein A-like protein 103842062 16.62
LOC103854635 protein LIGHT-DEPENDENT SHORT HYPOCOTYLS 1 103854635 16.49
LOC103867388 protein EXORDIUM-like 7 103867388 16.47
LOC103847807 blue copper protein 103847807 16.46
LOC103845802 sugar transporter ERD6-like 16 103845802 16.44
LOC103852789 xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 24 103852789 16.40
LOC103843148 flavin-containing monooxygenase FMO GS-OX-like 2 103843148 16.40
LOC103848604 purine permease 21 103848604 16.35
LOC103864823 probable glucuronoxylan glucuronosyltransferase IRX7 103864823 16.32
LOC103865960 protein LIGHT-DEPENDENT SHORT HYPOCOTYLS 10 103865960 16.32
LOC103843985 protein LIGHT-DEPENDENT SHORT HYPOCOTYLS 6 103843985 16.30
LOC103831632 uncharacterized protein At1g66480 103831632 16.28
LOC103839482 MLP-like protein 328 103839482 16.27
LOC103870373 RING-H2 finger protein ATL66 103870373 16.24
LOC103846031 peroxidase 64 103846031 16.19
LOC103846893 laccase-12 103846893 16.17
LOC103875312 cytochrome P450 71B22 103875312 16.08
LOC103836896 uncharacterized LOC103836896 103836896 16.04
LOC103874767 WAT1-related protein At4g01450-like 103874767 16.04
LOC103842658 probable carboxylesterase 1 103842658 15.91
LOC103846512 protein LAZY 1 103846512 15.91
LOC103864377 cytochrome P450 71B2-like 103864377 15.86
LOC103834725 zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 49 103834725 15.79
LOC103864099 uncharacterized LOC103864099 103864099 15.79
LOC103831962 pathogenesis-related protein 5 103831962 15.79
LOC103829129 DEAD-box ATP-dependent RNA helicase 42 103829129 15.65
LOC103835788 catalase-3 103835788 15.57
LOC103838291 16 kDa phloem protein 2 103838291 15.47
LOC103852686 MLP-like protein 31 103852686 15.42
LOC103864964 tropinone reductase 103864964 15.40
LOC103858039 transcription factor PIF4 103858039 15.39
LOC103850640 cytosolic sulfotransferase 15 103850640 15.34
LOC103872837 dehydrin ERD10 103872837 15.33
LOC103833075 actin-depolymerizing factor 9 103833075 15.32
LOC103866037 probable pectinesterase/pectinesterase inhibitor 16 103866037 15.29
LOC103872023 flavin-containing monooxygenase FMO GS-OX-like 2 103872023 15.29
LOC103853727 aluminum-activated malate transporter 13 103853727 15.18
LOC103855920 NADP-dependent malic enzyme 2 103855920 15.08
LOC103852946 bifunctional nuclease 1 103852946 15.08
LOC103831617 MLP-like protein 43 103831617 15.07
LOC103828755 protein LIGHT-DEPENDENT SHORT HYPOCOTYLS 4 103828755 15.06
LOC103865868 protein ORGAN SIZE RELATED 1 103865868 15.04
LOC103867605 uncharacterized LOC103867605 103867605 14.95
LOC103836639 protein RALF-like 1 103836639 14.93
LOC103868341 serine/threonine-protein kinase STY13 103868341 14.92
LOC103857283 dehydration-responsive element-binding protein 1B 103857283 14.84
LOC103847010 peroxidase A2 103847010 14.80
LOC103829206 ribonuclease 3 103829206 14.80
LOC103866434 NAC domain-containing protein 43 103866434 14.80
LOC103847030 polygalacturonase inhibitor 1 103847030 14.72
Upper 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103868967 early light-induced protein 1, chloroplastic 103868967 25.99
LOC103871011 B-box domain protein 30 103871011 24.56
LOC103859976 early light-induced protein 1, chloroplastic 103859976 22.94
LOC103834289 early light-induced protein 1, chloroplastic 103834289 22.35
LOC103846255 protein REVEILLE 1 103846255 22.30
LOC103865141 B-box zinc finger protein 25 103865141 21.36
LOC103839200 ABC transporter I family member 21 103839200 20.42
LOC103841470 ultraviolet-B receptor UVR8 103841470 20.18
LOC103844616 protein LHY 103844616 19.84
LOC103839184 transcription factor HY5-like 103839184 19.02
LOC103858956 zinc finger protein CONSTANS-LIKE 2 103858956 18.95
LOC103834947 B-box domain protein 31 103834947 18.77
LOC103869673 transcription factor HY5-like 103869673 18.76
LOC103850122 glutaredoxin-C6 103850122 18.23
LOC103874654 MADS-box protein AGL42-like 103874654 18.14
LOC103867878 B-box zinc finger protein 25 103867878 17.39
LOC103837296 protein LIGHT-DEPENDENT SHORT HYPOCOTYLS 1 103837296 17.38
LOC103852639 WAT1-related protein At1g70260 103852639 17.35
LOC103836661 protein LHY 103836661 17.20
LOC103874351 cryptochrome DASH, chloroplastic/mitochondrial 103874351 16.55
LOC103863616 ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF062 103863616 16.38
LOC103860784 UDP-glycosyltransferase 84A1 103860784 16.14
LOC103872141 protein BIC1 103872141 15.95
LOC103860415 uncharacterized LOC103860415 103860415 15.63
LOC103871496 polygalacturonase At1g48100 103871496 15.56
LOC103831984 protein RADIALIS-like 6 103831984 15.55
LOC103870042 uncharacterized LOC103870042 103870042 15.35
LOC103828607 uncharacterized LOC103828607 103828607 15.32
CCA1 cataract, congenital, cerulean type, 1 103866427 15.32
LOC103870531 protein REVEILLE 8 103870531 15.28
LOC103874577 protein LIGHT-DEPENDENT SHORT HYPOCOTYLS 1 103874577 15.25
LOC103836858 ammonium transporter 1 member 2 103836858 15.00
LOC103865631 WD repeat-containing protein RUP2 103865631 14.91
LOC103830048 uncharacterized LOC103830048 103830048 14.91
LOC103869163 UDP-glycosyltransferase 84A2 103869163 14.90
LOC103859441 protein LNK3 103859441 14.83
LOC103840650 dof zinc finger protein DOF1.3 103840650 14.83
LOC103844242 probable folate-biopterin transporter 8, chloroplastic 103844242 14.79
LOC103846881 RING-H2 finger protein ATL73 103846881 14.79
LOC103851098 protein REVEILLE 1 103851098 14.75
LOC103834770 uncharacterized LOC103834770 103834770 14.73
LOC103855503 protein REVEILLE 4 103855503 14.63
LOC103842538 B-box zinc finger protein 18 103842538 14.59
LOC103832459 aquaporin NIP6-1 103832459 14.48
LOC103865737 aspartic proteinase PCS1 103865737 14.46
LOC103857751 uncharacterized LOC103857751 103857751 14.40
LOC103833510 CSC1-like protein At4g15430 103833510 14.16
LOC103848911 protein LIGHT-DEPENDENT SHORT HYPOCOTYLS 2 103848911 14.14
SOC1 MADS-box protein SOC1-like 103858179 14.04
LOC103861006 uncharacterized LOC103861006 103861006 13.83
LOC103866709 uncharacterized LOC103866709 103866709 13.83
LOC103870897 CSC1-like protein At4g15430 103870897 13.81
LOC103851823 probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL16 103851823 13.79
LOC103853220 aquaporin NIP6-1 103853220 13.78
LOC103868577 protein DETOXIFICATION 42 103868577 13.74
LOC103856631 uncharacterized protein C24B11.05 103856631 13.66
LOC103857744 protein NRT1/ PTR FAMILY 5.6 103857744 13.57
LOC103835086 UDP-glycosyltransferase 84A2 103835086 13.53
LOC103842102 glutaredoxin-C14 103842102 13.49
LOC103831249 zinc finger protein GIS3 103831249 13.46
LOC103847261 uncharacterized LOC103847261 103847261 13.45
LOC103842537 fructose-bisphosphate aldolase 1, chloroplastic 103842537 13.41
LOC103866364 RING-H2 finger protein ATL5 103866364 13.30
LOC103867249 probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 32 103867249 13.29
LOC103872602 transcription factor BEE 1 103872602 13.29
LOC103867072 dynein light chain 2, cytoplasmic 103867072 13.26
LOC103830925 cyclic dof factor 5 103830925 13.24
LOC103874727 two-component response regulator ARR6 103874727 13.21
LOC103860813 bidirectional sugar transporter SWEET17 103860813 13.20
LOC117126907 uncharacterized LOC117126907 117126907 13.20
LOC103872445 LOB domain-containing protein 3 103872445 13.18
LOC103852289 amino acid permease 6 103852289 13.13
LOC103834786 mitochondrial carrier protein MTM1 103834786 13.11
LOC103844645 UDP-glycosyltransferase 72B3 103844645 13.09
LOC103830125 squamosa promoter-binding protein-like 15 103830125 13.08
LOC103844654 protein REVEILLE 3 103844654 13.08
LOC103828438 protein SMALL AUXIN UP-REGULATED RNA 10 103828438 13.07
MIR824 microRNA MIR824 103318470 13.07
LOC103844644 abscisic acid receptor PYL9 103844644 13.06
LOC103855006 cyclic dof factor 1 103855006 13.04
LOC103834501 glutaredoxin-C6 103834501 13.03
LOC103858024 protein LIGHT-DEPENDENT SHORT HYPOCOTYLS 10 103858024 13.03
LOC103829043 beta-glucosidase 9 103829043 13.00
LOC103837684 polyol transporter 5 103837684 12.89
LOC103841538 uncharacterized LOC103841538 103841538 12.85
LOC103860548 G-type lectin S-receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase RLK1 103860548 12.85
LOC103854851 heavy metal-associated isoprenylated plant protein 9 103854851 12.81
LOC103845418 zinc finger protein CONSTANS-LIKE 5 103845418 12.76
LOC103855599 nicotianamine synthase 1 103855599 12.76
LOC103850580 peroxidase P7 103850580 12.74
LOC103867225 uncharacterized LOC103867225 103867225 12.70
LOC103841267 aquaporin PIP2-1 103841267 12.69
LOC103852624 transcription factor KUA1 103852624 12.67
LOC103852309 myosin-binding protein 7 103852309 12.64
LOC103857908 protein SMAX1-LIKE 8 103857908 12.62
LOC103849024 transcription repressor OFP1 103849024 12.59
LOC103840161 protein NRT1/ PTR FAMILY 7.3 103840161 12.50
LOC103836954 transcription factor UNE10 103836954 12.44
LOC103874333 protein RESPONSE TO LOW SULFUR 2 103874333 12.42
LOC103850065 homeobox-leucine zipper protein HAT5 103850065 12.40
Upper 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC117131929 uncharacterized LOC117131929 117131929 26.66
LOC103865191 putative F-box protein At2g19630 103865191 21.84
LOC103831621 MLP-like protein 31 103831621 21.58
LOC103871794 protein LIFEGUARD 1 103871794 20.62
LOC103844068 pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g06140, mitochondrial 103844068 20.46
LOC103846593 uncharacterized LOC103846593 103846593 20.30
LOC103851447 probable WRKY transcription factor 38 103851447 20.16
LOC103862937 60S ribosomal protein L38 103862937 19.91
LOC103835426 anther-specific protein BCP1-like 103835426 19.74
LOC103862561 uncharacterized LOC103862561 103862561 19.66
LOC103831962 pathogenesis-related protein 5 103831962 19.32
LOC103850286 uncharacterized LOC103850286 103850286 19.17
LOC103863385 uncharacterized LOC103863385 103863385 19.09
