Your request is "AT1G78760". (17 hits)

Arabidopsis gene search

One gene is found.
Shaded gene do not have affy data.
Species Symbol Target* Full name Supportability* Num.of GO Num.of KEGG Coexpressed
gene list
Gene ID*
UniProt ID PDB ID Ortholog ID list
ath AT1G78760 nucl 5 F-box/RNI-like superfamily protein 1 0   844212 A0A178W3Q2

Soybean gene search

5 gene(s) are found.
Shaded gene do not have affy data.
Species Symbol Target* Full name Supportability* Num.of GO Num.of KEGG Coexpressed
gene list
Gene ID*
UniProt ID PDB ID Ortholog ID list
gma LOC100811594 cyto 8 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760 0 0   100811594 K7LJ82
gma LOC102662472 chlo 7 nucl 4 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760 0 0   102662472  
gma LOC102663159 cyto 6 nucl 5 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760 0 0   102663159 A0A368UHJ7
gma LOC102668512 cyto 9 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760 0 0   102668512  
gma LOC112997778 cyto 6 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760 0 0   112997778  

Tomato gene search

One gene is found.
Shaded gene do not have affy data.
Species Symbol Target* Full name Supportability* Num.of GO Num.of KEGG Coexpressed
gene list
Gene ID*
UniProt ID PDB ID Ortholog ID list
sly LOC101260658 cyto 5 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760   0 0 101260658 [ID list]

Rice gene search

One gene is found.
Shaded gene do not have affy data.
Species Symbol Target* Full name Supportability* Num.of GO Num.of KEGG Coexpressed
gene list
Gene ID*
UniProt ID PDB ID Ortholog ID list
osa LOC4335929 nucl 5 MEIOTIC F-BOX protein MOF-like   0 0 4335929 B7EJR8
[ID list]

Medicago gene search

9 gene(s) are found.
Shaded gene do not have affy data.
Species Symbol Target* Full name Supportability* Num.of GO Num.of KEGG Coexpressed
gene list
Gene ID*
UniProt ID PDB ID Ortholog ID list
mtr LOC112420834 cyto 4 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760 0 0   112420834  
mtr LOC11407543 cyto 5 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760   0 0 11407543
mtr LOC11424687 mito 5 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760 0 0   11424687  
mtr LOC11434568 nucl 6 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760 0 0   11434568  
mtr LOC11441224 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760 0 0 11441224
mtr LOC11444519 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760 0 0   11444519  
mtr LOC25488972 cyto 6 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760 0 0 25488972 A0A072UWC2
[ID list]
mtr LOC25496968 nucl 6 chlo 4 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760 0 0 25496968 A0A072UCL4
[ID list]
mtr LOC25500401 nucl 6 putative F-box/FBD/LRR-repeat protein At1g78760 0 0 25500401 G8A2T3
[ID list]

The preparation time of this page was 1.8 [sec].