Correspondence to reported cis elements* on sequence level (perfect match)

reported seqreported namereference

CEG profile for position preference

CEG profile for exprimental conditions

Red circles indicate absolute CEG value > 0.06. Experimental condition pop up when the mouse is over a sample of red circle.

Analysis of functional categories (BP or CC*) related to presence of TCATGCA

GO IDterm-Log(p)number of
{A; genes in a GO}
numver of
{B; genes with this heptamer}
{A} x {B}
no functional bias detected

List of predicted TFs whose mRNA profiles are correlated (|r| > 0.4, up to 15 TFs) with CEG profile of TCATGCA.

correlTFfunction ((alias))*TF family
(link to AGRIS)
-0.53At3g21175zinc finger (GATA type) family protein ((ZML1)) C2C2-Gata
0.47At1g69570Dof-type zinc finger domain-containing protein C2C2-Dof
0.43At3g47500Dof-type zinc finger domain-containing protein C2C2-Dof
-0.43At3g07650zinc finger (B-box type) family protein C2C2-CO-like
-0.42At1g17460myb family transcription factor MYB-related
0.42At2g42830agamous-like MADS box protein AGL5 / floral homeodomain transcription factor (AGL5) ((AGL5, SHP2)) MADS
-0.41At5g48250zinc finger (B-box type) family protein C2C2-CO-like
0.40At3g02380zinc finger protein CONSTANS-LIKE 2 (COL2) ((CO, COL2)) C2C2-CO-like
0.40At3g15510no apical meristem (NAM) family protein (NAC2) ((ATNAC2)) NAC

link to other 304 cis elements in ATTED

similar seq.

complimentary; TGCATGA
cis with similar CEG profile
similar cisCEG correlmaxCEGbest position