LOC103864632 ankyrin repeat-containing protein At5g02620-like 103864632 18.93
LOC103832706 uncharacterized LOC103832706 103832706 18.87
LOC103834738 uncharacterized LOC103834738 103834738 18.74
LOC103863055 glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase 103863055 18.68
LOC117132088 uncharacterized LOC117132088 117132088 18.43
LOC103829170 uncharacterized LOC103829170 103829170 18.05
LOC103863058 glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase-like 103863058 17.33
LOC103864409 BAHD acyltransferase At3g29680-like 103864409 17.32
LOC103852659 uncharacterized LOC103852659 103852659 16.96
LOC103850166 WAT1-related protein At5g40240-like 103850166 16.96
LOC103856809 profilin-5 103856809 16.91
LOC103869021 proteasome subunit beta type-2-A 103869021 16.83
LOC103871136 uncharacterized LOC103871136 103871136 16.83
LOC103866866 probable pectinesterase/pectinesterase inhibitor 17 103866866 16.82
LOC103830370 helicase-like transcription factor CHR28 103830370 16.64
LOC103847578 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CIP8 103847578 16.59
LOC103834950 uncharacterized LOC103834950 103834950 16.47
LOC103866582 uncharacterized LOC103866582 103866582 16.46
LOC103868632 probable LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At1g51860 103868632 16.35
LOC103866141 beta-glucosidase 27 103866141 16.34
LOC103861582 mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 36a 103861582 16.29
LOC103871952 probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase 11 103871952 16.29
LOC103830883 uncharacterized LOC103830883 103830883 16.23
LOC103850525 uncharacterized LOC103850525 103850525 16.17
LOC103838647 alkane hydroxylase MAH1-like 103838647 16.01
LOC103859413 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase PUB24 103859413 15.95
LOC103842684 protein LURP-one-related 15 103842684 15.95
LOC103863925 uncharacterized LOC103863925 103863925 15.89
LOC103848057 uncharacterized LOC103848057 103848057 15.81
LOC103851879 putative lipid-transfer protein DIR1 103851879 15.78
LOC103832695 uncharacterized LOC103832695 103832695 15.77
LOC103827744 uncharacterized LOC103827744 103827744 15.75
LOC117132874 uncharacterized LOC117132874 117132874 15.69
LOC103837251 glutamate receptor 1.2 103837251 15.64
LOC103854208 bidirectional sugar transporter SWEET4 103854208 15.63
LOC103873735 probable inactive purple acid phosphatase 29 103873735 15.62
LOC103843745 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase MEDEA-like 103843745 15.52
LOC103859476 uncharacterized LOC103859476 103859476 15.50
LOC117134060 uncharacterized LOC117134060 117134060 15.47
LOC103871500 acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 103871500 15.45
LOC103871060 eukaryotic initiation factor 4A-1 103871060 15.31
LOC103871388 uncharacterized LOC103871388 103871388 15.31
LOC103849162 uncharacterized LOC103849162 103849162 15.27
LOC103830734 protein DETOXIFICATION 17 103830734 15.24
LOC103872157 uncharacterized LOC103872157 103872157 15.21
LOC103847666 ABC transporter A family member 12 103847666 15.20
LOC117125763 probable LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At1g29720 117125763 15.19
LOC108870480 uncharacterized LOC108870480 108870480 15.13
LOC103861111 protein SPIRAL1-like 5 103861111 15.13
LOC103867252 UDP-glycosyltransferase 73C3 103867252 15.07
LOC103863546 squalene monooxygenase 1,1-like 103863546 15.02
LOC103847933 MADS-box transcription factor ANR1 103847933 15.00
LOC103856162 developmental protein SEPALLATA 1 103856162 15.00
LOC108868786 cysteine proteinase inhibitor 4 108868786 14.99
LOC103831686 polyadenylate-binding protein 5 103831686 14.87
LOC103829094 probable LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At1g29720 103829094 14.86
LOC103875199 denticleless protein homolog 103875199 14.81
LOC103861058 F-box/kelch-repeat protein At4g19930-like 103861058 14.78
LOC103867096 non-specific lipid-transfer protein A 103867096 14.76
LOC103849721 transcription factor JUNGBRUNNEN 1 103849721 14.75
LOC103871174 UDP-glycosyltransferase 84A4-like 103871174 14.63
LOC103864877 uncharacterized LOC103864877 103864877 14.60
LOC103838648 alkane hydroxylase MAH1-like 103838648 14.56
LOC103860551 agamous-like MADS-box protein AGL8 homolog 103860551 14.52
LOC103863104 probable WRKY transcription factor 70 103863104 14.52
LOC108872026 uncharacterized LOC108872026 108872026 14.51
LOC103869603 zinc finger BED domain-containing protein DAYSLEEPER 103869603 14.50
LOC103844253 protein unc-13 homolog 103844253 14.40
LOC103862248 uncharacterized LOC103862248 103862248 14.38
STM homeobox protein SHOOT MERISTEMLESS 103838400 14.25
LOC103869457 cysteine proteinase inhibitor 4 103869457 14.19
LOC103833081 uncharacterized LOC103833081 103833081 14.13
LOC103870805 epoxide hydrolase A 103870805 14.13
LOC103868217 protein SENESCENCE-ASSOCIATED GENE 21, mitochondrial-like 103868217 14.12
LOC103830091 probable glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase BG3 103830091 14.11
LOC103863088 sigma factor binding protein 1, chloroplastic 103863088 14.08
LOC103862908 beta-glucosidase 27-like 103862908 14.08
LOC103857476 putative F-box protein At2g33200 103857476 14.07
LOC117133702 arabinogalactan protein 23 117133702 14.02
LOC103831015 lysine histidine transporter-like 7 103831015 14.01
LOC103856467 uncharacterized LOC103856467 103856467 13.99
LOC103840591 probable cysteine protease RDL4 103840591 13.98
LOC103866581 uncharacterized LOC103866581 103866581 13.97
LOC117127286 transcription factor TRY 117127286 13.95
Lower 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103829250 MLP-like protein 423 103829250 -38.70
LOC103867937 expansin-B3 103867937 -36.18
LOC103863484 30S ribosomal protein 2, chloroplastic 103863484 -34.20
LOC103829234 MLP-like protein 423 103829234 -33.85
LOC103843635 probable pectate lyase 1 103843635 -33.40
LOC103865202 nitrile-specifier protein 2 103865202 -33.25
LOC103873359 auxin response factor 2-like 103873359 -33.19
LOC103848078 uncharacterized LOC103848078 103848078 -33.08
LOC103873514 long chain base biosynthesis protein 2b-like 103873514 -32.63
LOC103861515 60S ribosomal protein L7a-2 103861515 -32.52
LOC103865563 probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 32 103865563 -32.42
LOC103831011 probable pectate lyase 5 103831011 -32.07
LOC103852424 probable pectate lyase 5 103852424 -31.89
LOC103859326 kinetochore protein SPC24 homolog 103859326 -31.81
LOC103829543 protein RALF-like 34 103829543 -31.66
LOC103872277 non-specific lipid-transfer protein 5 103872277 -31.64
LOC103868221 endoglucanase 17 103868221 -31.58
LOC103841066 protein RALF-like 34 103841066 -31.43
LOC103854541 putative lipid-transfer protein DIR1 103854541 -31.27
LOC103856236 surface protein 103856236 -30.99
LOC103858602 beta-adaptin-like protein B 103858602 -30.99
LOC103837461 probable pectate lyase 22 103837461 -30.96
LOC103845645 pectinesterase inhibitor 3 103845645 -30.84
LOC103871007 uncharacterized LOC103871007 103871007 -30.51
LOC103848926 GDSL esterase/lipase LTL1 103848926 -30.28
MAM1-1 methylthioalkylmalate synthase 1, chloroplastic 103860538 -30.23
LOC103837741 uncharacterized LOC103837741 103837741 -30.16
LOC103836761 endoglucanase 17 103836761 -30.07
LOC103850845 uncharacterized LOC103850845 103850845 -29.94
LOC103852764 blue copper protein 103852764 -29.92
LOC103834049 uncharacterized LOC103834049 103834049 -29.91
LOC103862501 uncharacterized LOC103862501 103862501 -29.83
LOC103863237 aspartyl protease AED3 103863237 -29.74
LOC103856322 uncharacterized LOC103856322 103856322 -29.70
LOC103845755 leucine-rich repeat protein FLOR 1 103845755 -29.68
LOC103855794 uncharacterized LOC103855794 103855794 -29.60
LOC103870820 formin-like protein 11 103870820 -29.54
EXPA11 expansin-A11 103829440 -29.51
LOC103839862 uncharacterized LOC103839862 103839862 -29.44
LOC103861572 uncharacterized LOC103861572 103861572 -29.38
EXPB1 expansin-B1 103828146 -29.32
LOC103833504 36.4 kDa proline-rich protein 103833504 -29.28
LOC103867895 uncharacterized LOC103867895 103867895 -29.22
LOC103862936 defensin-like protein 193 103862936 -29.12
LOC103860592 transcription factor MYB28 103860592 -29.09
LOC103830964 alpha-xylosidase 1 103830964 -28.81
LOC103873887 cell wall / vacuolar inhibitor of fructosidase 2 103873887 -28.78
LOC103838961 ethylene-responsive transcription factor 12-like 103838961 -28.77
LOC103874812 cyclin-dependent kinase 11B 103874812 -28.74
LOC103841762 putative ribonuclease H protein At1g65750 103841762 -28.74
LOC103841243 probable pectate lyase 12 103841243 -28.73
LOC117129225 NAC domain-containing protein 78-like 117129225 -28.66
LOC103855713 aspartyl protease AED3 103855713 -28.60
LOC103862332 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 16 103862332 -28.51
LOC103827958 uncharacterized LOC103827958 103827958 -28.46
LOC103844023 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase homolog 2 103844023 -28.40
LOC103874338 uncharacterized LOC103874338 103874338 -28.17
LOC103863469 fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein 15 103863469 -28.16
LOC117129253 uncharacterized LOC117129253 117129253 -28.15
LOC103842155 uncharacterized LOC103842155 103842155 -28.10
LOC103861830 S-alkyl-thiohydroximate lyase SUR1 103861830 -28.10
LOC103827579 MLP-like protein 328 103827579 -28.06
LOC117125680 probable helicase CHR10 117125680 -28.04
LOC103869567 uncharacterized LOC103869567 103869567 -28.02
LOC103831081 uncharacterized LOC103831081 103831081 -27.90
LOC103832010 probable LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At4g36180 103832010 -27.89
LOC103853815 probable pectinesterase 68 103853815 -27.87
LOC103849257 DNA repair protein recA homolog 3, mitochondrial 103849257 -27.83
LOC103847097 aspartyl protease AED3 103847097 -27.83
LOC103839154 uncharacterized LOC103839154 103839154 -27.82
LOC117129868 PLASMODESMATA CALLOSE-BINDING PROTEIN 1-like 117129868 -27.80
LOC103857633 leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase PXC1 103857633 -27.77
LOC103828340 uncharacterized LOC103828340 103828340 -27.73
LOC103867137 glycerol-3-phosphate 2-O-acyltransferase 6 103867137 -27.68
LOC103833055 uncharacterized LOC103833055 103833055 -27.68
LOC103856328 uncharacterized LOC103856328 103856328 -27.67
LOC103856102 gibberellin-regulated protein 14 103856102 -27.53
LOC103829046 uncharacterized LOC103829046 103829046 -27.53
LOC103846599 uncharacterized LOC103846599 103846599 -27.43
LOC103849396 uncharacterized LOC103849396 103849396 -27.41
LOC103855716 PRA1 family protein B6 103855716 -27.37
LOC103842190 lysine--tRNA ligase, chloroplastic/mitochondrial-like 103842190 -27.34
LOC103840771 uncharacterized LOC103840771 103840771 -27.32
LOC103847637 uncharacterized LOC103847637 103847637 -27.17
LOC103843722 uncharacterized LOC103843722 103843722 -27.16
LOC117128991 non-specific lipid-transfer protein 2-like 117128991 -27.12
LOC103842122 probable inactive patatin-like protein 9 103842122 -27.12
LOC103863119 probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase IMK3 103863119 -27.11
LOC103848057 uncharacterized LOC103848057 103848057 -27.09
LOC103846490 uncharacterized LOC103846490 103846490 -27.03
LOC103855740 transcription factor MYB29 103855740 -27.03
LOC103859971 mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 4 103859971 -27.03
LOC103866653 transcription factor PAR1 103866653 -26.96
LOC103837653 36.4 kDa proline-rich protein 103837653 -26.92
LOC103847628 protein PHLOEM PROTEIN 2-LIKE A5 103847628 -26.90
LOC103838390 36.4 kDa proline-rich protein 103838390 -26.82
Lower 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103860790 CASP-like protein 1D1 103860790 -37.79
LOC103865667 peroxidase C3 103865667 -37.05
LOC103858430 berberine bridge enzyme-like 22 103858430 -36.97
LOC103840313 berberine bridge enzyme-like 8 103840313 -36.88
LOC103830009 probable aldo-keto reductase 6 103830009 -36.51
LOC103830760 kunitz trypsin inhibitor 4 103830760 -35.38
LOC103844133 cysteine-rich and transmembrane domain-containing protein WIH1 103844133 -35.26
LOC103870476 alpha-1,3-arabinosyltransferase XAT3 103870476 -34.96
LOC103838596 uncharacterized LOC103838596 103838596 -34.18
LOC103848203 glutathione S-transferase U8 103848203 -34.13
LOC103848211 beta-glucosidase 23 103848211 -33.86
LOC103870048 GDSL esterase/lipase 4 103870048 -33.66
LOC103841954 O-glucosyltransferase rumi homolog 103841954 -33.46
LOC103860003 uncharacterized LOC103860003 103860003 -33.31
LOC103857778 peroxidase 22 103857778 -32.84
LOC103865602 uncharacterized isomerase BH0283 103865602 -32.64
LOC103846788 flowering-promoting factor 1-like protein 2 103846788 -32.62
LOC103859716 probable WRKY transcription factor 31 103859716 -32.17
LOC103859965 non-specific lipid-transfer protein-like protein At2g13820 103859965 -32.15
LOC103847141 uncharacterized protein At5g23160 103847141 -32.11
LOC103842935 protein PLANT CADMIUM RESISTANCE 2 103842935 -32.07
LOC103846604 probable WRKY transcription factor 75 103846604 -31.97
LOC103869960 probable glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase At4g16260 103869960 -31.80
LOC103829006 glutaredoxin-C9 103829006 -31.74
LOC103831881 transcription factor MYB122 103831881 -31.30
LOC103830588 extensin-3 103830588 -31.10
LOC103850373 protein PELPK1 103850373 -30.97
LOC103870978 alpha-dioxygenase 1 103870978 -30.85
LOC103831807 kunitz trypsin inhibitor 4 103831807 -30.80
LOC103837200 NAC domain-containing protein 59 103837200 -30.64
LOC103839784 uncharacterized LOC103839784 103839784 -30.64
LOC103840010 PYK10-binding protein 1 103840010 -30.40
LOC103850973 peroxidase 56 103850973 -30.39
LOC103855824 protein PELPK1 103855824 -30.34
LOC103864360 extensin-like 103864360 -30.25
LOC103855768 uncharacterized protein At5g23160 103855768 -30.24
LOC103840404 phospholipase A1-Igamma1, chloroplastic 103840404 -30.21
LOC103852912 glutathione S-transferase U10 103852912 -30.19
LOC103836241 G-type lectin S-receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At1g61360 103836241 -30.01
LOC103870007 cytochrome P450 72A13 103870007 -29.94
LOC103830895 metalloendoproteinase 2-MMP 103830895 -29.90
LOC103864398 phytosulfokines 2 103864398 -29.90
LOC103842668 uncharacterized LOC103842668 103842668 -29.87
LOC103837885 extensin 103837885 -29.85
LOC103859306 beta-glucosidase 23 103859306 -29.84
LOC103856662 cytochrome P450 86A1 103856662 -29.80
LOC103858604 putative cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 31 103858604 -29.71
LOC103841239 UDP-glycosyltransferase 73C7 103841239 -29.69
LOC103865666 peroxidase C3 103865666 -29.67
LOC103872356 F-box/kelch-repeat protein At1g15670 103872356 -29.60
LOC103865592 ABC transporter G family member 2 103865592 -29.52
LOC103854597 nardilysin-like 103854597 -29.29
LOC103855997 probable WRKY transcription factor 75 103855997 -29.25
LOC103872329 uncharacterized LOC103872329 103872329 -29.06
LOC103842671 germin-like protein subfamily T member 2 103842671 -29.01
LOC103863798 proline dehydrogenase 2, mitochondrial 103863798 -29.00
LOC103831159 beta-glucosidase 46-like 103831159 -28.97
LOC103865601 WAT1-related protein At2g37460 103865601 -28.95
LOC103841433 exocyst complex component EXO70H1 103841433 -28.88
LOC103874310 probable 6-phosphogluconolactonase 4 103874310 -28.82
LOC103834466 PE-PGRS family protein PE_PGRS30 103834466 -28.81
LOC103836039 ABC transporter G family member 35 103836039 -28.80
LOC103864773 protein STRICTOSIDINE SYNTHASE-LIKE 9 103864773 -28.77
LOC103856012 ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF113 103856012 -28.73
LOC103867095 monoacylglycerol lipase ABHD6 103867095 -28.70
LOC103837856 non-specific lipid-transfer protein 8 103837856 -28.56
LOC103829388 indole glucosinolate O-methyltransferase 1 103829388 -28.46
LOC103869758 jacalin-related lectin 34 103869758 -28.45
LOC103827954 ATP sulfurylase 4, chloroplastic 103827954 -28.44
LOC103855213 NAC transcription factor 47 103855213 -28.42
LOC103865792 laccase-5 103865792 -28.40
LOC103832645 GDSL esterase/lipase 3 103832645 -28.32
LOC103865042 trans-cinnamate 4-monooxygenase 103865042 -28.30
LOC103847643 uncharacterized LOC103847643 103847643 -28.29
LOC103866780 uncharacterized LOC103866780 103866780 -28.26
LOC103865727 CASP-like protein 4D2 103865727 -28.19
LOC103844651 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 2 103844651 -28.06
LOC103868314 NDR1/HIN1-like protein 6 103868314 -28.05
LOC103827975 probable inorganic phosphate transporter 1-3 103827975 -28.03
LOC103832643 GDSL esterase/lipase 22-like 103832643 -28.02
LOC103836102 uncharacterized LOC103836102 103836102 -27.91
LOC103850974 uncharacterized LOC103850974 103850974 -27.86
LOC103866724 defensin-like protein 195 103866724 -27.86
LOC103866439 L-gulonolactone oxidase 5 103866439 -27.86
LOC103835347 uncharacterized LOC103835347 103835347 -27.84
LOC103830869 MLP-like protein 31 103830869 -27.81
LOC103846875 uncharacterized LOC103846875 103846875 -27.80
LOC103853512 osmotin-like protein OSM34 103853512 -27.79
LOC103838508 galactinol synthase 4 103838508 -27.75
LOC103853338 WAT1-related protein At4g01430 103853338 -27.73
LOC103849207 serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL13 103849207 -27.70
LOC103829287 MLP-like protein 31 103829287 -27.63
LOC103852757 protein NRT1/ PTR FAMILY 5.12 103852757 -27.58
LOC103873165 flavonol synthase/flavanone 3-hydroxylase 103873165 -27.58
LOC103853526 probable cysteine protease RDL4 103853526 -27.58
LOC103865503 NDR1/HIN1-like protein 10 103865503 -27.58
LOC103875433 alpha-1,3-arabinosyltransferase XAT3 103875433 -27.55
LOC103847509 vacuolar cation/proton exchanger 4 103847509 -27.55
LOC103860901 uncharacterized LOC103860901 103860901 -27.52
LOC103873767 fatty alcohol:caffeoyl-CoA acyltransferase 103873767 -27.50
Lower 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103833504 36.4 kDa proline-rich protein 103833504 -21.07
LOC103859668 PYK10-binding protein 2 103859668 -20.58
LOC103838390 36.4 kDa proline-rich protein 103838390 -19.50
LOC103864773 protein STRICTOSIDINE SYNTHASE-LIKE 9 103864773 -18.84
LOC103852687 MLP-like protein 31 103852687 -18.59
LOC103873359 auxin response factor 2-like 103873359 -18.49
LOC103836392 aluminum-activated malate transporter 1-like 103836392 -18.21
LOC103836192 leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 1 103836192 -18.21
LOC103832363 EP1-like glycoprotein 3 103832363 -17.53
LOC103847025 transcription factor TGA10 103847025 -17.14
LOC117127256 uncharacterized LOC117127256 117127256 -17.14
LOC103870223 late embryogenis abundant protein 41 103870223 -16.92
LOC103852688 MLP-like protein 31 103852688 -16.66
LOC103861845 cysteine proteinase COT44 103861845 -16.52
LOC103854880 BAHD acyltransferase DCR 103854880 -16.26
LOC103866081 defensin-like protein 4 103866081 -16.14
LOC103861633 probable calcium-binding protein CML21 103861633 -15.84
LOC103850658 potassium channel KAT3 103850658 -15.84
LOC103851484 P-loop NTPase domain-containing protein LPA1 homolog 1-like 103851484 -15.81
LOC103860321 uncharacterized LOC103860321 103860321 -15.69
LOC103834166 putative terpenoid synthase 7 103834166 -15.63
LOC103828690 receptor-like protein kinase 2 103828690 -15.47
LOC103850421 carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 8, chloroplastic 103850421 -15.46
LOC103852964 uncharacterized LOC103852964 103852964 -15.36
LOC103843043 phytosulfokines 1-like 103843043 -15.35
LOC108871239 uncharacterized LOC108871239 108871239 -15.30
LOC103829769 osmotin-like protein 103829769 -15.29
LOC117127985 uncharacterized LOC117127985 117127985 -15.15
LOC103850973 peroxidase 56 103850973 -15.14
LOC117125680 probable helicase CHR10 117125680 -15.09
LOC103860955 RING-H2 finger protein ATL29-like 103860955 -15.06
LOC103851309 peroxidase N-like 103851309 -14.98
LOC103830560 F-box protein At1g61340 103830560 -14.97
LOC103845963 uncharacterized LOC103845963 103845963 -14.92
LOC103845310 uncharacterized LOC103845310 103845310 -14.86
LOC103867032 WAT1-related protein At2g39510 103867032 -14.74
LOC103836622 probable aspartic proteinase GIP2 103836622 -14.71
LOC103835354 uncharacterized LOC103835354 103835354 -14.54
LOC103856772 auxin efflux carrier component 2 103856772 -14.48
LOC103860547 transcription factor MYB34 103860547 -14.42
LOC103855713 aspartyl protease AED3 103855713 -14.41
LOC117126430 uncharacterized LOC117126430 117126430 -14.34
LOC103870375 putative cytochrome P450 71A28 103870375 -14.32
LOC103853525 probable cysteine protease RDL4 103853525 -14.28
LOC103839614 two-pore potassium channel 2-like 103839614 -14.27
LOC103868166 sugar transporter ERD6-like 15 103868166 -14.27
LOC103858126 growth-regulating factor 2 103858126 -14.24
LOC103849257 DNA repair protein recA homolog 3, mitochondrial 103849257 -14.20
LOC103835627 uncharacterized LOC103835627 103835627 -14.19
LOC103829994 potassium transporter 5 103829994 -14.14
LOC103832643 GDSL esterase/lipase 22-like 103832643 -14.14
LOC103838592 uncharacterized LOC103838592 103838592 -14.13
LOC103838194 short-chain dehydrogenase TIC 32 B, chloroplastic-like 103838194 -14.13
LOC103829577 UDP-glycosyltransferase 72E3 103829577 -14.11
LOC103845446 uncharacterized LOC103845446 103845446 -14.06
LOC103828491 AT-hook motif nuclear-localized protein 25 103828491 -14.06
LOC103836535 peroxidase 1-like 103836535 -14.01
LOC103827692 cysteine-rich and transmembrane domain-containing protein WIH1 103827692 -13.99
LOC103874584 GRF1-interacting factor 1 103874584 -13.97
LOC103856767 transcription factor bHLH35 103856767 -13.91
LOC103846806 classical arabinogalactan protein 4 103846806 -13.88
LOC103854542 copia protein 103854542 -13.81
LOC103861739 uncharacterized LOC103861739 103861739 -13.78
LOC103853030 AT-hook motif nuclear-localized protein 29 103853030 -13.73
LOC103842411 uncharacterized LOC103842411 103842411 -13.73
LOC103833797 glycine-rich protein A3 103833797 -13.72
LOC103852864 non-specific lipid-transfer protein 2 103852864 -13.72
LOC103828716 transcription factor ORG3 103828716 -13.72
LOC103856384 mechanosensitive ion channel protein 9 103856384 -13.71
LOC117131857 uncharacterized LOC117131857 117131857 -13.70
LOC103862393 acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase-like 103862393 -13.69
LOC103843350 LOB domain-containing protein 41 103843350 -13.66
LOC103866075 protein NLP8 103866075 -13.63
LOC103860068 putative lipid-binding protein AIR1 103860068 -13.61
LOC103849438 ninja-family protein AFP3 103849438 -13.59
LOC103835488 xanthotoxin 5-hydroxylase CYP82C4 103835488 -13.43
LOC103866893 AT-hook motif nuclear-localized protein 22-like 103866893 -13.42
LOC103828801 berberine bridge enzyme-like 10 103828801 -13.40
LOC103854433 heavy metal-associated isoprenylated plant protein 43 103854433 -13.39
LOC103835769 AT-hook motif nuclear-localized protein 27 103835769 -13.36
LOC103872877 AT-hook motif nuclear-localized protein 27 103872877 -13.36
LOC103872689 DUF724 domain-containing protein 8 103872689 -13.35
LOC103862578 growth-regulating factor 2 103862578 -13.35
LOC103872470 uncharacterized LOC103872470 103872470 -13.35
LOC103849396 uncharacterized LOC103849396 103849396 -13.34
LOC103859295 probable protein phosphatase 2C 36 103859295 -13.33
LOC103845464 protein transport protein Sec61 subunit beta 103845464 -13.32
LOC103848990 acyl carrier protein, chloroplastic 103848990 -13.30
LOC103828075 kinesin-like protein KIN-7F 103828075 -13.30
LOC103845905 uncharacterized LOC103845905 103845905 -13.25
LOC103831836 thaumatin-like protein 103831836 -13.24
LOC103864409 BAHD acyltransferase At3g29680-like 103864409 -13.17
LOC103869862 TSA1-like protein 103869862 -13.17
LOC103850546 uncharacterized LOC103850546 103850546 -13.15
LOC103853481 uncharacterized LOC103853481 103853481 -13.13
LOC103836605 zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 2 103836605 -13.12
LOC103867202 protein SODIUM POTASSIUM ROOT DEFECTIVE 2 103867202 -13.09
LOC103836939 AT-hook motif nuclear-localized protein 7 103836939 -13.05
LOC103855844 elicitor peptide 4 103855844 -13.04
LOC103853100 uncharacterized LOC103853100 103853100 -13.04
Lower 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103859251 subtilisin-like protease SBT3.13 103859251 -36.80
LOC103869347 vacuolar-processing enzyme delta-isozyme 103869347 -34.82
LOC103858454 probable UDP-arabinopyranose mutase 4 103858454 -33.87
LOC103870919 developmental protein SEPALLATA 2 103870919 -32.62
LOC103827763 senescence-specific cysteine protease SAG12 103827763 -32.58
LOC103831736 kunitz trypsin inhibitor 2 103831736 -32.36
LOC103850848 bidirectional sugar transporter SWEET15 103850848 -31.33
LOC103856965 floral homeotic protein AGAMOUS 103856965 -30.81
LOC103863766 non-specific lipid-transfer protein 2-like 103863766 -30.36
LOC103843055 uncharacterized LOC103843055 103843055 -30.36
LOC103857270 bidirectional sugar transporter SWEET10 103857270 -30.02
LOC103866661 agamous-like MADS-box protein AGL5 103866661 -29.78
LOC103838884 agamous-like MADS-box protein AGL11 103838884 -29.72
LOC103864780 proline-rich extensin-like protein EPR1 103864780 -29.39
LOC103859026 two-component response regulator ARR22 103859026 -29.33
LOC103869444 uncharacterized LOC103869444 103869444 -29.31
LOC103834998 vicilin-like seed storage protein At4g36700 103834998 -29.23
LOC103851871 pectinesterase QRT1 103851871 -28.58
LOC103872250 inositol oxygenase 1 103872250 -28.57
LOC103871520 dirigent protein 25 103871520 -28.56
LOC103839053 agamous-like MADS-box protein AGL9 homolog 103839053 -28.45
LOC103873896 WAT1-related protein At5g64700 103873896 -28.25
LOC103842711 ABC transporter E family member 1 103842711 -28.22
LOC103866355 oligopeptide transporter 5 103866355 -28.21
LOC103829437 uncharacterized LOC103829437 103829437 -28.11
LOC103852122 protein HOTHEAD 103852122 -28.04
LOC103843056 uncharacterized LOC103843056 103843056 -27.71
LOC103860541 cytochrome P450 81F1 103860541 -27.69
LOC103850934 uncharacterized protein At4g17700 103850934 -27.55
LOC103842200 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ORTHRUS 2 103842200 -27.38
LOC103836760 probable pectinesterase/pectinesterase inhibitor 39 103836760 -27.21
LOC103869657 uncharacterized LOC103869657 103869657 -27.20
LOC103835412 agamous-like MADS-box protein AGL9 homolog 103835412 -27.19
LOC103833919 bidirectional sugar transporter SWEET7 103833919 -27.19
LOC103873066 molybdate-anion transporter 103873066 -27.18
LOC103856284 napin embryo-specific 103856284 -27.13
LOC103858688 thionin 103858688 -27.12
LOC103830826 cytochrome P450 709B1 103830826 -26.96
LOC103857442 probable xyloglucan galactosyltransferase GT12 103857442 -26.96
LOC103829747 vicilin-like seed storage protein At2g28490 103829747 -26.92
LOC117132066 pectinesterase inhibitor 12-like 117132066 -26.79
LOC103852179 lysosomal Pro-X carboxypeptidase 103852179 -26.76
LOC103866876 napin 103866876 -26.69
LOC103830105 polygalacturonase ADPG1 103830105 -26.64
LOC103851403 protein argonaute 9 103851403 -26.51
LOC103836028 late embryogenesis abundant protein 1 103836028 -26.50
LOC103845427 B3 domain-containing protein At5g60130 103845427 -26.48
LOC103863821 putative 2-succinyl-6-hydroxy-2,4-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate synthase 103863821 -26.35
LOC103846724 putative inactive serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g11400 103846724 -26.26
LOC103873649 ABSCISIC ACID-INSENSITIVE 5-like protein 1 103873649 -26.22
LOC103827902 berberine bridge enzyme-like 23 103827902 -26.18
LOC103875021 sucrose synthase 2 103875021 -26.14
LOC103861532 oleosin 18.5 kDa-like 103861532 -26.13
LOC103830833 polyadenylate-binding protein 5 103830833 -26.05
LOC103863989 oleosin 21.2 kDa 103863989 -26.00
LOC103830232 gibberellin 20 oxidase 4 103830232 -25.98
LOC103870705 uncharacterized LOC103870705 103870705 -25.92
LOC103841406 probable cysteine protease RD19D 103841406 -25.88
LOC103865868 protein ORGAN SIZE RELATED 1 103865868 -25.87
LOC103843680 12S seed storage protein CRD 103843680 -25.87
LOC103843637 glycine-rich protein 23-like 103843637 -25.79
LOC103837001 oleosin S2-2 103837001 -25.72
LOC103858965 uncharacterized LOC103858965 103858965 -25.69
LOC103866910 napin-like 103866910 -25.66
LOC103868081 pollen-specific leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 3 103868081 -25.57
LOC103854194 60S acidic ribosomal protein P2-3-like 103854194 -25.52
LOC103855408 aldose reductase 103855408 -25.51
LOC103839560 defensin-like protein 308 103839560 -25.47
LOC103869429 napin-B 103869429 -25.36
LOC103852728 cytochrome P450 709B1 103852728 -25.33
LOC117134171 uncharacterized LOC117134171 117134171 -25.31
LOC117127392 uncharacterized LOC117127392 117127392 -25.28
LOC103855539 probable glycosyltransferase At5g03795 103855539 -25.22
LOC103860419 dirigent protein 6 103860419 -25.17
LOC103843353 WAT1-related protein At1g09380-like 103843353 -25.09
LOC103866920 napin-like 103866920 -25.01
LOC103860837 probable cysteine protease RD19C 103860837 -24.98
LOC103866543 protein ORGAN SIZE RELATED 1 103866543 -24.98
LOC103866022 cytosolic sulfotransferase 3 103866022 -24.90
LOC103866887 napin-like 103866887 -24.89
LOC103853761 pectinesterase inhibitor 12 103853761 -24.87
LOC103830763 aquaporin TIP3-1 103830763 -24.86
LOC103874928 protein ENHANCED DOWNY MILDEW 2 103874928 -24.75
LOC103845405 gibberellin-regulated protein 10 103845405 -24.72
LOC103841916 probable pectinesterase/pectinesterase inhibitor 36 103841916 -24.71
LOC103871794 protein LIFEGUARD 1 103871794 -24.71
LOC103862927 oleosin Bn-III 103862927 -24.70
LOC103853869 pectinesterase inhibitor 12-like 103853869 -24.56
LOC103853666 senescence-specific cysteine protease SAG12 103853666 -24.51
LOC103874069 vicilin-like seed storage protein At2g18540 103874069 -24.50
LOC103862959 agamous-like MADS-box protein AGL1 103862959 -24.46
LOC103856809 profilin-5 103856809 -24.45
LOC103839750 AAA-ATPase At1g43910 103839750 -24.43
LOC103848857 cruciferin BnC2 103848857 -24.35
LOC103842077 desiccation-related protein PCC13-62 103842077 -24.25
LOC103866097 major pollen allergen Ole e 10 103866097 -24.21
LOC103836309 COBRA-like protein 6 103836309 -24.18
LOC103842557 dirigent protein 4 103842557 -24.15
LOC103866898 napin-like 103866898 -24.15
LOC103838419 uncharacterized LOC103838419 103838419 -24.14
Lower 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103835569 putative F-box protein At4g38870 103835569 -35.35
LOC103852415 uncharacterized LOC103852415 103852415 -30.81
LOC103861148 F-box protein At5g25290 103861148 -29.52
LOC103839470 pectinesterase inhibitor 10 103839470 -28.31
LOC103849383 uncharacterized LOC103849383 103849383 -28.17
LOC103832361 uncharacterized LOC103832361 103832361 -27.36
LOC103831620 MLP-like protein 31 103831620 -26.14
LOC103854597 nardilysin-like 103854597 -26.05
LOC103829769 osmotin-like protein 103829769 -26.03
LOC103847588 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein 87F 103847588 -25.78
LOC103858040 putative cytochrome P450 71A28 103858040 -25.68
LOC103840666 uncharacterized LOC103840666 103840666 -24.39
LOC117127392 uncharacterized LOC117127392 117127392 -23.39
LOC103847097 aspartyl protease AED3 103847097 -23.34
LOC103856454 germin-like protein subfamily 3 member 3 103856454 -23.30
LOC103865563 probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 32 103865563 -23.15
LOC117125746 uncharacterized LOC117125746 117125746 -23.08
LOC103845755 leucine-rich repeat protein FLOR 1 103845755 -23.03
LOC103874789 uncharacterized LOC103874789 103874789 -22.95
LOC103828183 tyrosine decarboxylase 1 103828183 -22.89
LOC103855534 uncharacterized LOC103855534 103855534 -22.83
LOC103850539 metacaspase-9 103850539 -22.80
LOC103837309 zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 39 103837309 -22.70
LOC103850957 putative transmembrane protein At3g54730 103850957 -22.62
ESM GDSL esterase/lipase ESM1 103870050 -22.59
LOC103838665 UPF0057 membrane protein At1g57550 103838665 -22.56
LOC103832296 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ATL23 103832296 -22.47
LOC103841531 transcription factor bHLH93 103841531 -22.47
LOC103838390 36.4 kDa proline-rich protein 103838390 -22.45
LOC103862904 uncharacterized LOC103862904 103862904 -22.32
LOC103868221 endoglucanase 17 103868221 -22.21
LOC103847643 uncharacterized LOC103847643 103847643 -22.10
LOC103852424 probable pectate lyase 5 103852424 -22.06
LOC103831836 thaumatin-like protein 103831836 -21.99
LOC103833501 uncharacterized LOC103833501 103833501 -21.75
LOC103853815 probable pectinesterase 68 103853815 -21.60
LOC103853526 probable cysteine protease RDL4 103853526 -21.53
LOC103863237 aspartyl protease AED3 103863237 -21.49
LOC103841243 probable pectate lyase 12 103841243 -21.46
LOC103828663 uncharacterized LOC103828663 103828663 -21.40
LOC103828691 probable purine permease 18 103828691 -21.38
LOC117131691 uncharacterized LOC117131691 117131691 -21.36
LOC103865537 F-box/kelch-repeat protein At3g13680 103865537 -21.19
LOC103853369 venom phosphodiesterase 2-like 103853369 -20.96
LOC103847982 classical arabinogalactan protein 9 103847982 -20.87
LOC103863119 probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase IMK3 103863119 -20.73
LOC103855713 aspartyl protease AED3 103855713 -20.72
LOC103828660 uncharacterized LOC103828660 103828660 -20.70
LOC103865970 protodermal factor 1 103865970 -20.65
LOC103854403 uncharacterized LOC103854403 103854403 -20.59
LOC103831011 probable pectate lyase 5 103831011 -20.50
LOC103843234 cytochrome P450 77A3 103843234 -20.49
LOC103862015 putative Peroxidase 48 103862015 -20.49
LOC103833665 glycine-rich cell wall structural protein 103833665 -20.47
LOC103842459 cytochrome P450 705A12 103842459 -20.36
LOC103838623 syntaxin-71 103838623 -20.33
LOC103829250 MLP-like protein 423 103829250 -20.27
LOC103829330 alcohol dehydrogenase-like 1 103829330 -20.16
LOC103854541 putative lipid-transfer protein DIR1 103854541 -20.15
LOC103871930 receptor-like protein 48 103871930 -20.11
LOC103829353 uncharacterized LOC103829353 103829353 -20.10
LOC103862620 uncharacterized LOC103862620 103862620 -20.07
LOC103845048 uncharacterized LOC103845048 103845048 -20.02
LOC103865536 ABC transporter E family member 2 103865536 -20.01
LOC103863386 histone H2B.8 103863386 -19.89
LOC103854407 uncharacterized LOC103854407 103854407 -19.67
LOC103843252 F-box protein At1g11270-like 103843252 -19.66
LOC103844803 uncharacterized LOC103844803 103844803 -19.66
LOC103831201 probable pectate lyase 5 103831201 -19.59
LOC117132472 uncharacterized LOC117132472 117132472 -19.58
LOC117126552 uncharacterized LOC117126552 117126552 -19.57
LOC103865532 F-box/kelch-repeat protein At3g13680 103865532 -19.53
LOC103836384 syntaxin-related protein KNOLLE 103836384 -19.50
LOC103860722 patellin-6 103860722 -19.44
LOC103842563 chlorophyll synthase, chloroplastic 103842563 -19.35
LOC103844070 nucleolin 103844070 -19.31
LOC103832359 V-type proton ATPase catalytic subunit A 103832359 -19.30
LOC103832599 protein YLS3 103832599 -19.25
LOC103842216 early nodulin-like protein 1 103842216 -19.22
LOC103865616 uncharacterized LOC103865616 103865616 -19.16
LOC103868946 uncharacterized LOC103868946 103868946 -19.16
LOC103869117 36.4 kDa proline-rich protein 103869117 -19.14
LOC103839824 uncharacterized LOC103839824 103839824 -19.13
LOC103840684 auxin-responsive protein IAA19 103840684 -19.13
LOC103844974 putative lipid-transfer protein DIR1 103844974 -19.12
LOC103860386 non-specific lipid-transfer protein-like protein At2g13820 103860386 -19.11
LOC103836480 delta-9 desaturase-like 5 protein 103836480 -19.04
LOC103249156 thaumatin-like protein 103249156 -19.04
LOC103864892 uncharacterized LOC103864892 103864892 -19.02
LOC103840014 protein EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 103840014 -19.02
LOC103859188 putative E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase LIN-1 103859188 -19.01
LOC103850845 uncharacterized LOC103850845 103850845 -18.86
LOC103874374 early nodulin-like protein 3 103874374 -18.85
LOC103870618 uncharacterized LOC103870618 103870618 -18.85
LOC103847859 uncharacterized LOC103847859 103847859 -18.81
LOC103845660 germin-like protein 1 103845660 -18.77
LOC103836349 histone H3.2 103836349 -18.76
LOC103846341 uncharacterized LOC103846341 103846341 -18.68
LOC103864814 cyclin-dependent kinases regulatory subunit 2 103864814 -18.60
Lower 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103843616 peroxidase 3-like 103843616 -31.24
LOC103873087 peroxidase 34-like 103873087 -29.29
LOC108871236 uncharacterized LOC108871236 108871236 -29.17
LOC103829478 jasmonate O-methyltransferase 103829478 -27.77
LOC108868786 cysteine proteinase inhibitor 4 108868786 -26.99
LOC103856004 bidirectional sugar transporter SWEET15 103856004 -26.46
LOC103858360 F-box/kelch-repeat protein At1g64840 103858360 -24.47
LOC103846893 laccase-12 103846893 -24.06
LOC103851585 non-specific lipid-transfer protein 4 103851585 -23.96
LOC103852681 tetraspanin-9 103852681 -23.91
LOC103845612 L-ascorbate oxidase 103845612 -23.80
LOC103860272 cytochrome P450 82G1 103860272 -23.69
LOC103839397 gamma-interferon-responsive lysosomal thiol protein 103839397 -23.62
LOC103869457 cysteine proteinase inhibitor 4 103869457 -23.59
LOC103852667 uncharacterized LOC103852667 103852667 -23.46
LOC103842010 homeobox-leucine zipper protein ATHB-12 103842010 -23.40
LOC103844527 protein FANTASTIC FOUR 2 103844527 -23.07
LOC103846031 peroxidase 64 103846031 -22.95
LOC103848836 1,2-dihydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentene dioxygenase 4 103848836 -22.78
LOC103871500 acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 103871500 -22.58
LOC103866493 delta(8)-fatty-acid desaturase 2 103866493 -22.52
LOC103830610 AT-hook motif nuclear-localized protein 29 103830610 -22.25
LOC103831286 lysine-rich arabinogalactan protein 19 103831286 -22.22
LOC103857974 protein STRICTOSIDINE SYNTHASE-LIKE 2 103857974 -22.19
LOC103848198 14 kDa proline-rich protein DC2.15 103848198 -22.15
LOC103851146 B3 domain-containing protein At5g18000 103851146 -22.07
LOC103874284 arabinogalactan protein 41 103874284 -21.99
LOC103859391 salicylate/benzoate carboxyl methyltransferase 103859391 -21.89
LOC103871052 dirigent protein 20 103871052 -21.66
LOC103872553 inorganic pyrophosphatase 2 103872553 -21.65
LOC103836752 protein SENESCENCE-ASSOCIATED GENE 21, mitochondrial 103836752 -21.61
LOC103851845 GPI-anchored protein LLG1-like 103851845 -21.53
LOC103831987 isoflavone reductase homolog P3 103831987 -21.46
LOC108868801 uncharacterized LOC108868801 108868801 -21.31
LOC103859251 subtilisin-like protease SBT3.13 103859251 -21.30
LOC103870370 probable 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase At3g111800 103870370 -21.30
LOC103855696 late embryogenesis abundant protein 46 103855696 -21.27
LOC103858688 thionin 103858688 -21.26
LOC103845427 B3 domain-containing protein At5g60130 103845427 -21.25
LOC103829755 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 12 103829755 -21.24
LOC103831162 aldehyde oxidase GLOX1 103831162 -21.21
LOC103871085 epithiospecifier protein 103871085 -21.21
LOC103837689 mannan endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase 7 103837689 -21.18
LOC103867096 non-specific lipid-transfer protein A 103867096 -21.18
LOC103845870 B3 domain-containing protein At5g18090 103845870 -21.16
LOC103845740 aldehyde oxidase GLOX1 103845740 -21.15
LOC103835756 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B 103835756 -21.10
LOC103838130 late embryogenesis abundant protein At1g64065 103838130 -20.93
LOC103868978 serine/threonine-protein kinase STY13 103868978 -20.87
LOC103837199 expansin-A5 103837199 -20.80
LOC103842209 U-box domain-containing protein 7 103842209 -20.73
LOC103850974 uncharacterized LOC103850974 103850974 -20.73
LOC103868905 pinoresinol reductase 1 103868905 -20.60
LOC103848105 UDP-glucuronate:xylan alpha-glucuronosyltransferase 2 103848105 -20.59
LOC103868055 laccase-2 103868055 -20.53
LOC103865205 cellulose synthase-like protein B3 103865205 -20.52
LOC103837030 proteoglycan 4 103837030 -20.47
LOC103858657 aspartic proteinase A3 103858657 -20.43
LOC103867673 uncharacterized LOC103867673 103867673 -20.40
LOC103851538 gibberellin-regulated protein 10 103851538 -20.38
LOC103831731 blue copper protein 103831731 -20.34
LOC103846830 sulfate transporter 2.1 103846830 -20.02
LOC103872765 jasmonate O-methyltransferase 103872765 -19.91
LOC103867072 dynein light chain 2, cytoplasmic 103867072 -19.86
LOC103870945 lamin-like protein 103870945 -19.84
LOC103842391 early nodulin-like protein 3 103842391 -19.81
LOC103830895 metalloendoproteinase 2-MMP 103830895 -19.77
LOC103854164 expansin-A5 103854164 -19.76
LOC103827763 senescence-specific cysteine protease SAG12 103827763 -19.74
LOC103872489 uncharacterized LOC103872489 103872489 -19.73
LOC103864052 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase GDPD2 103864052 -19.66
LOC103830857 GDSL esterase/lipase At1g71250 103830857 -19.64
LOC103865792 laccase-5 103865792 -19.63
LOC103834475 uncharacterized LOC103834475 103834475 -19.57
LOC103845644 uncharacterized LOC103845644 103845644 -19.55
LOC103844153 peroxidase 3 103844153 -19.52
LOC103843711 beta-carotene isomerase D27, chloroplastic 103843711 -19.46
LOC103869819 glycine-rich cell wall structural protein 1.0 103869819 -19.45
LOC103871785 branched-chain-amino-acid aminotransferase 1, mitochondrial 103871785 -19.44
LOC103856100 UDP-glycosyltransferase 90A1 103856100 -19.43
LOC103847283 glucosamine inositolphosphorylceramide transferase 1 103847283 -19.41
LOC103852009 early nodulin-like protein 2 103852009 -19.41
LOC103832319 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase NCED9, chloroplastic 103832319 -19.31
LOC103870817 REF/SRPP-like protein At3g05500 103870817 -19.30
LOC103838296 cytosolic sulfotransferase 18 103838296 -19.29
LOC103827525 F-box protein PP2-B1 103827525 -19.28
LOC103856748 zinc finger protein 2 103856748 -19.27
LOC103875315 cytochrome P450 71B19 103875315 -19.23
LOC103843824 squamosa promoter-binding-like protein 8 103843824 -19.23
LOC103828439 transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 14 103828439 -19.22
LOC103840321 chaperone protein dnaJ 16 103840321 -19.21
LOC103855728 peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase A3 103855728 -19.19
LOC103859389 uncharacterized LOC103859389 103859389 -19.17
LOC103871726 transcription factor MYB61 103871726 -19.12
LOC103859869 potassium channel AKT2/3 103859869 -19.12
LOC103845087 pumilio homolog 12 103845087 -19.10
LOC103835945 inorganic pyrophosphatase 2 103835945 -19.09
LOC103830826 cytochrome P450 709B1 103830826 -19.07
LOC103845363 protein INVOLVED IN DE NOVO 2 103845363 -19.01
LOC103843609 probable pectinesterase 8 103843609 -19.00
Lower 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103852694 chaperone protein DnaJ 103852694 -26.56
LOC103870373 RING-H2 finger protein ATL66 103870373 -25.16
LOC103836663 probable desiccation-related protein LEA14 103836663 -24.50
LOC103850504 GDSL esterase/lipase At5g03610 103850504 -23.61
LOC103850481 uncharacterized LOC103850481 103850481 -23.39
LOC103831630 chaperone protein DnaJ 103831630 -23.12
LOC103855740 transcription factor MYB29 103855740 -22.76
LOC103857901 protein EARLY FLOWERING 4 103857901 -22.56
LOC103844242 probable folate-biopterin transporter 8, chloroplastic 103844242 -22.39
LOC103861112 methylthioalkylmalate synthase 2, chloroplastic 103861112 -22.37
LOC103846370 stress-induced protein KIN2 103846370 -22.32
LOC103829665 ervatamin-B 103829665 -22.27
LOC103872429 dihomomethionine N-hydroxylase 103872429 -22.06
LOC103858020 cold-regulated protein 103858020 -21.90
LOC103842751 lipoxygenase 3, chloroplastic 103842751 -21.20
LOC103855488 uncharacterized LOC103855488 103855488 -21.07
LOC103869315 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase GDPDL5 103869315 -20.69
LOC103851914 aspartokinase 3, chloroplastic 103851914 -20.57
LOC103858617 probable sodium/metabolite cotransporter BASS5, chloroplastic 103858617 -20.38
LOC103852618 protein NRT1/ PTR FAMILY 2.13 103852618 -20.22
LOC103853800 adenylyl-sulfate kinase 2, chloroplastic 103853800 -20.18
LOC103854915 methylthioalkylmalate synthase 1, chloroplastic 103854915 -20.09
LOC103847400 uncharacterized LOC103847400 103847400 -20.04
LOC103834708 venom phosphodiesterase 2 103834708 -20.04
LOC103854995 embryo-specific protein ATS3 103854995 -20.00
LOC103858021 protein COLD-REGULATED 15B, chloroplastic 103858021 -19.83
LOC103831791 inorganic pyrophosphatase 1 103831791 -19.65
LOC103864955 tropinone reductase homolog At2g29310 103864955 -19.55
LOC103852103 low-temperature-induced 65 kDa protein 103852103 -19.48
BCAT4-1 methionine aminotransferase BCAT4 103859824 -19.47
LOC103830082 protein STRICTOSIDINE SYNTHASE-LIKE 9 103830082 -19.46
BCAT4-2 methionine aminotransferase BCAT4 103869425 -19.36
LOC103829154 uncharacterized LOC103829154 103829154 -19.33
LOC103846947 probable 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase AOP1 103846947 -19.29
LOC103868181 probable 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase AOP1 103868181 -19.25
LOC103839459 glutamate decarboxylase 4 103839459 -19.16
LOC103847118 flavonoid 3'-monooxygenase 103847118 -19.01
LOC103861515 60S ribosomal protein L7a-2 103861515 -18.97
LOC103828354 adagio protein 2 103828354 -18.94
LOC103865763 protein EARLY FLOWERING 4 103865763 -18.93
LOC103853878 cytochrome P450 79B1 103853878 -18.90
LOC103863599 cytochrome P450 83A1 103863599 -18.77
LOC103857283 dehydration-responsive element-binding protein 1B 103857283 -18.76
LOC103839296 uncharacterized LOC103839296 103839296 -18.69
LOC103859900 protein HEADING DATE 3B 103859900 -18.65
LOC103866445 cytochrome B5 103866445 -18.64
LOC103866695 3-isopropylmalate dehydratase small subunit 1 103866695 -18.63
LOC103866686 transcription factor JUNGBRUNNEN 1 103866686 -18.54
LOC103859795 CDPK-related kinase 2 103859795 -18.45
LOC103830526 glutathione S-transferase U23 103830526 -18.40
LOC103841688 F-box/kelch-repeat protein At3g04660 103841688 -18.30
LOC103850722 non-specific lipid-transfer protein-like protein At5g64080 103850722 -18.21
LOC103868681 uncharacterized LOC103868681 103868681 -18.12
LOC103869357 cytochrome P450 705A22 103869357 -18.00
LOC103867404 receptor-like protein EIX1 103867404 -17.98
LOC103828215 uncharacterized LOC103828215 103828215 -17.89
LOC103872470 uncharacterized LOC103872470 103872470 -17.86
LOC103841746 TPR repeat-containing thioredoxin TTL2 103841746 -17.76
LOC103850411 lectin-domain containing receptor kinase VI.3 103850411 -17.66
LOC103871188 root phototropism protein 3 103871188 -17.63
LOC103840429 probable 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase NCED5, chloroplastic 103840429 -17.61
LOC103834760 PAMP-induced secreted peptide 1-like 103834760 -17.59
AOP2-1 probable 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase AOP1 103858722 -17.27
LOC103871242 myrosinase-binding protein 2 103871242 -17.20
LOC103841629 glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase, acidic isoform 103841629 -17.10
LOC103831078 peroxiredoxin-2B 103831078 -17.05
LOC103860817 cytochrome P450 81F3 103860817 -17.00
LOC103861371 PAMP-induced secreted peptide 2 103861371 -16.93
LOC103869013 homocysteine S-methyltransferase 3 103869013 -16.89
LOC103835235 protein TIFY 5A 103835235 -16.88
LOC103862391 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 18 103862391 -16.82
LOC103851161 uncharacterized LOC103851161 103851161 -16.81
LOC103850918 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase 1, chloroplastic 103850918 -16.77
LOC103867180 CBS domain-containing protein CBSX5 103867180 -16.76
LOC103864025 lysine histidine transporter 1 103864025 -16.71
LOC103858656 probable WRKY transcription factor 42 103858656 -16.70
LOC103831856 glycosyltransferase BC10 103831856 -16.68
LOC103855718 embryo-specific protein ATS3B 103855718 -16.59
LOC103861272 cystine lyase CORI3 103861272 -16.56
LOC103858989 U-box domain-containing protein 21 103858989 -16.56
LOC103872656 cytosolic sulfotransferase 17 103872656 -16.55
LOC103854944 SNAP25 homologous protein SNAP33 103854944 -16.55
LOC103866341 glutaredoxin-C13 103866341 -16.54
LOC103860873 probable glucomannan 4-beta-mannosyltransferase 1 103860873 -16.51
WRKY30 probable WRKY transcription factor 30 103874285 -16.35
LOC103854656 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ATL31 103854656 -16.31
LOC103868967 early light-induced protein 1, chloroplastic 103868967 -16.28
LOC103852533 UPF0057 membrane protein At4g30650 103852533 -16.28
LOC103863055 glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase 103863055 -16.26
LOC103873942 inactive TPR repeat-containing thioredoxin TTL3 103873942 -16.24
LOC103854040 uncharacterized LOC103854040 103854040 -16.23
LOC103874109 protein NOI4-like 103874109 -16.22
LOC103859216 auxin-induced in root cultures protein 12 103859216 -16.12
LOC103867373 EID1-like F-box protein 3 103867373 -16.05
LOC103874812 cyclin-dependent kinase 11B 103874812 -16.04
LOC103853128 gibberellin 2-beta-dioxygenase 1 103853128 -16.01
LOC103866728 defensin-like protein 2 103866728 -16.00
LOC103831882 cytosolic sulfotransferase 18 103831882 -15.92
LOC103828375 uncharacterized LOC103828375 103828375 -15.90
LOC103862607 adenylyl-sulfate kinase 2, chloroplastic 103862607 -15.89
Lower 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103828607 uncharacterized LOC103828607 103828607 -23.70
LOC103846880 probable chalcone--flavonone isomerase 3 103846880 -21.11
LOC103860784 UDP-glycosyltransferase 84A1 103860784 -20.79
LOC103856040 chalcone synthase 3 103856040 -20.20
LOC103857059 UDP-glycosyltransferase 79B6-like 103857059 -20.19
LOC103839184 transcription factor HY5-like 103839184 -20.17
LOC103829985 extensin-2 103829985 -19.52
LOC103862371 zinc-finger homeodomain protein 2 103862371 -19.42
LOC103847989 receptor protein kinase-like protein At4g34220 103847989 -19.22
LOC103865149 UDP-glycosyltransferase 74D1 103865149 -19.16
LOC103850591 temperature-sensitive sn-2 acyl-lipid omega-3 desaturase (ferredoxin), chloroplastic 103850591 -19.10
LOC103869163 UDP-glycosyltransferase 84A2 103869163 -19.08
LOC103860415 uncharacterized LOC103860415 103860415 -19.00
LOC103856341 cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase 7 103856341 -18.98
LOC103847177 flavonol synthase/flavanone 3-hydroxylase 103847177 -18.18
LOC103852814 protein HOTHEAD 103852814 -18.13
LOC103841538 uncharacterized LOC103841538 103841538 -17.64
LOC117132800 protein NETWORKED 4B-like 117132800 -17.60
LOC103869673 transcription factor HY5-like 103869673 -17.47
LOC103862937 60S ribosomal protein L38 103862937 -17.46
LOC103859976 early light-induced protein 1, chloroplastic 103859976 -17.38
LOC103844802 transcription factor SPEECHLESS 103844802 -17.22
LOC103871722 cytochrome P450 71A16 103871722 -16.94
LOC103834739 glycine-rich protein 5 103834739 -16.91
LOC103845728 probable pectinesterase 53 103845728 -16.59
LOC103829282 21 kDa protein 103829282 -16.48
LOC108872026 uncharacterized LOC108872026 108872026 -16.43
LOC103861437 ethylene-responsive transcription factor CRF2 103861437 -16.38
LOC103839650 GDSL esterase/lipase At5g45670 103839650 -16.32
LOC103830041 uncharacterized LOC103830041 103830041 -16.30
LOC103835488 xanthotoxin 5-hydroxylase CYP82C4 103835488 -16.27
LOC103865970 protodermal factor 1 103865970 -16.22
LOC103841962 U-box domain-containing protein 36 103841962 -16.17
LOC103861465 growth-regulating factor 8-like 103861465 -16.04
LOC103829155 UDP-D-xylose:L-fucose alpha-1,3-D-xylosyltransferase MGP4 103829155 -15.92
LOC103854310 LOB domain-containing protein 24 103854310 -15.91
LOC103840137 alcohol dehydrogenase-like 3 103840137 -15.88
LOC103849350 uncharacterized LOC103849350 103849350 -15.86
LOC103861985 serine carboxypeptidase 24 103861985 -15.74
LOC103836223 cytochrome P450 77A3 103836223 -15.72
LOC103875246 F-box/kelch-repeat protein At3g27150 103875246 -15.69
LOC103844920 terpenoid synthase 1-like 103844920 -15.56
LOC103831878 catalase-2 103831878 -15.40
LOC103854627 GRF1-interacting factor 1 103854627 -15.30
LOC103827993 uncharacterized LOC103827993 103827993 -15.25
LOC103853815 probable pectinesterase 68 103853815 -15.23
LOC103864387 growth-regulating factor 8 103864387 -15.16
LOC103865238 tyrosine-protein phosphatase DSP2 103865238 -15.14
LOC103865191 putative F-box protein At2g19630 103865191 -15.11
LOC103861008 cytochrome P450 81D11 103861008 -15.08
LOC103841285 putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At3g53590 103841285 -15.00
LOC103865205 cellulose synthase-like protein B3 103865205 -14.98
LOC103841221 growth-regulating factor 4 103841221 -14.98
LOC103872306 protein DETOXIFICATION 12 103872306 -14.80
LOC103856130 transcription factor MYB16 103856130 -14.78
LOC103838503 polygalacturonase At1g48100 103838503 -14.78
LOC103842683 dirigent protein 3 103842683 -14.69
LOC103867202 protein SODIUM POTASSIUM ROOT DEFECTIVE 2 103867202 -14.67
LOC103863377 protein DETOXIFICATION 35 103863377 -14.67
LOC103860449 cytochrome P450 81F1 103860449 -14.67
LOC103836579 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase homolog 6 103836579 -14.63
LOC103843234 cytochrome P450 77A3 103843234 -14.61
LOC103845644 uncharacterized LOC103845644 103845644 -14.61
LOC103855865 protein DETOXIFICATION 28 103855865 -14.59
LOC103867170 protein CER1-like 2 103867170 -14.59
LOC103850907 chalcone synthase 3 103850907 -14.55
LOC103845893 50S ribosomal protein 6, chloroplastic 103845893 -14.55
LOC103829523 cyclin-D3-2 103829523 -14.53
LOC103858255 beta-glucosidase 3 103858255 -14.48
LOC103856907 farnesol kinase, chloroplastic-like 103856907 -14.43
LOC103834722 acid phosphatase 1 103834722 -14.41
LOC103830771 protein HOTHEAD 103830771 -14.39
LOC103830492 uncharacterized LOC103830492 103830492 -14.36
LOC103843286 polygalacturonase At1g48100 103843286 -14.26
LOC117126181 uncharacterized LOC117126181 117126181 -14.21
MYB111 transcription factor MYB111 103875035 -14.21
LOC103859717 transcription factor HY5-like 103859717 -14.20
LOC103865710 jacalin-related lectin 22 103865710 -14.14
LOC103846825 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein DOT3 103846825 -14.13
LOC103836839 transcription factor bHLH57 103836839 -14.12
LOC103856462 uncharacterized LOC103856462 103856462 -14.12
LOC103869167 protein SHI RELATED SEQUENCE 2 103869167 -14.11
LOC103861530 peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase A4, chloroplastic 103861530 -14.09
LOC103846527 chalcone synthase 1 103846527 -14.06
LOC103830418 protein TOO MANY MOUTHS 103830418 -14.05
LOC103840741 extensin-2 103840741 -14.04
LOC103835153 B-box zinc finger protein 19 103835153 -14.01
LOC103832743 inactive GDSL esterase/lipase-like protein 23 103832743 -13.97
LOC103834166 putative terpenoid synthase 7 103834166 -13.96
LOC103835222 jacalin-related lectin 36 103835222 -13.96
LOC103838473 cytosolic sulfotransferase 18 103838473 -13.94
LOC103827888 elongation factor Tu, chloroplastic 103827888 -13.88
LOC103857691 fe(2+) transport protein 1 103857691 -13.84
LOC103865637 type III polyketide synthase A 103865637 -13.81
LOC103842996 casparian strip membrane protein 6 103842996 -13.78
LOC103831745 ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF073 103831745 -13.78
LOC103832025 uncharacterized LOC103832025 103832025 -13.73
LOC103866750 UDP-glycosyltransferase 74F2 103866750 -13.72
LOC103874654 MADS-box protein AGL42-like 103874654 -13.70
LOC103859750 protein CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON 2 103859750 -13.70
Lower 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103873008 uncharacterized LOC103873008 103873008 -32.33
LOC103874664 uncharacterized LOC103874664 103874664 -27.97
LOC103865430 probable vacuolar amino acid transporter YPQ3 103865430 -26.92
LOC103871283 ABC transporter G family member 13 103871283 -25.66
LOC103856454 germin-like protein subfamily 3 member 3 103856454 -25.40
LOC103859446 probable inactive chitinase-like protein LaCIC 103859446 -24.76
LOC103838749 GDSL esterase/lipase At5g03610 103838749 -23.68
LOC103837827 protein MID1-COMPLEMENTING ACTIVITY 2 103837827 -23.55
LOC103837409 uncharacterized LOC103837409 103837409 -23.07
LOC103829332 UDP-glycosyltransferase 85A1 103829332 -22.98
LOC103866653 transcription factor PAR1 103866653 -22.95
LOC103873153 BTB/POZ and TAZ domain-containing protein 2 103873153 -22.89
LOC103854787 vegetative storage protein 2 103854787 -22.87
LOC103851337 probable galactinol--sucrose galactosyltransferase 6 103851337 -22.74
LOC103851359 germin-like protein 1 103851359 -22.54
LOC103845660 germin-like protein 1 103845660 -22.38
LOC103840014 protein EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 103840014 -21.93
LOC103830969 zinc finger protein CONSTANS-LIKE 6 103830969 -21.90
LOC103861597 protein CHLOROPLAST IMPORT APPARATUS 2 103861597 -21.65
LOC103855584 cationic amino acid transporter 6, chloroplastic 103855584 -21.58
LOC103851648 methylesterase 18 103851648 -21.55
LOC103857833 O-acyltransferase WSD1 103857833 -21.44
LOC103860517 chaperone protein dnaJ C76, chloroplastic 103860517 -21.43
LOC117125640 protein VERNALIZATION INSENSITIVE 3-like 117125640 -21.30
LOC103873914 flotillin-like protein 3 103873914 -21.21
LOC103850206 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase GDPD2 103850206 -20.92
LOC103870590 non-specific lipid-transfer protein 6 103870590 -20.90
LOC103852169 lipoxygenase 2, chloroplastic 103852169 -20.86
LOC103828278 inositol oxygenase 2 103828278 -20.82
LOC103855508 probable protein phosphatase 2C 67 103855508 -20.79
LOC103829250 MLP-like protein 423 103829250 -20.70
LOC103830390 lipoxygenase 2, chloroplastic 103830390 -20.20
LOC103851715 protein VERNALIZATION INSENSITIVE 3 103851715 -20.10
LOC103862784 universal stress protein A-like protein 103862784 -20.00
LOC103863737 protein CHLOROPLAST IMPORT APPARATUS 2 103863737 -19.56
LOC103848926 GDSL esterase/lipase LTL1 103848926 -19.37
LOC103856254 (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol acetyltransferase 103856254 -19.33
LOC103856321 monothiol glutaredoxin-S2 103856321 -19.31
LOC103869790 F-box/LRR-repeat protein At3g03360 103869790 -19.27
LOC103850550 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 19 103850550 -19.08
LOC103846370 stress-induced protein KIN2 103846370 -19.02
LOC103872768 chlorophyllase-1 103872768 -18.94
LOC103842466 putative ion channel POLLUX-like 2 103842466 -18.89
LOC103867319 transcription repressor OFP15 103867319 -18.88
LOC103853905 glycine-rich cell wall structural protein 103853905 -18.83
LOC103847739 MLP-like protein 328 103847739 -18.76
LOC103865529 protein ABSCISIC ACID-INSENSITIVE 5 103865529 -18.68
LOC103829663 uncharacterized LOC103829663 103829663 -18.67
LOC103852814 protein HOTHEAD 103852814 -18.46
LOC103831616 phosphomannomutase/phosphoglucomutase 103831616 -18.45
LOC103834480 transcription factor MYB54 103834480 -18.42
LOC103829335 UDP-glycosyltransferase 85A3 103829335 -18.42
LOC103836480 delta-9 desaturase-like 5 protein 103836480 -18.38
LOC103849628 homeobox-leucine zipper protein ATHB-21 103849628 -18.38
LOC103873256 asparagine synthetase [glutamine-hydrolyzing] 103873256 -18.34
LOC103852694 chaperone protein DnaJ 103852694 -18.32
LOC103855014 probable inactive poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase SRO5 103855014 -18.29
LOC103863821 putative 2-succinyl-6-hydroxy-2,4-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate synthase 103863821 -18.26
LOC103868647 uncharacterized LOC103868647 103868647 -18.24
LOC103847016 late embryogenesis abundant protein 46 103847016 -18.24
LOC103858688 thionin 103858688 -18.20
LOC103838369 pectinesterase inhibitor 10 103838369 -18.20
LOC103861866 acanthoscurrin-1 103861866 -18.17
LOC103829334 UDP-glycosyltransferase 85A1 103829334 -18.05
LOC103866046 uncharacterized LOC103866046 103866046 -18.04
LOC103828040 alkane hydroxylase MAH1 103828040 -18.03
LOC103849526 alpha-humulene/(-)-(E)-beta-caryophyllene synthase 103849526 -18.01
LOC103860780 linolenate hydroperoxide lyase, chloroplastic 103860780 -17.99
LOC103828008 cold-regulated protein 27 103828008 -17.94
LOC103867320 transcription repressor OFP6 103867320 -17.88
LOC103868079 uncharacterized LOC103868079 103868079 -17.83
LOC103858029 transcription factor PAR1-like 103858029 -17.78
LOC103845694 probable galactinol--sucrose galactosyltransferase 6 103845694 -17.77
LOC103843234 cytochrome P450 77A3 103843234 -17.77
LOC103857524 putative transcription elongation factor SPT5 homolog 2 103857524 -17.70
LOC103852769 kunitz trypsin inhibitor 2 103852769 -17.69
LOC103848310 transcription factor bHLH67 103848310 -17.64
LOC103871448 4-substituted benzoates-glutamate ligase GH3.12 103871448 -17.63
LOC103847081 gibberellin 20 oxidase 3 103847081 -17.63
LOC103842967 zinc-finger homeodomain protein 4 103842967 -17.42
LOC103869357 cytochrome P450 705A22 103869357 -17.39
LOC103872427 organic cation/carnitine transporter 6 103872427 -17.33
LOC103866974 indole-3-acetic acid-amido synthetase GH3.5 103866974 -17.25
LOC103853525 probable cysteine protease RDL4 103853525 -17.19
LOC103867807 WAT1-related protein At4g28040 103867807 -17.15
LOC103850640 cytosolic sulfotransferase 15 103850640 -17.08
LOC103836459 zinc finger protein CONSTANS-LIKE 7 103836459 -17.07
LOC103829234 MLP-like protein 423 103829234 -17.01
LOC103838455 probable lipid desaturase ADS3.2, chloroplastic 103838455 -16.96
LOC103842683 dirigent protein 3 103842683 -16.94
LOC103843078 cytochrome P450 71B7 103843078 -16.92
LOC103828971 uncharacterized LOC103828971 103828971 -16.90
LOC103856541 probable glucuronoxylan glucuronosyltransferase F8H 103856541 -16.81
LOC103861027 GDSL esterase/lipase At4g18970 103861027 -16.80
LOC103842587 uncharacterized LOC103842587 103842587 -16.73
LOC103842220 cycloeucalenol cycloisomerase 103842220 -16.70
LOC103871213 uncharacterized LOC103871213 103871213 -16.65
LOC103862332 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 16 103862332 -16.62
LOC103846290 light-regulated protein-like 103846290 -16.50
LOC103855708 polygalacturonase inhibitor 1 103855708 -16.48
Lower 100 Genes
Symbol Function* Entrez Gene ID* Other ID PC
LOC103840295 uncharacterized LOC103840295 103840295 -27.96
LOC103859616 probable protein phosphatase 2C 39 103859616 -25.10
LOC103854874 squalene epoxidase 5 103854874 -25.03
LOC117132950 uncharacterized LOC117132950 117132950 -23.40
LOC103874801 alpha-humulene/(-)-(E)-beta-caryophyllene synthase 103874801 -23.17
LOC103859854 probable inactive serine/threonine-protein kinase fnkC 103859854 -22.94
LOC117128242 uncharacterized LOC117128242 117128242 -22.90
LOC103830082 protein STRICTOSIDINE SYNTHASE-LIKE 9 103830082 -22.01
LOC103859446 probable inactive chitinase-like protein LaCIC 103859446 -21.12
LOC103836663 probable desiccation-related protein LEA14 103836663 -21.01
LOC103856772 auxin efflux carrier component 2 103856772 -20.80
LOC103869679 late embryogenesis abundant protein, group 3 103869679 -20.79
LOC103833837 uncharacterized LOC103833837 103833837 -20.79
LOC103855696 late embryogenesis abundant protein 46 103855696 -20.53
LOC103852245 uncharacterized LOC103852245 103852245 -20.28
LOC103839241 uncharacterized LOC103839241 103839241 -20.19
LOC103847016 late embryogenesis abundant protein 46 103847016 -19.92
LOC103852807 uncharacterized LOC103852807 103852807 -19.48
LOC103850481 uncharacterized LOC103850481 103850481 -19.47
LOC103836763 sucrose synthase 3 103836763 -19.47
LOC103837679 dehydrin Rab18 103837679 -19.25
LOC103836091 nodulin-related protein 1 103836091 -19.05
LOC103830648 uncharacterized LOC103830648 103830648 -19.03
LOC103874257 alpha-humulene/(-)-(E)-beta-caryophyllene synthase 103874257 -18.95
LOC103843722 uncharacterized LOC103843722 103843722 -18.84
LOC103836007 inactive squalene synthase 2 103836007 -18.54
LOC103840010 PYK10-binding protein 1 103840010 -18.20
LOC103858961 stress-induced protein KIN2 103858961 -18.08
LOC103829776 cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 11 103829776 -17.92
LOC103855044 cytochrome P450 94B1 103855044 -17.85
LOC103857735 NADPH-dependent aldo-keto reductase, chloroplastic 103857735 -17.72
LOC103852216 uncharacterized LOC103852216 103852216 -17.67
LOC103843717 uncharacterized LOC103843717 103843717 -17.50
LOC103836958 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase dbl4 103836958 -17.48
LOC103852564 inositol-3-phosphate synthase 103852564 -17.34
MAM1-1 methylthioalkylmalate synthase 1, chloroplastic 103860538 -17.33
LOC103857661 aquaporin PIP2-2 103857661 -17.16
LOC103839612 uncharacterized LOC103839612 103839612 -17.10
LOC108871395 dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (NADP(+)), chloroplastic 108871395 -17.09
LOC103839852 probable plastid-lipid-associated protein 1, chloroplastic 103839852 -17.09
LOC103862394 acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase 103862394 -17.06
LOC103867063 uncharacterized LOC103867063 103867063 -17.04
LOC103868228 probable aquaporin TIP2-2 103868228 -16.99
LOC103850771 uncharacterized LOC103850771 103850771 -16.92
LOC103848870 uncharacterized protein ECU03_1610 103848870 -16.87
LOC103855340 calcium uniporter protein 3, mitochondrial 103855340 -16.87
LOC103857129 low-temperature-induced 65 kDa protein-like 103857129 -16.78
LOC103847299 salicylate/benzoate carboxyl methyltransferase 103847299 -16.74
LOC103851161 uncharacterized LOC103851161 103851161 -16.70
LOC103840671 uncharacterized LOC103840671 103840671 -16.62
LOC103855488 uncharacterized LOC103855488 103855488 -16.52
LOC103852107 low-temperature-induced 65 kDa protein 103852107 -16.43
LOC103861348 MLP-like protein 328 103861348 -16.33
LOC117125660 probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase XERICO 117125660 -16.29
LOC103828607 uncharacterized LOC103828607 103828607 -16.15
LOC103851584 non-specific lipid-transfer protein 4 103851584 -16.07
LOC103836092 nodulin-related protein 1-like 103836092 -15.92
LOC103835686 MLP-like protein 31 103835686 -15.88
LOC103860890 expansin-like B1 103860890 -15.87
LOC103869890 late embryogenesis abundant protein 29 103869890 -15.86
LOC103852642 glycine-rich protein DOT1 103852642 -15.85
LOC103831081 uncharacterized LOC103831081 103831081 -15.84
LOC103859955 mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 4 103859955 -15.74
LOC103859265 uncharacterized LOC103859265 103859265 -15.73
LOC103835389 uncharacterized LOC103835389 103835389 -15.62
LOC103854791 protein RESPONSE TO LOW SULFUR 2-like 103854791 -15.58
LOC103873541 cytochrome P450 71A26 103873541 -15.53
LOC103833974 tricyclene synthase, chloroplastic 103833974 -15.52
LOC103852946 bifunctional nuclease 1 103852946 -15.52
LOC103840029 PYK10-binding protein 2 103840029 -15.51
LOC103873566 uncharacterized LOC103873566 103873566 -15.50
LOC103852514 phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase 103852514 -15.50
LOC103853369 venom phosphodiesterase 2-like 103853369 -15.49
LOC103840296 uncharacterized LOC103840296 103840296 -15.43
GSL-OH probable 2-oxoacid dependent dioxygenase 103857464 -15.40
LOC103835766 uncharacterized LOC103835766 103835766 -15.37
LOC103828075 kinesin-like protein KIN-7F 103828075 -15.20
LOC103839794 uncharacterized LOC103839794 103839794 -15.17
LOC103868610 uncharacterized LOC103868610 103868610 -15.14
LOC103867419 uncharacterized LOC103867419 103867419 -15.11
LOC103854923 transcription factor MYB34 103854923 -15.10
LOC103853675 WUSCHEL-related homeobox 8 103853675 -15.09
LOC103869165 uncharacterized LOC103869165 103869165 -15.03
LOC103840593 uncharacterized LOC103840593 103840593 -14.96
LOC103831349 methyltransferase-like protein 7A 103831349 -14.96
LOC103871448 4-substituted benzoates-glutamate ligase GH3.12 103871448 -14.95
LOC103864856 oleosin 14.9 kDa 103864856 -14.92
LOC103834708 venom phosphodiesterase 2 103834708 -14.88
LOC103845201 uncharacterized LOC103845201 103845201 -14.81
LOC103875061 truncated transcription factor CAULIFLOWER A 103875061 -14.75
LOC103837267 protein SULFUR DEFICIENCY-INDUCED 1 103837267 -14.75
LOC103830889 WAT1-related protein At1g70260 103830889 -14.73
LOC103853062 probable acyl-activating enzyme 4 103853062 -14.70
LOC103848786 uncharacterized LOC103848786 103848786 -14.64
LOC103854429 uncharacterized LOC103854429 103854429 -14.60
LOC103855005 non-functional NADPH-dependent codeinone reductase 2 103855005 -14.60
LOC103840659 uncharacterized LOC103840659 103840659 -14.58
LOC103840578 late embryogenesis abundant protein 76 103840578 -14.55
LOC103852462 FCS-Like Zinc finger 7 103852462 -14.53
LOC103855087 transcription factor MYB34 103855087 -14.50

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